Hacker News

Meta Llama 3
798 points339 comments3 hours agollama.meta.com
Halo 2 in HD: Pushing the Original Xbox to the Limit
239 points84 comments5 hours agoicode4.coffee
Feathers are one of evolution's cleverest inventions
213 points129 comments1 day agoscientificamerican.com
You Need a "WTF Notebook"
209 points42 comments3 hours agosimplermachines.com
Chinchilla Scaling: A replication attempt
72 points31 comments4 hours agoarxiv.org
Insatiable: A Life Without Eating
3 points0 comments11 minutes agolongreads.com
OpenMCT: A web based mission control framework
47 points7 comments4 hours agogithub.com
Why CVE-2022-3602 was not detected by fuzz testing (2022)
67 points35 comments2 days agoallsoftwaresucks.blogspot.com
Dnsmasq wins the first BlueHats Prize
51 points5 comments3 hours agonlnet.nl
My mother declared my bedroom a disaster area
74 points15 comments7 hours agonews.lettersofnote.com
Multi-Tenant Queues in Postgres
11 points0 comments4 hours agodocs.hatchet.run
Short Stack: World’s smallest Nintendo Wii
547 points73 comments18 hours agogithub.com