
Understanding SIMD: Infinite complexity of trivial problems

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marmaduke47 minutes ago

My approach to this is to write a bunch of tiny “kernels” which are obvious to SIMD and then inline them all, and it does a pretty good job on x86 and arm

dragontamer22 hours ago

Intel needs to see what has happened to their AVX instructions and why NVidia has taken over.

If you just wrote your SIMD in CUDA 15 years ago, NVidia compilers would have given you maximum performance across all NVidia GPUs rather than being forced to write and rewrite in SSE vs AVX vs AVX512.

GPU SIMD is still SIMD. Just... better at it. I think AMD and Intel GPUs can keep up btw. But software advantage and long term benefits of rewriting into CUDA are heavily apparent.

Intel ISPC is a great project btw if you need high level code that targets SSE, AVX, AVX512 and even ARM NEON all with one codebase + auto compiling across all the architectures.


Intels AVX512 is pretty good at a hardware level. But software methodology to interact with SIMD using GPU-like languages should be a priority.

Intrinsics are good for maximum performance but they are too hard for mainstream programmers.

jsheard22 hours ago

> Intel ISPC is a great project btw if you need high level code that targets SSE, AVX, AVX512 and even ARM NEON

It's pretty funny how NEON ended up in there. A former Intel employee decided to implement it for fun and submitted it as a pull request, which Intel quietly ignored for obvious reasons, but then another former Intel employee who still had commit rights merged the PR, and the optics of publicly reverting it would be even worse than stonewalling so Intel begrudgingly let it stand (but they did revoke that devs commit rights).

adrian_b5 hours ago

While there is some truth in what you say, it makes seem like writing in the CUDA style is something new and revolutionary invented by NVIDIA, which it is not.

The CUDA style of writing parallel programs is nothing else than the use of the so-called "parrallel do" a.k.a. "parrallel for" program structure, which has been already discussed in 1963. Notable later evolutions of this concept have been present in "Communicating Sequential Processes" by C.A.R. Hoare (1978-08: "arrays of processes"), then in the programming language Occam, which was designed based on what Hoare had described, then in the OpenMP extension of Fortran (1997-10), then in the OpenMP extension of C and C++ (1998-10).

Programming in CUDA does not bring anything new, except that in comparison e.g. with OpenMP some keywords are implicit and others are different, so the equivalence is not immediately obvious.

Programming for CPUs in the much older OpenMP is equivalent with programming in CUDA for GPUs.

The real innovation of NVIDIA has been the high quality of the NVIDIA CUDA compiler and CUDA runtime GPU driver, which are able to distribute the work that must be done on the elements of an array over all the available cores, threads and SIMD lanes, in a manner that is transparent for the programmer, so in many cases the programmer is free to ignore which is the actual structure of the GPU that will run the program.

Previous compilers for OpenMP or for other such programming language extensions for parallel programming have been much less capable to produce efficient parallel programs without being tuned by the programmer for each hardware variant.

pjmlp21 hours ago

It is worse than that, given that AVX is the survivor from Larrabee great plan to kill GPUs.

Larrabee was going to take over it all, as I enjoyed its presentation at GDCE 2009.

Earw0rm6 hours ago

And a few years later, Intel said we'd get AVX512 on everything by 2016, and that the instruction encoding supported a future extension to 1024.

And then the Skylake and Cannon Lake debacle..

First they pulled it from the consumer chips a fairly short time before launch. Then the server chips it was present in would downclock aggressively when you did use it, so you could get at best maybe 40% more performance, certainly far from the 2x+ it promised.

Ten years on and the AMD 9950X does a pretty good job with it, however.

dragontamer20 hours ago

I mean, 288-E Core Xeons are about to ship. Xeon 6900 series, right? (Estimated to ship in Q1 2025)

So Larrabee lives on for... some reason. These E cores are well known to be modified Intel Atom cores and those were modified Xeon Phi cores which were Larrabee based.

Just with.... AVX512 being disabled. (Lost when Xeon Phi turned into Intel Atoms).

Intels technical strategy is completely bonkers. In a bad way. Intel invented all this tech 10 to 20 years ago but fails to have a cohesive strategy to bring it to market. There's clearly smart people there but somehow all the top level decisions are just awful

ashvardanian14 hours ago

Yes, a lot of weird decisions were made at Intel.

Ironically, AMD waited so long to implement AVX-512, but now has it on both server and mobile chips (natively and 256 bit emulation, respectively). Intel started the whole thing, has a very fragmented stack and is now preparing those E cores with even more new extensions.

Most importantly for Search and AI, it adds AVX_VNNI, which can be used for faster 8-bit integer dot-products:

Would be interesting to see how matrix multiplication throughput will differ between AVX-512-capable P cores and a larger quantity of AVX_VNNI-capable E cores!

alfiedotwtf3 hours ago

A former Intel CEO even wrote a book where every product was planned 20+ years in advance.

Imagine planning 20 years in advance where Moore’s Law is still going strong. Come to think of it, Moore was also CEO of Intel lol

janwas5 hours ago

Max performance is a stretch - recompilation would not utilize tensor cores, right?

"too hard for mainstream programmers" seems overly pessimistic. I've run several workshops where devs have written dot-product kernels using Highway after 30 minutes of introduction.

variadix20 hours ago

How much of this is because CUDA is designed for GPU execution and because the GPU ISA isn’t a stable interface? E.g. new GPU instructions can be utilized by new CUDA compilers for new hardware because the code wasn’t written to a specific ISA? Also, don’t people fine tune GPU kernels per architecture manually (either by hand or via automated optimizers that test combinations in the configuration space)?

dragontamer19 hours ago

NVidia PTX is a very stable interface.

And the PTX to SASS compiler DOES a degree of automatic fine tuning between architectures. Nothing amazing or anything, but it's a minor speed boost that has made PTX just a easier 'assembly-like language' to build on top of.

janwas5 hours ago

My understanding is that there is a lot of hand-writing (not just fine-tuning) going on. AFAIK CuDNN and TensorRT are written directly as SASS, not CUDA. And the presence of FP8 in H100, but not A100, would likely require a complete rewrite.

jabl7 hours ago

Sometimes I wonder about an alternative history scenario where CPU ISA's would have chosen a SIMT style model instead of SIMD. "Just" have something like fork/join instructions to start/stop vector mode, otherwise use the standard scalar instructions in both scalar and vector mode. Would have avoided a lot of combinatorial explosion in instructions. (of course you'd have to do something for cross-lane operations, and later tensor instructions etc.)

janwas5 hours ago

Not sure why SIMT would help, it requires more compiler transforms than if the code is written for packets/vectors or whatever we want to call them. As you note, cross-lane is a key part of a good SIMD abstraction. Vulkan calls it "subgroups", but from where I sit it's still SIMD.

ip2610 hours ago

Is CUDA not more analogous to using MKL, rather than AVX?

snihalani14 hours ago

> software methodology to interact with SIMD using GPU-like languages should be a priority.

What's your opinion on sycl?

dist-epoch22 hours ago

> If you just wrote your SIMD in CUDA 15 years ago, NVidia compilers would have given you maximum performance across all NVidia GPUs

That's not true. For maximum performance you need to tweak the code to a particular GPU model/architecture.

Intel has SSE/AVX/AVX2/AVX512, but CUDA has like 10 iterations of this (increasing capabilities). Code written 15 years ago would not use modern capabilities, like more flexible memory access, atomics.

dragontamer21 hours ago

Maximum performance? Okay, you'll have to upgrade to ballot instructions or whatever and rearchitect your algorithms. (Or other wavefront / voting / etc. etc. new instructions that have been invented. Especially those 4x4 matrix multiplication AI instructions).

But CUDA -> PTX intermediate code has allowed for significantly more flexibility. For crying out loud, the entire machine code (aka SASS) of NVidia GPUs has been cycled out at least 4 times in the past decade (128-bit bundles, changes to instruction formats, acquire/release semantics, etc etc)

It's amazing what backwards compatibility NVidia has achieved in the past 15 years thanks to this architecture. SASS changes so dramatically from generation to generation but the PTX intermediate code has stayed highly competitive.

dist-epoch20 hours ago

Intel code from 15 years ago also runs today. But it will not use AVX512.

Which is the same with PTX, right? If you didn't use the tensor core instructions or wavefront voting in the CUDA code, the PTX generated from it will not either, and NVIDIA will not magically add those capabilities in when compiling to SASS.

Maybe it remains competitive because the code is inherently parallel anyway, so it will naturally scale to fill the extra execution units of the GPU, which is where most of the improvement is generation to generation.

While AVX code can't automatically scale to use the AVX512 units.

dragontamer19 hours ago
Joker_vD22 hours ago

> SIMD instructions are complex, and even Arm is starting to look more “CISCy” than x86!

Thank you for saying it out loud. XLAT/XLATB of x86 is positively tame compared to e.g. vrgatherei16.vv/vrgather.vv.

TinkersW19 hours ago

You can simplify the 2x sqrts as sqrt(a*b), overall less operations so perhaps more accurate. It would also let you get rid of the funky lane swivels.

As this would only use 1 lane, perhaps if you have multiple of these to normalize, you could vectorize it.

a_gopher16 hours ago

my thoughts exactly - crazy to know all these arcane SIMD opcodes but not know basic maths!!

ashvardanian15 hours ago

Square root computation can be tricky, often relying on approximations. These approximations tend to perform best for mid-range values, while accuracy can degrade for very large or very small values. With this in mind, a product of roots is generally more accurate than a root of products.

From a SIMD perspective, it’s worth noting that on most platforms, the cost of computing one square root or two is the same. On modern x86 server CPUs, for instance, you can calculate up to 8 double-precision roots in parallel with identical latency. So there’s no additional cost in terms of performance.

I hope this sheds some light on the design of my code.

PS: In a previous life, I did research in Astro- and Plasma Physics. While I don’t claim to remember all the Math, it’s usually more productive to ask for clarification than to assume ignorance ;)

harry88 hours ago

> it’s usually more productive to ask for clarification than to assume ignorance ;)

Good reminder for me and anyone else right there, nicely put.

EVa5I7bHFq9mnYK21 hours ago

C# vectors do a great job of simplifying those intrinsics in a safe and portable manner.

ashvardanian20 hours ago

There are dozens of libraries, frameworks, and compiler toolchains that try to abstract away SIMD capabilities, but I don't think it's a great approach.

The only 2 approaches that still make sense to me:

A. Writing serial vectorization-aware code in a native compiled language, hoping your compiler will auto-vectorize.

B. Implementing natively for every hardware platform, as the ISA differences are too big to efficiently abstract away anything beyond 128-register float multiplication and addition.

This article, in a way, an attempt to show how big the differences even for simple data-parallel floating-point tasks.

Earw0rm6 hours ago

The library approach does a pretty good job in conjunction with a good compiler, and sensible algorithm design.

You're writing C++ code but as if it was shader code.

I've seen impressive results with clang doing this sort of thing.

exDM695 hours ago

I will respectfully disagree with your statement, with the caveat that I mostly dabble in arithmetic with 128b/256b float and int vectors.

Using C or C++ with vector extensions (Gcc/Clang) or Rust (nightly) std::simd is very easy and you get code that is portable to different CPUs and ISAs.

But most importantly they have a zero cost fallback option to CPU-specific intrinsics when you need them. An f32x8 can be passed at zero cost as __mm256 to any core::arch::x86_64::__mm_intrinsic (or xmmintrin.h in C++ land).

You gain portable arithmetic and swizzles and SIMD vector types, but lose nothing. Not having to write everything for x86_64 and aarch64 is a huge win even if doesn't quite cover everything.

Additionally you can use wider vectors than your hardware supports, the compiler is able to split your f64x64 to 128, 256 or 512 bit registers as needed depending on the compile target.

dzaima19 hours ago

There's the middle-ground approach of having primarily target-specific operations but with intersecting ones named the same, and allowing easily building custom abstractions on top of such to paper over the differences how best it makes sense for the given application. That's the approach takes.

There's a good amount of stuff that can clearly utilize SIMD without much platform-specificness, but doesn't easily autovectorize - early-exit checks in a loop, packed bit boolean stuff, some data rearranging, probing hashmap checks, some very-short-variable-length-loop things. And while there might often be some parts that do just need to be entirely target-specific, they'll usually be surrounded by stuff that doesn't (the loop, trip count calculation, loads/stores, probably some arithmetic).

neonsunset19 hours ago

Numerics in .NET are not a high-level abstraction and do out of box what many mature vectorized libraries end up doing themselves - there is significant overlap between NEON, SSE* and, if we overlook vector width, AVX2/512 and WASMs PackedSIMD.

.NET has roughly three vector APIs:

- Vector<T> which is platform-defined width vector that exposes common set of operations

- Vector64/128/256/512<T> which has wider API than the previous one

- Platform intrinsics - basically immintrin.h

Notably, platform intrinsics use respective VectorXXX<T> types which allows to write common parts of the algorithm in a portable way and apply platform intrinsics in specific areas where it makes sense. Also some method have 'Unsafe' and 'Native' variants to allow for vector to exhibit platform-specific behavior like shuffles since in many situations this is still the desired output for the common case.

The .NET's compiler produces competitive with GCC and sometimes Clang codegen for these. It's gotten particularly good at lowering AVX512.

kolbe4 hours ago

I still like ispc, but that's not going to catch on.

rishi_devan9 hours ago

Interesting article. The article mentions "...the NumPy implementation illustrates a marked improvement over the naive algorithm...", but I couldn't find a NumPy implementation in the article.

andix4 hours ago

Yes, they are really great at abstracting the SIMD operations, but the abstraction has only very few common methods. I'm not sure how much real world benefits those abstractions have.

Once you need more complex operations, you need to use the specific operations from System.Runtime.Intrinsics.(X86|ARM) based on the current architecture. And you need to adjust your implementation on the CPUs capabilities. There are still a lot of older x64 CPUs around that don't have AVX512 for example.

juancn21 hours ago

The main problem is that there are no good abstractions in popular programming languages to take advantage of SIMD extensions.

Also, the feature set being all over the place (e.g. integer support is fairly recent) doesn't help either.

ISPC is a good idea, but execution is meh... it's hard to setup and integrate.

Ideally you would want to be able to easily use this from other popular languages, like Java, Python, Javascript, without having to resort to linking a library written in C/C++.

Granted, language extensions may be required to approach something like that in an ergonomic way, but most somehow end up just mimicking what C++ does and expose a pseudo assembler.

pjmlp21 hours ago

The best is the GPU programming approach, with specialised languages

Just like using SQL is much more sane than low level C APIs to handle BTree nodes.

The language extensions help, but code still requires too much low level expertise, with algorithms and data structures having to take SIMD/MIMD capabilities into account anyway.

Earw0rm6 hours ago

std::experimental::simd is happening. It should be part of c++26.

janwas5 hours ago

Unfortunately a bit late :) Highway reached v1.0 about 2.5 years ago. How long would it take until Clang/GCC/MSVC are ready, and all users' distros have updated? Not to mention that the number of ops provided by std::experimental::simd is extremely limited - basically only math operators, and zero support for shuffling/crypto/rounding/interleaving/table lookups which seem indispensable for many applications.

Conscat20 hours ago

I think the EVE library for C++ is a great abstraction. It's got an unusual syntax using subscript operator overloading, but that winds up being a very ergonomic and flexible way to program with masked-SIMD.

secondcoming3 hours ago

I’m not sure about EVE. I trialled it by trying to uppercase a string and even though I got it working in the end it was quite unpleasant. Their docs need to be better.

big-chungus42 hours ago

can the authors please share the numpy code too

ashvardanian59 minutes ago

There are several ways to implement it in NumPy, often resulting in 20% variance. I've added a reference implementation to my mirror of the blogpost and the Modular team will soon update the original posting as well:

Agingcoder22 hours ago

This is the first time I hear ‘hyperscalar’. Is this generally accepted ? ( I’ve been using SIMD since the MMX days so am a bit surprised )

dragontamer22 hours ago

I don't think so.

Superscalar is a real term (multiple operations in one clock tick due to parallel pipelines within a core). But hyperscalar is cringe to me. There are tons of words describing SIMD already, it seems unclear why someone would make up a new word to describe an already existing concept.

Especially when a similar word (superscalar) already is defined and likely gets confused for this new word.

ashvardanian22 hours ago

That may have been my mistake. I use super & hyper interchangeably and don't always notice :)

PS: Should be an easy patch, will update!

dragontamer22 hours ago

Maybe not.

Superscalar is when say... Think of the following assembly code.

   Add r1, r2
   Sub r3, r4
And the add and subtract both happen on the same clock tick. The important thing is that a modern CPU core (and even GPU core) have multiple parallel ALU pipelines inside of them.

Because r1, r2, r3 and r4 are fully independent, a modern CPU can detect the potential parallelism here and act in parallel. After CPUs mastered this trick, the next out of order processors were invented (which not only allowed for super scalar operations, but allowed the subtract to execute first if for some reason the CPU core were waiting on r1 or r2).

There are a ton of ways that modern CPUs and GPUs extract parallelism from seemingly nothingness. And because all the techniques are independent, we can have superscalar out-of-order SIMD (like what happens in AVX512 in practice). SIMD is... SIMD. It's one instruction applied to lots of data in parallel. It's totally different.

You really need to use the correct word for the specific kind of parallelism that you are trying to highlight. I expect that the only word that makes sense in this article is SIMD.

bjourne11 hours ago

Agree with this. Calling SIMD superscalar is a misnomer since it is single instruction (multiple data) with very wide data paths. Superscalar implies multiple different instructions in parallel, such as adding a pair of numbers, while subtracting another pair (or even dividing).

pyrolistical21 hours ago
spacemanspiff0122 hours ago

I thought it was referring to this?

IE our simd implementation allows you to scale across different architectures/ CPU revisions without having to rewrite assembly for each CPU processor?

Edit: Rereading, that does not make much sense...

bob102920 hours ago

I see a lot of "just use the GPU" and you'd often be right.

SIMD on the CPU is most compelling to me due to the latency characteristics. You are nanoseconds away from the control flow. If the GPU needs some updated state regarding the outside world, it takes significantly longer to propagate this information.

For most use cases, the GPU will win the trade off. But, there is a reason you don't hear much about systems like order matching engines using them.

dragontamer19 hours ago

Despite my 'Use a GPU' post below, you are absolutely correct.

Maximizing performance on a CPU today requires all the steps in the above article, and the article is actually very well written with regards to the 'mindset' needed to tackle a problem such as this.

It's a great article for people aiming to maximize the performance on Intel or AMD systems.


CPUs have the memory capacity advantage and will continue to hold said advantage for the foreseeable future (despite NVidias NVLink and other techs to try to bridge the gap).

And CPU code remains far easier than learning CUDA, despite how hard these AVX intrinsics are in comparison to CUDA.

pclmulqdq20 hours ago

You would be surprised. The GPU often loses even for small neural nets given the large latency. Anything that needs high throughput or is sized like an HPC problem should use a GPU, but a lot of code benefits from SIMD on small problems.

gmueckl19 hours ago

If you run many small tasks on the GPU, you can increase throughput by overlapping transfers and computation. There may also be other ways to batch problems together, but that depends on the algorithms.

The one truly unfixable issue is round-trip latency.

gopalv16 hours ago

> The GPU often loses even for small neural nets given the large latency

Apple's neural engine shows that you can live in between those two worlds.

As you said, the trouble is the latency, the programming model is still great.

moldavi19 hours ago

Do Apple's chips (M1 etc) change this at all, since they share memory with the GPU?

one_even_prime18 hours ago

Apple chips share the same physical memory between the GPU and the CPU. Still, they don't have USM/UVM (Unified Shared Memory/Unified Virtual Memory), that is, the GPU and the CPU can't access the same data concurrently and easily. Programs must map/unmap pages to control which device accesses it, and that's a very expensive operation.

tubs15 hours ago

They don't need to be unmapped just for the other one to use it. source: I wrote GPU drivers for over 10 years.

Earw0rm6 hours ago

Not much. Synchronisation of tasks is still a big overhead.

If you've got tens to hundreds of microseconds worth of workload, sure, get the GPU to do it.

But bear in mind 1000 clocks at 4GHz is 250ns, there's still a sizeable region where tight CPU/GPU integration isn't tight enough.

bob102918 hours ago

I think an argument could be made depending on the real world timings. How much closer in time is the Apple GPU vs one on a PCIe bus?

a1o20 hours ago


ashvardanian15 hours ago

May be a false positive. There were multiple passes of human writers working on the post - first, preparing the meat, and later reorganizing it for more casual readers.

benchmarkist19 hours ago

Looks like a great use case for AI. Set up the logical specification and constraints and let the AI find the optimal sequence of SIMD operations to fulfill the requirements.

fooblaster19 hours ago

No, there are decades of compiler literature for solving this problem.

benchmarkist19 hours ago

That's even better then. Just let the AI read the literature and write the optimal compiler.

fooblaster19 hours ago

It would probably be easier to clone the existing repository than get an llm to regurgitate llvm.

benchmarkist19 hours ago

The AI would learn from llvm as well.

almostgotcaught19 hours ago

lol so says every person that has no clue how (NP-hard) combinatorial optimization is.

benchmarkist19 hours ago

For humans it's very hard but it will be a breeze for the AI. I thought HN was a community of builders. This is an obvious startup opportunity.

stouset18 hours ago

All we have to do is ascribe magical properties to AI and we can solve anything as if P=NP!

benchmarkist18 hours ago