
Weird, Rare, and Everywhere

78 points1
baumschubser1 year ago

While it looks like an absolute stunning place, most of the photos have a compressed dynamic range that really make me physically hard to focus anything. Really an extreme case of "pulling 'HDR' to 11".

devb1 year ago

Which pictures, exactly? They look pretty well balanced to me, and the histograms agree.

loa_in_1 year ago

Only the white flower in the forest one seems unnatural

NegativeK1 year ago

The death of highlights and shadows.

api_or_ipa1 year ago

Very cool. Being born and raised in the province, when someone mentions the BC coast, I immediately conjure up a mental image of soaring mountains, glistening glaciers, heavily forested mountain-sides and deep fjords. I'll admit, I had no idea there was anything but the image I just described. Never knew there were significant bogs in the area. Sounds like I need to do more exploring of this beautiful coast line!