
Tubeworms live beneath the planetary crust around deep-sea vents

40 points4
blakesterz3 hours ago

The study is here:

Lots of cool pictures if you like oceanography stuff.

RachelF21 minutes ago

The title of the article is incorrect, the worms live in the crust, not "beneath the planetary crust" (in the magma).

The Economist magazine is not what it used to be, sadly.

r00fus30 minutes ago

There's a theory that life actually originated not directly through photosynthesis based life, but originally from a very constant source of energy - the earth's crust - Hyperthermophile archaea - using non-oxygen based metabolism which migrated to the surface where photosynthesis evolved and took over as the core energy source.

All laid out in Paul Davies' book - fascinating read:

polishdude2021 minutes ago

Similar to Nick Lane's work!

ruleryak1 hour ago - mirrored

I won't pretend to be a biologist, so forgive me if this is naïve, but this does feel like it's at least within the realm of possibility of working similarly on Europa, right? As in a non-zero chance at least.

bityard2 hours ago


herdymerzbow47 minutes ago
1egg0myegg02 hours ago

Are we in the Dune timeline?

Tagbert2 hours ago

Yes, but we have to get through the Butlerian Jihad first.