
Cats are (almost) liquid

191 points10
move-on-by6 hours ago

> While dogs slowed down and hesitated before they attempted to use an uncomfortably small opening, in the case of cats, we did not detect this change in their behavior before their attempt to go through even the narrowest openings. However, remarkably, cats showed hesitation both before they attempted to penetrate the shortest openings, and while they moved through it.

I just skimmed, but I didn’t see any mention whiskers. It’s seems to me that cats can make highly precise measurements of width just by sticking their heads in a space, but height judgments requires additional consideration.

melvyn25 hours ago

> Cats are also aided by their large and sensitive vibrissae, which are positioned on such locations of their head that the cat can detect nearby obstacles in closer encounters. Vibrissal sensation can compensate for the somewhat weaker vision in cats from closer distances or in poorly illuminated environments. Therefore, it is possible that cats approached the narrow openings in our experiment without differential hesitation, and they could use their vibrissae to assess the suitability of the apertures before penetrating them.

move-on-by5 hours ago

Oh thank you! I’m just a lowly cat owner and did not know what vibrissae are.

ChrisMarshallNY5 hours ago

If you have ever put a cone on a cat (which lasts about five minutes), you see they get crazy. They hug the walls.

Their whiskers are a major factor in their perception.

I think they can also dislocate their spine.

My cat likes to sit in what we call his "Buddha" position, with his back bent about 90 degrees, and his paws in front. This seems to be a common position. He'll sit like that for an hour.

Optimal_Persona5 hours ago

I think the cones must also screw up their aural spatial sensation (changing their perception of sound from fairly omni-directional, to seeming like all the sounds are coming from in front of the cone).

shepherdjerred5 hours ago

My cats are weird and loved their cones after they got neutered. One would stick his head back in the cone after I took it off.

ninalanyon4 hours ago

I think all cats are weird in their own way. Our cat often sunbathed in the middle of parking space across the road. We occasionally had to go out to fetch him because he would refuse to move when someone started to drive into the space.

diggan5 hours ago

From skimming the HN comments:

> Wiskers are mentioned, but using the scientific name - vibrissae

pmahoney6 hours ago
accrual6 hours ago

I love C&H and am blown away there was something so applicable. Felt like an XKCD moment!

cosmojg3 hours ago

C&H moments are the original XKCD moments!

wormlord7 hours ago

Before I had cats, I used to think of them in terms of other animals. What I mean is that a dog or a horse is very defined by its skeletal structure. They are like popsicle stick armatures with some flesh thrown on.

Now I think of cats more like amorphous blobs with some hard bits stuck on. I think anyone who owns a cat will know what I mean by this.

bl4ckneon7 hours ago

My cat often lays down twisted 180 degrees or more. Just doing whatever they want, defying laws of nature.

9dev6 hours ago

Well, dogs also do this—I present to you my majestically twisted creature:

I have no clue how that is even possible.

voidmain00015 hours ago
johnnyanmac2 hours ago
squarefoot6 hours ago

Brought memories of one of my cats (now silent meow) who also added the Italian equivalent of a middle finger.

debo_6 hours ago

Your dog is the inverse of the Firefox.

bayindirh6 hours ago

I almost sprayed all my tea to my monitor and keyboard.

Wish both of you a happy and derpy life together.

lisper6 hours ago

Clearly your dog has been possessed by a demon.

hugocast5 hours ago

Dog Yoga

jeffbee6 hours ago

Horse is practically all air. That's their secret. They are blimps with legs.

nonameiguess6 hours ago

For what it's worth, their hips and shoulders are actually limited in range of motion compared to humans, due to the very high muscle attachment points that are also what make them so amazingly strong and explosive for their small size. But an extremely flexible spine combined with the ability to dislocate key joints means they can still fit into very small, narrow spaces, presumably an adaptation allowing them to hunt small rodents that burrow and hide out in underground dens. Which I assume is why they have the instinct to immediately jump into and check out any box or cabinet or other enclosed space you open. You never know if there might be some voles in there.

psunavy036 hours ago

They actually prefer to jump in a box because to them, it's a safe space to hide and watch. Cats look for spaces like that because their wild ancestors (and feral cats now) are small enough that they are both predators and prey.

fluoridation6 hours ago

Yup. Same reason why they like to climb to high places. They can feel safe and survey the surroundings. Additionally, cats will hide in confined spaces when ill or in pain; a sudden desire to hide for prolonged periods is a sign that it needs to see a vet.

kijin5 hours ago
refulgentis6 hours ago

> actually

I spit my coffee out

stavros6 hours ago

> You never know if there might be some voles in there

I like to think I always know if there might be some voles in my boxes and cabinets.

Volundr1 hour ago

That's just what the voles want you to think.

bayindirh7 hours ago

I, for one, know, understand and welcome our almost liquid feline overlords.

wiredfool6 hours ago

Purring bags of mostly water.

pvg6 hours ago

Missing a cite to some pioneering work on this in the 30s by A.S.J. Tessimond [1]

Cats no less liquid than their shadows

Offer no angles to the wind.

They slip, diminished, neat through loopholes

Less than themselves; will not be pinned


evilotto4 hours ago

Not to mention Fardin, 2014.

metalman12 minutes ago

I watched as a cat dove through a narrow opening (stair baulsters)only to wedge its aft end,stop dead,do a totaly ignoble face plant,and then sort of oooze through to land gracelessly. So in this case there was no hesitation,and cats regularly missjudge and get run over by cars,so at best the data is just

tirant3 hours ago

These are old news for those of us that grew bonsai kittens in the late 90s.

Obviously it was a hoax, probably one of the first ones reaching the first generation of internet users. But lots of people fell for it.

runxel5 hours ago

Oh but that is old news!

"On the Rheology of Cats":

ChoHag5 hours ago

Now that is what a dry academic paper about cats is supposed to look like. Cat pictures on every page.

theginger17 minutes ago

This science paper could have been a cat meme video. Never thought I would be saying that and meaning it literally.

jmspring6 hours ago

Having 7 cats, they are all different. My oldest mail holds himself rigid. The youngest male - still a kitten - is a noodle of murder and destruction.

zafka5 hours ago

Nice Description. A black noodle just joined our other 5 cats.

jmspring5 hours ago

Black cats are the best. She is one of two sisters (oldest cats at 9 at this point). 17 pounds of chunk loving. Annoying as all get out, but will literally roll around on the arm of the couch and “accidentally” drop into my lap.

My wife and I go between two locations, today will be the first time 4 of the cats meet the murder noodle.

kator1 hour ago

Interesting because I have recently been trying to catch a stray cat for a capture-release process and the cat will not walk into a typical trap-door type wire mesh trap. Watching him on video the roof of the trap seems to freak him out. It seems a better trap would have a narrow gap with high door that lets them confidently walk into the trap and trigger would just block the slot perhaps with some sort of sliding door blocking the exit.

stef256 hours ago

There's no mention of their whiskers, I was under the impression that this is what they use to become aware of their body size in tight spaces.

dist-epoch5 hours ago

Wiskers are mentioned, but using the scientific name - vibrissae

pugworthy5 hours ago

The overhead view of figure 3 in particular is noteworthy to me. The 3 human subjects are represented as abstract ovals, and the cat drawn as a cat who is staring up as if to look through the fourth ceiling at the reader.

The reader becomes, in a sense, a greeble.

This paper would have been a fun project for a scientific illustrator.

pugworthy33 minutes ago

For reference, in the cat realm a greeble is what cats are looking at when they stare up at the ceiling or wall and there is nothing there. At least that you can see.

So instead of the real cat staring at the imaginary greeble, we the reader are the real greeble staring at the imaginary cat. Who is staring back because it can see us.

sandebert5 hours ago
damontal6 hours ago

This sounds like something Karl Pilkington would come up with.

tencentshill6 hours ago

I wonder if the same experiment could be done with big cats - Would an opening that touches the mane of a lion have the same results?

wildylion4 hours ago

The cat will just get annoyed - it's a shaggy tangly thing that always gets in the way.

Speaking from personal experience >:3

penguin_booze1 hour ago
0x1ceb00da6 hours ago

We need a documentary.

mytailorisrich3 hours ago

Anecdotally my cat is always very cautious before going through cat flags, which are not particularly narrow but very short, but never hesitate to run into narrow but deep stuff...

carabiner4 hours ago

This is why they flow out of our grasp.

dekhn6 hours ago
joshuamcginnis6 hours ago


loloquwowndueo6 hours ago

The early networks that evolved into the modern Internet were mostly paid for with public funds, and they’re used nowadays mostly to watch cat videos. I don’t see anyone complaining about that /)

brnaftr3616 hours ago

I complain about it frequently, actually, in context of commercial use and the "commons" the Internet is founded on.

These things also don't compare.

joshuamcginnis6 hours ago

Comparing the advent of the internet with a study on the flexibility and agility of cats in tight spaces isn't exactly apples to apples.

exe346 hours ago

no, it might lead to better surgery robots, search and rescue robots, and countless things that I'm not even capable of imagining.

you are the one comparing apples to oranges - the internet has been around for 50 years and has shown its value - this one has just been published!

klibertp4 hours ago
joshuamcginnis6 hours ago
Y-bar6 hours ago

NKFIH, grant # K143077 is not for this study specifically, searching for it reveals a number of studies the same grant supported, such as:


joshuamcginnis6 hours ago

That's right. This study falls under the parent grant entitled:

> Péter Pongrácz: The human as a limited resource - a new paradigm to understand social behavior in dogs (Eötvös Loránd University)

bayindirh6 hours ago

When asking these kinds of questions, I always remind myself "The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge" [0].

On the other hand, I believe that researching how animals think, behave and "work" in general, is a very important part of being human. They're alive, too, and they defy tons of prejudice we have about them over and over. We need to revise tons of knowledge about animals and other living things, in general.


joshuamcginnis6 hours ago

So what exactly is your criteria for when a study should or should not be publicly funded?

bayindirh6 hours ago

Good question.

I think if there's a large corpus of research supporting a hypothesis, any research retrying that hypothesis in an insignificant way can be disqualified from funding. If you challenge the hypothesis, or adding something significant to the dark areas of that hypothesis, you could be funded.

Moreover, if your research fails to prove that hypothesis, or proves the exact opposite, that should be also printed/published somewhere, because failing is equally important in science.

In short, tell us something we don't know in a provable way. That's it. This is what science is.

This is what I think with about your question with my Sysadmin/Researcher/Ph.D. hats combined.

joshuamcginnis6 hours ago
coldpie6 hours ago

Why are you asking us? I'm not a research scientist/funding expert. There are people whose job it is to decide that, and they decided it was. I trust them to do their jobs, just like they trust me to do my job when they need my services.

joshuamcginnis6 hours ago
rootusrootus6 hours ago

This whole thread started because you implied this study was worthless. Would be interested to hear your criteria.

joshuamcginnis6 hours ago

It's entirely rational and reasonable for someone to at least ask and receive a decent response to the question, "Why should my tax dollars have been used to funded this research?" Academia should have great responses lined up which garner continued support from the public.

But the fact that we aren't even allowed to ask questions without immediately being shut down as dissenters of all publicly funded research is problematic.

Public research should absolutely be at least partially evaluated by the very people funding it to begin with.

keybored6 hours ago

Hungarians aren’t brutish optimizers who cut costs and strive for uniformity and blandness; they are not like those philistines that know the cost of everything but the value of nothing. Or else they wouldn’t speak Hungarian.

brnaftr3616 hours ago

Even better that it got published in Cell.

wormlord6 hours ago

Wait until you learn about something called "the military"

joshuamcginnis6 hours ago

FYI, the cats are not literally almost liquid in body composition.

t-36 hours ago

"Almost" is a bit vague and probably too strong, but they are mostly water, just like other mammals.

krapp6 hours ago

Therefore they are more properly classified as soups.

maxbond6 hours ago

Noted ontologist Pirate Software would argue that cats are a Wellington, not a soup.

krapp5 hours ago

I can't refute his logic.

orangeartist5 hours ago
fluoridation5 hours ago

Save for their skeletons and other dry structures like hair and shells, animals are in fact gels.

WJW4 hours ago

Maybe they're more broth-like? Also the paper at seems to indicate that they are "active rheological materials" and therefore probably non-Newtonian.

joshuamcginnis6 hours ago

That's a lot of ambiguity for a scientific paper. Even if it's true (Cats are about 60-70% water), that's not the point of the title.

I suspect its because it makes for a catchy headline.

aithrowawaycomm3 hours ago

Catchy headline, but also in a fluid in a dynamical sense - cats "flow" into spaces when exploring by trial-and-error testing openings with their body size, but they are also only "almost" liquid in that for especially narrow openings they are reluctant to poke their heads in, presumably because they might get stuck.

The contrast with dogs in the introduction is instructive: dogs tend to hunt over open fields rather than chasing prey into narrow dens, so it makes sense they would tend to make conservative eyeball judgments about whether they can fit into certain spaces. But cats will try to corner their prey in a tunnel/etc, so they have good reason to rely more on touch and experimentation ("ecologically-valid strategy").

accrual6 hours ago

I agree. I think it's a bit of nod into the playfulness most associate with cats. I don't mind though, cats are one subject I'm okay with some leeway in the rigorousness of the article title.

add-sub-mul-div6 hours ago


debo_6 hours ago
