Hacker News

FFmpeg by Example
233 points61 comments16 hours agoffmpegbyexample.com
How rqlite is tested
107 points20 comments6 hours agophilipotoole.com
Don't use cosine similarity carelessly
78 points12 comments5 hours agop.migdal.pl
Das Blinkenlights
18 points8 comments3 days agorodyne.com
Home Loss File System
124 points18 comments8 hours agodocs.google.com
Virtual Vette – Racing Simulator Built from Wrecked Corvette
33 points5 comments3 days agoinstructables.com
Rewriting my website in plain HTML and CSS
55 points45 comments3 hours agovijayp.dev
GPT-4o with scheduled tasks (jawbone) is available in beta
42 points71 comments4 hours agochatgpt.com
Servo vs. steppers: Speed, Torque and Accuracy [video]
134 points50 comments12 hours agoyoutube.com
Show HN: WASM-powered codespaces for Python notebooks on GitHub
120 points23 comments9 hours agodocs.marimo.io
Cosmos Keyboard: Scan your hand, build a keyboard
166 points40 comments1 day agoryanis.cool
Take the Pedals Off the Bike
59 points95 comments12 hours agofortressofdoors.com
If You Ever See This Speed Sign, You're Probably Going to Die
124 points66 comments4 hours agotheautopian.com
Getting an all-optical AI to handle non-linear math
13 points3 comments3 days agoarstechnica.com
Show HN: Value likelihoods for OpenAI structured output
67 points23 comments11 hours agoarena-ai.github.io
Reversible computing escapes the lab
208 points52 comments4 days agospectrum.ieee.org