Hacker News

Reality has a surprising amount of detail (2017)
72 points29 comments3 days agojohnsalvatier.org
Every .gov Domain
183 points166 comments8 hours agoflatgithub.com
Train Your Own O1 Preview Model Within $450
284 points45 comments9 hours agosky.cs.berkeley.edu
Johnny.Decimal – A system to organise your life
100 points78 comments3 hours agojohnnydecimal.com
Show HN: Txeo – A Modern C++ Wrapper for TensorFlow
4 points1 comment53 minutes agogithub.com
Bybit CEO Confirms Exchange Was Hacked for $1.46B
13 points1 comment19 minutes agotradingview.com
All Is Unfinished: Henri Bergson's philosophy for our times
6 points0 comments4 days agothenation.com
Sweden Investigates New Cable Break Under Baltic Sea
95 points60 comments4 hours agonytimes.com