
Doing something is better than doing nothing for most people: study (2014)

267 points3
gwgundersen3 years ago

Ever since reading Bertrand Russell's "The Conquest of Happiness", I've thought a lot about the importance of being able to sit inside my own head. One quote that I wrote down:

> A life too full of excitement is an exhausting life, in which continually stronger stimuli are needed to give the thrill that has come to be thought an essential part of pleasure. A person accustomed to too much excitement is like a person with a morbid craving for pepper, who comes at last to be unable even to taste a quantity of pepper which would cause anyone else to choke. There is an element of boredom which is inseparable from the avoidance of too much excitement, and too much excitement not only undermines the health, but dulls the palate for every kind of pleasure, substituting titillations for profound organic satisfactions, cleverness for wisdom, and jagged surprises for beauty... A certain power of enduring boredom is therefore essential to a happy life, and is one of the things that ought to be taught to the young.

r0b053 years ago

This is a profound realisation that is usually preceded by experiencing the sickness and suffering that comes with unrestrained desire. How it takes over one's discriminating faculties until one becomes blind to everyday beauty.

I cannot recommend meditation enough to train the mind to stay calm when desires want to run rampant. No mantras or music, just sit in silence and boredom. Thoughts will come and go and eventually you will learn to cope with yourself.

TuringNYC3 years ago

Mindfulness came to mind for me specifically. I used to jump from work to coffee meetings to fancy restaurant dinners out with both clients and friends to meet-ups at NY's Meatpacking deeply enjoying the feeling of just sitting in a nature preserve, smelling sap, listening to birds, and breathing in the entire environment. (a benefit of taking a job in the burbs.)

Before the lockdown, I did an experiment where I either walked (through a forest path) to work everyday or biked leisurely to work (also thru a forest path.) [I realize having the ability to do that is itself a blessing.] In winters, the walk was difficult (ice, elements, frozen mud) but it came to a point where the morning and evening "commutes" were the best part of my day. I would even take detours to more remote benches to clear my mind.

I was incredibly productive at work throughout this 18month experiment, until lockdown.

I captured some of this on Strava if anyone is curious:

tidenly3 years ago

Not to be facetious but the juxtaposition of the romantic description of the value of personal time you made against the last line link to some kind of walk-sharing social media app did give me a laugh. Completely agreed on every word though.

TuringNYC3 years ago

I do get your comment :-) But I'm also an Engineer, Data Scientist, and thus I feel obliged to measure efficacy.

The app is part of the efficacy measurement. I try to evaluate everything I do. I've been measuring everything I can from number of code commits to lines of code committed to sprint points, to weight/bodycomp, to time wearables' meta scores.

Leparamour3 years ago

Invoking Alan Watts here, how else would one be able to broadcast one's spiritual superiority? /s

bayindirh3 years ago

> I cannot recommend meditation enough to train the mind to stay calm...

Actually came here to just say that. After reading the piece and just trying to sit tight, I was pleasantly surprised how meditation changed me over the years, in a good way.

My path also has no mantras or music. Just inner reflection. Sometimes things got tough, but it transformed me dearly.

dctoedt3 years ago

How long did it take you to notice that meditation made a difference?

danielheath3 years ago

Now that I know how to do it, I personally notice improvement after 15 minutes or so, lasting for about two days.

Embarrassingly, even that’s often still not enough to get me doing it regularly. Habits are hard to build.

swayvil3 years ago

The subject of meditation is what cropped up first in my mind too.

That dimension of exploration addresses this quite directly.

dQw4w9WgXcQ3 years ago

>substituting titillations for profound organic satisfactions, cleverness for wisdom, and jagged surprises for beauty...

...And porn for relationships and intimacy. If there's any modern ill that has exacerbated our inability to be comfortable with boredom (which is essentially inner loneliness) it's porn. It's an escape for loneliness and a terrible salve that leaves the intrinsic desires for intimacy and connection unfulfilled, akin to drinking salt water to cure thirst.

A psychological pandemic in its own right, and you can't escape its ubiquity and influence.

tomp3 years ago

Meh. I've been watching porn since forever. My taste in porn has informed my real-life taste, and vice versa (in particular, I detest make-up / fakeness, both in porn and in real life).

Still, I find real people infinitely more fulfilling and have always put effort into seeking real relationships, sexual and romantic.

(I estimate porn is similar to gambling - some people's psychology makes them more susceptible to addiction of any kind.)

serverholic3 years ago

Yes I think what is not a problem for some can be a massive problem for others.

dQw4w9WgXcQ3 years ago

Meh. I've been going to bars since forever. I'm not like that guy over there who pounds a 12 pack every night and has no standards for what he funnels down his gullet. Despite my habitual usage and inability to refrain from the activity for any extended period of time, I estimate his psychology must make him the addict. For me it's a matter of refinement and my consciously-engaged frontal-lobe awareness of the fine hops and spirits that elevates me to a connoisseur of the boozy arts.

Dylan168073 years ago

If you hadn't inserted "inability to refrain" out of nowhere, you could have been describing a perfectly ordinary (though pretentious) non-alcoholic. And you inserted that based on absolutely nothing, so good work.

r0b053 years ago

While many functioning porn users will dismiss your comment as nonsense, I believe it really is a massive problem in society.

Porn in its current iteration, is similar to social media in that it literally programs your brain. We program computers but are ignorant to the fact that computers can program our behaviour if we are not careful. Yes, it is a poor substitute for intimacy but it also creates dangerous thought patterns and belief systems. These so called kinks have little to do with healthy sexual biological functioning. The perversions can become so ingrained that one will see it in real life instead of what is actually there.

Remember, that a human being is programmed through our beliefs and habits, which are formed through repetitions. So be extremely careful of what you consume in this age of the Internet.

beebeepka3 years ago

Preaching posts like yours are more dangerous than whatever excess porn consumption may do to people's brains.

k__3 years ago
Spooky233 years ago
r0b053 years ago
mwilliaams3 years ago

What kinks do you think are unhealthy? I’d wager that truly unhealthy kinks are uncommon.

AussieWog933 years ago
syops3 years ago
r0b053 years ago

There are a few, but what about sexualization of teenagers and children. Do you think it's uncommon?

You don't need to wager, just look at the amount of content available for a kink and you can establish demand.

essentialoils3 years ago

This Russian guy used to run a femdom site called Young Goddess. (First rate fapp material and production values.) At some point he took it down and wrote a little manifesto on the destructive effects of porn and habitual masturbation.

And apparently he has an update from 2020:

zemvpferreira3 years ago

I'm sorry if that's been your experience but this generalisation is a bit much.

I probably watch about as much porn as I do Netflix - around 30 minutes per day on average. I enjoy it, it's very relaxing and pleasureful. I'm in a committed long-term relationship of 3 years and have had the same habits through other 3 relationships of about the same length. They've all had a full sex life and I enjoy both separately. I'm sure many people have the same experience.

throwaway2475993 years ago

I think there are a lot of people like you, just as there are a lot of alcohol drinkers who are not alcoholics, and a lot of people who can smoke one cigarette a day and not become chain smokers.

There are also a lot of people with a vastly different experience with internet porn. Since we’re sharing personal anecdotes, allow me to describe my experience. I’ve first encountered internet porn in my teenage years. A harmless habit eventually escalated to daily 1-2 hour sessions, with maybe a hundred tabs open searching for that “perfect” video or picture. I would download terabytes of torrented porn to find that one specific video. Looking at porn on my phone would be the first thing I did in the morning and the last thing I did before falling asleep at night. It has poisoned my intimate relationships and my views of women in general (when 90% of ones experience of the opposite sex is from online porn, it warps ones real world perceptions). The sessions would eventually start leaving me drained and depressed for a few days after, to the point where I had to time them around important events (like work presentations, etc.) so that I would feel up to the task. I strongly suspect it caused some dysfunction with the real thing, ranging from never quite being satisfied (I would be back looking at porn an hour after sex) to some psychological and physical issues like premature ejaculation and not being able to get aroused for days at a time.

Like many addicts, I tried quitting a few times. The first time was after a week long vacation where I didn’t have easy access to internet. I felt better and got interested in the topic (despite the above I never considered my porn usage “a problem” until then). Turns out there’s an evolving community of people sharing these issues. I abstained for maybe half a year after relapsing. Similarly how smokers who quit talk about being able to experience smell and taste in a new way, this was a revelation. What attracted me in women started to change. Things became more subtle and interesting. I also felt like I no longer needed to have sex all the time and it greatly improved the quality of my relationships. Most recently, I quit using (a rewrite of the classic “Easy Way to Stop Smoking” but for porn) and I hope this time for good! If anyone recognizes themselves in this story please do yourself a favor and read through that website - if there’s a 1% chance of it working for you it’s worth it.

I think you can agree that my experience is not “normal” or “healthy”. I also believe a lot of people are in the same boat, as the availability of online porn is only becoming easier with time.

Knowing what I know now I wish I’ve never came across it back then and I’m dreading figuring out how to educate my children about this. The easily available, effectively infinite internet porn is the problem, not just porn in general. I don’t see getting hooked in the same way on magazines or dvds, as repetitiveness gets boring pretty quickly.

syops3 years ago

There's been a bit of research into the destructive aspects of porn watching. Porn has normalized a number of sexual behaviors that were not common in the past. This is especially so for behaviors that are degrading to the woman.

What's interesting about your comment though is that you accuse OP of over generalization whilst using your singular anecdotal experience in what I think can best be described as a example of under generalization.

pault3 years ago
VortexDream3 years ago

My experience has been that women are often also into the degrading behaviors/activities. If there is consent, where is the problem?

vorpalhex3 years ago

Using porn to fix loneliness is like using a screwdriver as a hammer. It's not the intent of the tool, nor can you be upset with the screwdriver for being a poor hammer. The issue lies with the maker, not the tool.

oblio3 years ago

Many things are clearly harmful because they exploit weaknesses in the human psyche and the average person. There is a reason why obesity is high and rising, for example.

vorpalhex3 years ago
Jeff_Brown3 years ago

> [porn is] akin to drinking salt water to cure thirst.

That's an exceptionally beautiful analogy.

RangerScience3 years ago

There's a professor somewhere trying to prove that you can extend how long your pure water lasts by also drinking sea water; or something like that. Having trouble finding it right now.

astrange3 years ago

Hmm, but drinking water with electrolytes (including moderate salt) is more refreshing than filtered water.

rkk33 years ago

> porn for relationships and intimacy

Never heard of anyone giving up dating or intimate relationships for Porn. Is this a thing?

robben12343 years ago

Porn only "fixes" loneliness if you have the feeling unconditionally linked to sex, which in a way is quite sad.

candu3 years ago

If you think pornography is somehow uniquely modern...well, you're ignoring a millennia-long history of erotic depictions there, on top of presenting absolutely no evidence to support your rather Puritanical claims.

bopbeepboop3 years ago

I think it’s a mistake to blame porn, rather than realizing porn is a self-medication for people targeted by institutional and pervasive misandry.

I understand even after several generations of men being abused, people aren’t ready to admit man-hating is a real problem in modern US society. I would encourage people to view education statistics where men have trailed women for forty years — yet receive no institutional support, while female-focused programs are lauded by the press. Or sentencing statistics, where the gap between men and women for the same crime is three times the sentencing gap between whites and blacks — something most of us recognize as a problem.

It’s the same thought process that blames video games for men staying home rather than assessing why they might rationally choose to isolate in a fictional world instead of embrace broader society.

akomtu3 years ago

Porn is the fastfood of relationships. The proper food is just out of reach for most of the people.

rantwasp3 years ago

yeah porn is a pandemic, NOT.

here is a secret: we are hardwired to reproduce. you may think you have a choice but you are wired to fsck everything that has even a remote chance of resulting into you passing your genes forward.

porn is a way to release some of the tension that comes with this wiring. nothing more, nothing less.

smichel173 years ago

This is basically why I prefer living in a location with seasons. Yes, CaliFlorida weather is nice. But I appreciate what all of the seasons have to offer so much more for the variation. I could do with a 25% shorter winter and summer, though ;)

bayindirh3 years ago

> I could do with a 25% shorter winter and summer, though ;)

I also love spring and fall, spring the most. On the other hand, after reading a piece about how euphoric is spring for nature and it's actually very tiresome for living things, I learned to appreciate other seasons.

I'm a cool weather guy and more resistant to cold than hot weather, I don't dislike winter too.

irrational3 years ago

Same here. Give me cloudy and cool over sunny and hot every day of the year.

theshrike793 years ago

Exactly this. My #1 advice for new parents is that the most important thing for a parent in the long run is to make sure their children are bored out of their gourds regularly.

Kids need to have times when screen time has run out, there's nothing on TV and they have no hobbies on engagements to run to. Just time alone without any external inputs.

This is the point where creativity usually pops up. Kids should be able to play with anything around them.

meristohm3 years ago

Yeah, boredom is a key, one I remember unlocking creativity when I was younger, and one I rarely can find anymore without effort (like John Cleese of Monty Python sitting in a barren room for four hours, 3.5 hours of boredom followed by a half-hour of inspired writingj[0][1].

[0] Create a space to play (2min clip):

[1] Make time for boredom (36min, Swedish subtitles?):

hypertele-Xii3 years ago

I wish someone made the opposite lecture to John Cleese on creativity; I'm stuck in open mode, an endless supply of ideas, struggling to turn off the faucet and actually make something.

tux33 years ago

But contrast, dynamic range, is not just about chasing intensity.

This seems to be written from the perspective that avoiding any thrill is necessary so that boredom may be endured.

As if you should avoid fun so that you don't ever have to fear the lack of fun.

No. Absoluty not. You can listen to loud music and still enjoy the quiet parts. You can have intensity & quiet, and find beauty in both.

Severing yourself from anything exciting out of fear of missing the very things you're depriving yourself out of, that seems to me entirely misguided.

mistahenry3 years ago

Your reading of this is rather extreme, and I feel you've missed the point by thinking that Russell is advocating to avoid fun intentionally at times so as to preserve a happy life. I read it as more an observation that the boring times, those in which there's a lack of stimulation, are an important part of a balanced, healthy life.

A more modern take on his advice would be to avoid mindlessly surfing the internet every dull moment in which we are waiting a few minutes for some time to pass. If you haven't taken an extended, conscious break from the internet outside of your work needs (no social media, no news, etc), I recommend it. It was very enlightening for me to feel this lack of stimulation. I certainly enjoy my time on the internet when I'm there because I want to be there, not because I'm just looking for something to kill the time.

Similarly, I've stopped listening to music while coding because I realized that the listening without mindfulness was killing my passion. After doing so, the passion has been restored.

His words, too, remind me of the drug user's plight. My sister works in drug rehabilitation and has told me about the struggles many go through known as Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. From my naive understanding, these people have adapted to the constant, unnatural amount of dopamine flowing through the brains during addiction by producing more dopamine receptors. When the drug is gone, those receptors are still there. But, the body is not capable of naturally releasing the dopamine required to fill these receptors even during the highest of natural moments, leading these people to experience serious anhedonia -- an intense lack of pleasure from everyday life. It takes a long time for these receptors to downregulate, which is the reason for such a high rate of relapse for certain drug types.

I think of Emerson's words a bit: "If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown!"

Jeff_Brown3 years ago

I agree, and yet I think it's important not to focus too much on pleasure. Not just for the sake of productivity, but for the sake of one's own happiness. Caring about more than pleasure makes it easier to be happy. The Buddha had a lot to say about that.

Then again maybe that boils down to a mere alternate definition of pleasure. Newcomers to exercise find it painful, and that feeling never really goes away, but some learn to enjoy it.

tux33 years ago

That's interesting, I can't claim to entirely understand your comment, but I'd like to read more about this :)

colordrops3 years ago

Perhaps as you age this advice is great, and I find myself naturally trending towards it, but I wouldn't give up my past life full of titillations and jagged surprises for anything. It's been amazing so far.

Causality13 years ago

Sometimes I think everyone has a set average level of happiness and as we get better at avoiding being unhappy we lose the highs as well. The only adults I know who scream in joy at Christmas presents also all have chronic depression.

failwhaleshark3 years ago

I read that book also. I believe in both modalities.

I can go for days without human contact, code, "ideate" (sensory deprivation that leads to daydreaming, new product designs, and new writing ideas)... but I can't go indefinitely.

I also have ADHD and need lots of stimuli to get a rush. I don't "party hard," but I engage in copious adult activities, decadent cooking, have people over to listen to blast vinyl at annoy-the-neighbors volume and let loose like it's the last day on Earth, and extreme sports.

Your body may age, but never give up the joy of life. YOLADO (you only live and die once).

draw_down3 years ago

I agree with this, my only note is that it doesn’t matter if the quantity of pepper would cause others to choke or not. The problem is the escalating need for stimulation as the quote points out, but not the difference of effect of that stimulation has on one vs another.

Jeff_Brown3 years ago

The funniest part:

"[The researchers] then asked, “Would they rather do an unpleasant activity than no activity at all?” ... Participants were given the same circumstances as most of the previous studies, with the added option of also administering a mild electric shock to themselves by pressing a button.

Twelve of 18 men in the study gave themselves at least one electric shock during the study’s 15-minute “thinking” period. By comparison, six of 24 females shocked themselves. All of these participants had received a sample of the shock and reported that they would pay to avoid being shocked again."

cale-3 years ago

Even more amusing to me: the number of shocks men chose to give themselves had a mean value of 1.47 and a standard deviation of 1.46. This is after excluding one outlier who shocked himself 190 times [1].


imposter3 years ago

> This is after excluding one outlier who shocked himself 190 times

Someone really, really hates being bored.

rrrrrrrrrrrryan3 years ago

Or some really, really likes electrostimulation.

harrisonjackson3 years ago

Growing up in the boonies... lots of electric fences and lots of pre-teen and teenage boys thinking it is hilarious to grab the fence then grab your friends. I'd still do it once - wouldn't be entertaining for too long but another post mentioning the novelty of it resonates with me.

The face slapping world championships is also a thing so really no surprises here hah.

foobiekr3 years ago

As I read this, I was thinking how much I would enjoy participating in such a study and seeing how many times I could shock myself before I couldn’t take it anymore. My very first thought was how much I would like to have the ability to test myself.

gwd3 years ago

Another thing this misses is that experiencing pain when you have complete control over it is totally different than experiencing pain when you have no control over it.

In one book I read about childhood trauma, it related an experiment they did where they put two rats in side-by-side cages, but they couldn't see each other. One rat had a lever; when they pushed the lever, both rats would get an electric shock, and both rats would receive a pellet of food. The rat with the lever quickly figured out the deal: Whenever I push the lever, I get shocked, but I get food: painful, but predictable and under its control. It adapted to the situation completely fine.

The other rat's physical sensations were exactly the same: it was shocked at exactly the same painfulness and degree as the rat with the lever, and received the same amount of food. But its psychological sensations were very different: It had no control over when the shocks would happen, nor any way to predict them. It basically withdrew and became a nervous wreck.

The point was: We can actually endure an awful lot of suffering if we can predict when it's going to happen, and particularly if we have some control over when it happens.

The author described the experiment to explain the behavior of one of the children in the book. A girl's mother started dating a man who began, occasionally, to get very drunk and then sexually molest the girl; after which he would be very apologetic and remoreseful, until the next time he got drunk. In response, the girl started getting the boyfriend drunk on purpose. The idea (surmised the psychologist author) was: I can't stop it from happening, but at least this way I can control when it happens, which makes it much more tolerable.

If they'd given people the option to either sit in a chair and be randomly shocked without warning, or to stand, I'm willing to bet that far fewer of the men would have sat in the chair.

MeinBlutIstBlau3 years ago

It's really fascinating to me as well that a lot of men would be that way. I understand "why" but for myself personally I can entertain my own thoughts alone for an extended period time. I've always been that way since I was young so the thought of shocking yourself because you're bored with your own thoughts still is an odd concept to me. How can you despise your own inner monologue that much? Is introspection really that unmasculine of a task to some men? Many people to me seem so focused on the present and engaging without considering possible outcomes before acting. It's one facet of humanity I still don't understand outside of justifying that it's another irrational thing humans do for the sake of irrationality.

Klinky3 years ago

Novelty. How often are you part of a study where you get to shock yourself? It makes a good story, and this kind of makes the study less useful. The "shock value" of shocking oneself is its own entertainment. Would not be surprised if some of the people who didn't shock themselves were spending the time trying to amp themselves up to take the shock, but just never did.

tonyedgecombe3 years ago

All the participants had received a "sample" shock and decided they didn't like it. They already had their good story.

Klinky3 years ago

- The shock was considered "mild".

- "didn't like" was based on paying some part of an imaginary $5, not their money and not big money. I couldn't find how much of the imaginary money people would spend. $1 or $5, seems both were counted as "negative", despite a potential gradient in just how much someone disliked it.

- There could be peer pressure to have a negative opinion of the shock because people would assume you would want to avoid being shocked, that's what a "normal" person would do.

- People have different levels of pain tolerance. Those with higher tolerance may find the shock more interesting than painful.

- The recollection of an event can diminish quickly, especially when being questioned about other things, while being left in a room with only the shock button would expectedly narrow their focus back to the shock they had received earlier, likely triggering further curiosity about their shock tolerance.

- While being shocked as prep for the "test" is part of the story, the other half of the story is being left in a room with the shock button, and people are going to want to know if you shocked yourself or not.

WJW3 years ago

I would also be really interested in a repeat of the experiment but with differing age groups. My hypothesis is that younger men would perhaps find it "manly" to suffer electric shocks (perhaps even if just as a bar story for later) while older people would not feel the need for such activities anymore.

Izkata3 years ago

Also, erotic electro-stimulation (e-stim) is a thing. It doesn't surprise me at all that some people just be curious about shocks in general, considering there are people out there that do it for fun/pleasure.

elric3 years ago

Our society isn't exactly set up for "doing nothing", either. If you're just sitting somewhere without doing anything, you might be loitering, you'll start getting funny looks if this goes on for extended periods of time.

On the other hand, if you're sitting somewhere and you're smoking, or reading, none of that seems to happen. I wonder if we're uncomfortable with other people's ability to do nothing.

Jeff_Brown3 years ago

In 2002, on my way to work in I think Berkeley (definitely somewhere in the Bay Area), I noticed some beautiful echoes in the subway station, and I stopped walking, stood still, and listened. A staff member walked up and asked if I was okay. I said yes. Maybe I explained what I was doing, I don't remember. A few minutes later three paramedics appeared, forcibly strapped me to a gurney, and took me to a hospital.

I protested, of course. They were clearly not being paid to listen to me.

kwhitefoot3 years ago

Without more context and the ability to verify this I have to assume that you made it up. The event is too extreme to stand without corroboration; at least it would be where I live.

carapace3 years ago

I was once crossing the Golden Gate Bridge on foot and about halfway across the view of the bay was so beautiful that I had to stop and drink it in. (Have you heard the phrase "arresting beauty" or "arrested by beauty"? That's how it was: I was captivated. It was just so beautiful!)

Anyway, after maybe ten minutes a bicycle police officer came up and started talking to me. It took me a moment to realize that he was sounding me out for emotional distress, checking to see if I was suicidal. I gave him my best smile (easy enough as I was still in the thrall of beauty) and reassured him emphatically that I was okay, and thanked him for doing his (IMO very important) job and apologized for making him come out and check on me (no good reason not to be extra nice in the circs, eh?) and went on my way.

I'm not blaming the OP for getting, uh, overbearing and unneeded help. I'm pointing out that our society has developed mechanisms to try to prevent suicide in the obvious places: GGB and BART (the "subway" in Berkeley.)

> The Golden Gate Bridge is the most used suicide site in the world.

> After years of debate and an estimated more than 1,500 deaths, suicide barriers, consisting of a stainless steel net extending 20 feet from the bridge and supported by structural steel 20 feet under the walkway, began to be installed in April 2017.

pope_meat3 years ago, you're telling me that in these united states of america a bunch of goons took you by force and detained you from continuing your day for the crime of ... standing and listening to the sounds around you?

I would burn half the city to the ground after getting out for that bullshit, at least they'd have a valid reason to commit me then.

The idea that you could be hurting no one and be snatched up and taken somewhere against your will is extremely upsetting to me.

Jeff_Brown3 years ago

I was quite upset. Looking back I'm surprised I didn't seek damages in court. But that was before cell phones were ubiquitous, and I was in a new town where I didn't know basically anyone but my mom, and I don't have a photographic memory for faces. I felt powerless. Indeed, I believe I was.

im3w1l3 years ago

How long were you in the subway station listening? What happened at the hospital? And did you get a bill?

Jeff_Brown3 years ago

Good questions. I imagine listened somewhere between one and ten minutes. At the hospital I remember nothing except that my arm was tied to a bar above my head for long enough that it hurt, and I had to plead to get them to restrain me some other way. I don't know whether I received a bill. Neither does my mom, who probably would have paid for it, as I was making peanuts.

I wish I'd kept a diary. (I actually did a lot of writing that year, but it was of the creative sort. I held onto a box full of it for years. I went through it once and thought it was dumb, but kept it still. The second time I did that, years later, I confirmed my earlier judgment and decided it wasn't worth keeping.)

is_true3 years ago

That's exactly what people about to commit suicide do.

Jeff_Brown3 years ago

That's interesting. In any old place? I wasn't anywhere near the tracks; I was in a big underground space on my way out.

I wasn't suicidal, but I was definitely unhappy that year. I don't know to what extent that showed. It may have been later in life that I developed my habitual friendliness with strangers.

I do remember deciding shortly after that to learn to fear other peoples' potential fears. It's a pain in the ass, but optimal, I think.

dempseye3 years ago

Is this a joke or did it happen?

Jeff_Brown3 years ago

It happened.

(BTW you know you can look through a commenter's history on HN to see if an interpretation of something they wrote is consistent with their character.)

treis3 years ago

>“All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

From a philosopher writing in the 1600s. I don't think it's an issue with any particular society. It just seems part of human nature to be inable to sit and do nothing for a significant period of time.

IncRnd3 years ago

It is not part of human nature. It does happen when a person has a restless mind, however.

How would you test this? The first way is direct: learn to quiet your own mind. The second way is through inference: observe a newborn baby who doesn't need food and when there isn't excessive stimulation (light sound, smell, pain, etc.) - they simply observe what is around them.

treis3 years ago

Because that's all a new born baby can do (and often they're not happy about it). As soon as they're mobile they will interact with their environment whenever they can.

IncRnd3 years ago

When a baby isn't happy, they will let you know that, regardless of whether some adults believe that most babies are unhappy.

brailsafe3 years ago

Wouldn't it happen more without a restless mind? I have an extremely restless mind and can do this just fine.

MeinBlutIstBlau3 years ago

I for one would love to be a bohemian layabout all day doing nothing. Like a cat staring out a window listlessly wasting the clock.

hypertele-Xii3 years ago

There's a reason humans have conquered the world and cats are our pets.

tfigueroa3 years ago
theonemind3 years ago

Funny looks don't bother me too much, but someone is bound to ask if you're okay. Depending on the level of foot traffic, possibly several someones.

clircle3 years ago

I think the headline 'doing something is better than doing nothing' is a bit misleading. Based on my reading on the article, maybe it should be 'people would rather do something than not' because the researchers studied preferences, not utilities.

hn_throwaway_993 years ago

"All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone." - Blaise Pascal

gverrilla3 years ago

is that even a real quote? couldn't find a source in a google, except for quoting sites without sources. doesn't sound like the pascal I've read on the Pensées at all, but maybe I'm wrong I know for sure Shakespeare and Einstein have a lot of fake quotes atributed to them, and also Chaplin

yesenadam3 years ago

It's adapted from Pensées II.139, which begins:

139. Diversion.--When I have occasionally set myself to consider the different distractions of men, the pains and perils to which they expose themselves at court or in war, whence arise so many quarrels, passions, bold and often bad ventures, etc., I have discovered that all the unhappiness of men arises from one single fact, that they cannot stay quietly in their own chamber. A man who has enough to live on, if he knew how to stay with pleasure at home, would not leave it to go to sea or to besiege a town. A commission in the army would not be bought so dearly, but that it is found insufferable not to budge from the town; and men only seek conversation and entering games, because they cannot remain with pleasure at home.

lurkmurk3 years ago

"There are two types of quotable quotes, those that deal in absolutes, and those that divide people into two groups."

brianjlogan3 years ago

Curious if the study would have the same results today with the prevalence of Mindfulness meditation. Perhaps it's my predisposition since I've googled for it. But I see advertisements for Calm and Headspace. I think even on TV. I see "Mindfulness" centers, physical places to take classes and meditate. A whole commercial market has taken hold of this new interest of fighting back the confusion of modern life.

My trouble with advertising these aids, is that perhaps people will be attached to them. For me the main thing that makes me enjoy meditation is that no matter what if I have the discipline I can do it. If I lose my limbs, if I have constant pain, if I'm unhappy, if I lose my family. All the awfulness of life can at the very least while I'm living not take away my inner peace. I can feel and observe the river of life without being swept away by it. I have a "comfortable" sense of security in my existence.

Coming back to the article. Having been through those experiences I would very much choose to be alone with my thoughts. I am literally trying to find time every day. Especially over electric shock haha.

ChrisLTD3 years ago

As someone that has regularly meditated for years now, I still wouldn’t say sitting alone with nothing to do is an enjoyable experience. You can turn it into an opportunity for meditation or other types of deep thinking, but that’s more like “work” than anything else.

Jeff_Brown3 years ago

Meditation can occupy a unique space between work and play. One of the goals of meditation can be an experience beyond, or at least parallel to, goal-awareness.

I say "can be" because there are multiple kinds of meditation. A famous meditation researcher whose name I've forgotten lists three: focused, wandering, and empathic. (I'm not sure those are the canonical terms for them.) Wandering is my favorite.

brianjlogan3 years ago

Yeah that "enjoyable" state is kind of difficult to describe. My experience may be different than yours but for me it's an emptiness of being in tranquility with the chaos of my own thoughts. Only with deliberate practice. To me "work" does not mean suffering but directed concentration and discipline. If I accept my mistakes and imperfectness of that "work" the process to me is "enjoyable". But the "joy" is difficult here because it's not really that exact emotion.

kahmeal3 years ago

Perhaps satisfaction and contentment are more accurate?

plutonorm3 years ago

Aim to get into a jhana, it’s a real state of being and quite wonderful.

forgotmypw173 years ago

I think the headline is misleading. This study is about people's preferences and comfort, not what's "better" for them.

(In my personal experience, breaking through the discomfort of "doing nothing" has been subjectively better and rewarding.)

jonplackett3 years ago

This reminds me of a clip of Louis CK talking about losing the ability to just sit with your own thoughts and be really sad.

Shame he turned out to be a sexual deviant because he said some interesting things.

reidjs3 years ago

I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss his entire act because of what he did. Watch his latest special to see his perspective. He’s not exactly Bill Cosby.

watwut3 years ago

Bill Cosby is rather low bar.

carapace3 years ago

> I wouldn’t be so quick...

I was a big fan of Louis CK, it took me about five days to internalize what he did and decide that his career was over as far as I'm concerned. It broke my heart. The guy is a creep and I can't watch him anymore.

Compare and contrast with what happened to Paul Reubens. He was arrested for masturbating during a film at an adult movie theater. He didn't force people to watch him like Louis CK allegedly did. It took eight years for his career to revive, and he arguably never fully recovered.

> In July 1991, Reubens was arrested for indecent exposure in an adult theater in Sarasota, Florida. The arrest set off a chain reaction of national media attention that changed the general public's view of Reubens and Pee-wee.[3] The arrest postponed Reubens' involvement in major projects until 1999

hedberg103 years ago

"One bad thought ruins entirety of humans other thoughts, they are now null and void. News at eleven!"

jonplackett3 years ago

What’s that quote from?

arthurcolle3 years ago

GP is making a statement in jest

alisonkisk3 years ago

Poor use of sarcasm (as most sarcasm is).

anonomousename3 years ago

How come? I'd argue that he made a decent point - one bad action of an individual doesn't invalidate everything else they've done. Using sarcasm can turn a bland, potentially combative statement like that into a joke.

watwut3 years ago

Tho, he did nor had one bad thought.

Issue is, he had multiple bad actions that actually harmed people. And he had worldview that rationalized those actions as something ok to do.

redis_mlc3 years ago

Just for those reading the above comment about Louis CK ...

If he hadn't voluntarily apologized, and hadn't been the biggest comedian at the time, there wouldn't have been anything to the story since it was consensual, and in one case, with another famous star.

Anyway, he can afford not to work, but still does live standup shows.

alisonkisk3 years ago

Two sides of a coin. "Deviant" and "interesting" are the same kinds behaviors but with different value judgements.

elliekelly3 years ago

I don’t think “deviant” is the right word to describe CK’s abhorrent behavior at all. Being different isn’t a bad thing. Rex Ryan is a “deviant”. Sure, some people may judge him but there’s nothing inherently harmful or unethical about what he chooses to do for sexual gratification. CK might be a deviant in that others don’t find gratification the way he apparently does but his deviance isn’t the issue. This issue is that he’s sexually exploitative of others.

jonplackett3 years ago

I’m unsure if you’re saying I shouldn’t be criticising him or should be more critical?

If he’d just been doing something sexually odd on his own I have no issue with almost anything that might be - but what he was doing abused his power and hurt other people.

yboris3 years ago

The principal author of this paper, Timothy D. Wilson has done some awesome research. I can highly recommend his book Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious. I found it it be very illuminating and even useful for understanding others and myself better.

retskrad3 years ago

I'm 27 years old and I don't have much purpose in life. am I'm kind of becoming desperate, to be honest. I have always thought about becoming a programmer but I don't know where to start.

What programming language do you learn first? What languages and skills do you need to learn to become hire-able by a company?

bananicorn3 years ago

It's never too late to start. At the beginning you should really focus on trying some things that keep your attention.

(For me that was programming games - incredibly crufty ones, but seeing thing move on my screen got me really excited and got me to understand)

Personally, that was javascript for me - mostly because you can do stuff with it in any browser you want. Lua[0] is also a great language for beginners, and I'm still using it for game development[1] and general scripting/fun stuff.

I just don't want to turn this into a hella long comment, so I'll wrap it up; but I could talk about the first steps you could take for hours :)

If you want to ask me anything on how to get started, just shoot me a mail under info@(my username here).com I'd be super happy to help :)

[0] [1]

retskrad3 years ago

Thank you

kwhitefoot3 years ago

Do you need an income? If you do then you should probably think about what you can do that would generate an income rather than going for programming.

While programmers can earn good money it isn't necessarily that easy. Another comment recommended Lua, I would say that the language you should learn is the one that fits the problems you want to solve. In other words, the language is a tool, programming itself is a tool, Lua is one specific type of tool and it might or might not be the tool for the job.

My advice, assuming that you insist on learning to program, is to first find a problem that you would like to solve that might be amenable to a programming solution; then pick the language that everyone else thinks is appropriate for that field.

retskrad3 years ago

Thank you

ir1233 years ago

Hope its not too late, but due warning: programming will mostly likely not give you "purpose". Its alright, the work is nice sometimes and you can learn a bit, but amongst my friends group and peers I have yet to find anyone who got "purpose" with programming.

About the actual programming language: trust me, it just doesn't matter that much. Just choose Java or Python and you can't go wrong. Pick up an algorithm's course/book and try and solve some problems. Becoming hire-able is a whole other ball game where you need to play with your social networks, make own projects or use your college credentials.

mLuby3 years ago

If the "lack of purpose" is making you uncomfortable, you could try sitting with that feeling and listening to it, trying to understand what's going on underneath; it's unlikely to be exactly what it appears. There might be professionals who can guide you in that effort, but I'm not sure what they'd be called exactly.

As for programming, I'd suggest building a few programs by following some tutorials on YouTube. In particular, programs that automate your browser or computer can be really satisfying: "open this page/program, click here, take a screenshot of this area." There should be plenty of tutorials out there that will do a basic setup for those. And if you know any programmers, ask them to help you get started. Almost without fail, I've found the hardest part of programming tutorials is installing things before you start coding. Followed closely by tutorials being out of date. So expect to try a few that don't work before you find a good one. Language does and doesn't matter: again, ask any programmers you know what they'd suggest if you only learned one language (I'd say JS).

Good luck! It's fun building castles in the air.

hypertele-Xii3 years ago

To a small minority, programming is an interest in itself. To most programmers, programming is a tool for achieving something they want. I learned to program mainly to make video games and websites.

For a general purpose programming language, I might suggest Lua. It's much less cryptic than most.

mikewarot3 years ago

It doesn't really matter what you learn, as long as you actually start, and keep up with it.

swagasaurus-rex3 years ago

Doing something is better than doing nothing

randomopining3 years ago

Dude honestly I don't care much about programming but its just a way to build stuff and be useful. Grind out all the CS data structures stuff and learn Java. Get a job at a big corp.

Or learn Node and JS and stuff and be a web dev.

ir1233 years ago

Agree with everything you said, although "Get a job" is harder* than it sounds. Learning programming is straightforward, getting a job is non trivial.

randomopining3 years ago

Yeah 100%. But if you give off the vibe that you work hard to get stuff done, and you are humble as to what you don't know (shows you will take your time and learn right)... I think you can get an entry job.

Credentials do help though to get your foot in the door, I will say. I was a terrible programmer but had a college degree. Foot was in teh door and now I think i'm a pretty solid distributed java dev (and enough fullstack etc).

muskox23 years ago

Assuming you mean harder than it sounds. Or, easier said than done.

ir1233 years ago

You are right, I conflated both by mistake

rossdavidh3 years ago

1) what an odd place to ask this question

2) this is not a bad first place:

SuchAnonMuchWow3 years ago

Not related to the content of the article, but am I the only one bothered with the way the article spell ranges: "six to 15 minutes", "Twelve of 18 men", "six of 24 females" ...

temp89643 years ago

It is in the APA style guide: "In addition to using words to express numbers below 10, use words to also express:

Numbers beginning a sentence, title, or text heading"

sp3323 years ago

That is in tension with using numerals for "Numbers that represent statistical or mathematical functions, fractional or decimal quantities, percentages, ratios..." And the tie-breaker is below:

If you’re unsure which modifier to write and which to express numerically, try it both ways. Be sure the way you express the numbers is in the clearest way possible.

Jiocus3 years ago

Yes but at least they are consistent with the pattern word of numeral, which is often a good rule to use if not employing a specific styleguide.

For example, using the APA guide[1] for numbers (thanks @OJFord for pointing out my error): “Six to 15”, “12 of 18”, Six of 24”.

Edit: As @temp8964 correctly pointed out, there are situations where words are recommended[2].



mattkrause3 years ago

Switching within a phrase, like “six to 15”, strikes me as pointless hobgobblin-ey consistency, especially when the numbers are close to the cutoff.

I find it so much more jarring than either “six to fifteen” or “6–15.”

OJFord3 years ago

Don't you have that backwards? I'm not familiar with APA style guide but I was taught at school (UK) to use words below ten (at least, and to be consistent, i.e. saying 'ten' just then is fine as long as I don't now start saying '10' or '11') - I'd be surprised if APA advocated exactly the opposite, based on your example.

Jiocus3 years ago

Hah! You're right, of course. My mind must have been elsewhere when writing the example, considering that I was literally reading the APA guide and thinking of the rule you laid out while at it.

______-3 years ago

> The investigation found that most would rather be doing something – possibly even hurting themselves – than doing nothing or sitting alone with their thoughts

This brings up an old saying I learned years ago:

    If you're going to do nothing, don't do it here
Meditation is being active doing nothing. It's paradoxical, just like Zen koans are paradoxical. I don't meditate in the cross legged position however, and drift in and out of meditation doing everyday humdrum things like waiting for a bus to arrive, or my favorite: pretending to sleep, so I can actually fall asleep. Each preamble before sleep is itself meditation, and we can find ourselves meditating doing humdrum things like washing the dishes. You don't need to go to a monastery or wellness center to meditate. We are natural meditators!
Jeff_Brown3 years ago

Switching on a podcast comes even more naturally to me. It's like I've outsourced a big fraction of my thinking. It's simultaneously delicious and repulsive.

sfgweilr4f3 years ago

Maybe. But I've also just gone deep into what most people would call a forest and just sit there for more than 2 hours. No music. No notebook. Nothing to read. Just sit there. Close your eyes. Sit.

Does that qualify as doing nothing? Or is that classed as some kind of meditation?

rossdavidh3 years ago

I think what that means is, most people don't (and wouldn't want to) do something that you choose to do, at least occasionally. I also meditate, on occasion. But I note that many methods of meditation involve giving you something to do (slow walking meditation, for example), perhaps precisely for this reason?

ambivalents3 years ago

A good illustration of this is riding the NYC subway. I think most people would choose a slower-moving local line if it shows up before the more efficient express line, even if the express would get you to your destination sooner.

elzbardico3 years ago

I used to do that with bus lines, provided I could get a seat. Between 20 mins standing + 20 mins crowded fast bus line (standing) and 60 minutes comfortably seated with no wait, I always choose the later. But, I may be the exception, as I find riding the bus a pleasurable activity.

DangitBobby3 years ago

It is supremely uncomfortable inside some people's heads.

fighterpilot3 years ago

More generally, it is supremely uncomfortable inside some people's bodies. I don't just mean someone with physical pain. Anxiety, depression and other disorders are a whole-body experience.

carapace3 years ago

I believe this is a wildly underappreciated fact: Most folks are miserable, and most of us don't realize it due to a kind of "fish don't notice water" effect.

> Under the present brutal and primitive conditions on this planet every person you meet should be regarded as one of the walking wounded. We have never seen a man or woman not slightly deranged by either anxiety or grief. We have never seen a totally sane human being.

~Robert Anton Wilson

swayvil3 years ago

If you have a habit and you cease that constant, habitual action. It looks a bit like doing and and it also looks a bit like not-doing.

And habits are often completely invisible.

So that's something to consider.

paulcarroty3 years ago

I treat "doing nothing" as failure. It's normal to be bored, confused, tired sometimes, but you should have a goal & move forward, always.

paulcole3 years ago

I treat doing nothing as success. I opted out of the working world for 3 years in my 20s (lived cheaply off savings) and did little more than watch movies/tv, read, and walk/exercise.

Had no goals and no ambitions and loved every moment of it.

nickkell3 years ago

What if your goal is to do nothing?

pessimizer3 years ago

This study doesn't make much sense. If the question is whether people would rather study and interact with the world or just ruminate and narcissisticly contemplate their own thoughts, the answer should be obvious, unless you've met anyone who enjoys the idea of being buried alive. I bet fitness people would be fine with this short-term solitary confinement, because they're at least entertained by their own bodies.

elliekelly3 years ago

Do you find meditation “narcissistic”?

asimjalis3 years ago

Several people mentioned meditation. Are there good books on how to meditate that you can recommend?

AgentMatt3 years ago

I can recommend "The Mind Illuminated" by Culadasa. It presents a path for meditation in ten stages, describing in simple and clear language goals and techniques for each. There are both directly actionable advice for many different circumstances, challenges, etc., and more theoretical / philosophical discussions for context and understanding.

I have followed the system described in the book for about 15 months, and think it had a positive impact on my life and my well-being in general.

johnchristopher3 years ago

What does it mean regarding depression and laying in bed all day doing nothing “with ease” ?

the_only_law3 years ago

Now if only I could bring myself to actually do something.

bravura3 years ago

Isn't this just confirmation bias? The sort of journalist who would publish work on this sort of scientist's publications, they both seem like the types of people who rather publish than do nothing.

kilodeca3 years ago

Is that even a question?

failwhaleshark3 years ago

Idleness is rust.

grouphugs3 years ago
