Hacker News

World Wide Web (1991)
79 points27 comments3 hours agoinfo.cern.ch
What contributing to Open-source is, and what it isn't
63 points26 comments6 hours agosuchdevblog.com
Janky Apple ID Security
3 points0 comments45 minutes agomjtsai.com
Show HN: React for Circuits
99 points17 comments12 hours agogithub.com
TIS-100: Tessellated Intelligence System
143 points31 comments2 days agozachtronics.com
Laws of Software Evolution
31 points17 comments8 hours agotwo-wrongs.com
Leaving Rust gamedev after 3 years
1218 points757 comments17 hours agologlog.games
Clang's -O0 output: branch displacement and size increase
57 points7 comments9 hours agomaskray.me
12to11 – run Wayland applications on an X server
50 points21 comments10 hours agosourceforge.net
Building an open data pipeline in 2024
75 points16 comments14 hours agoblog.twingdata.com
How to prevent Lyme disease this summer
87 points43 comments8 hours agonews.harvard.edu
Bun's New Crash Reporter
299 points79 comments18 hours agobun.sh