
First images from Euclid are in

673 points15
agomez31422 minutes ago

Can somebody add some GenAI to this to smoothen things out when it zooms in as well as add in some "parallax" effect so that it looks like we go past the closer galaxies to the further ones?

skybrian11 hours ago

If you'd prefer not to watch a video, try this page [1] that has images.

Hopefully there will be a zoomable image (like Google Maps) eventually.


relistan4 hours ago

Thank you

spoaceman777711 hours ago


neom11 hours ago

Some of that zooming in made me feel pretty damn uncomfortable. It really is f'ing massive out there huh. Makes me wonder what this is all about, I'm sure it's something, I wonder what. :)

wayoverthecloud9 hours ago

I think that too. That it's surely meant to be something. But sometimes I think what does "meaning" even mean? Does universe really have any "meaning", the term that humans invented and that even they are unsure of? Then, I think it's a big randomness, a random accident, a big joke, just happening with nothing to make sense of.

feoren5 hours ago

It's not a joke, because jokes have underlying meaning. It is somewhere between a "random accident" and the only way it could have possibly been given the constraints of fundamental physics. I suspect that everything that could possibly be, is, but it's random that you are you and I am me and we find ourselves here in this corner of this galaxy in this part of the universe which might itself be the inside of a giant black hole. But even if our universe is random, that doesn't mean there's nothing to make sense of. There's lots to make sense of.

kortilla3 hours ago

Jokes don’t always have meaning. “I want to play a joke on Bob” can very easily mean “I’m just going to torture Bob a bit for my amusement”. The joke will not have meaning to Bob.

alonsonic45 minutes ago

It has a meaning to Bob because the joke exists for a reason he can comprehend even he doesn't like it.

imchillyb9 hours ago

So many rules, laws, and systems for all of this to be random. Seems a waste of good code if everything is random.

Is an ecosystem random? What happens when one outside force is added to an ecosystem? There's plenty of examples around the globe of this.

Life doesn't 'find a way' and balance. The ecosystem is damaged, and often times destroyed by adding a single non-native species. That doesn't seem random does it?

Randomness should have error correction, as it's random. Doesn't seem to though.

TeMPOraL5 hours ago

> Life doesn't 'find a way' and balance. The ecosystem is damaged, and often times destroyed by adding a single non-native species.

Of course it does. "Ecosystem" and "species" and "native" are human terms referring to categories we invented to make sense of things. Life itself is one ongoing, unbroken, slow-burn chemical reaction at planetary scale. It's always in flux, it's always balanced in myriad ways on some timescales, unbalanced in others.

Even without getting reductive to this degree, there's hardly a case an ecosystem was destroyed. Adding non-native species ends up rebalancing things, sometimes transforming them into something dissimilar to what came before - but it's not like life disappears. The ecosystem is there, just different. Though it sure sucks to be one of the life forms depending on the "status quo".

> That doesn't seem random does it?

Yes, it very much is random. If thermodynamics teaches us anything, it's that random looks quite organized if you zoom out enough and smooth over details.

ordu1 hour ago

If you first saw Earth billion years ago, you wouldn't be able to predict the current state of affairs. Why? Because there would be myriads of possible outcomes, and you'd struggle to pick one, even just imagining all of them would be impossible for a weak human mind. Weak human mind cannot truly grasp the full extent of what happens now despite it can look at it directly.

But among myriads of possible outcomes the would be a lot of outcomes that you would describe as "non random" if you saw them. Maybe any of them will not look as random. If evolution have chosen one of "non-random" outcomes by a dice roll, would it be right to call its pick "non random"?

phito5 hours ago

Ecosystems do adapt. They look broken to us because of our ridiculously small life span.

That's why I dislike framing climate change actions as "saving the planet". The planet will be just fine. We won't.

shiroiushi4 hours ago
caf5 hours ago

You could think of it in the sense of "saving money" - if you're a notorious spendthrift, the money hasn't actually disappeared, but it's of no use to you anymore.

felizuno7 hours ago

I've been convinced that random is so maximally inclusive that there is no error category. Obviously uniformity is an anti-random condition that would bait the label "error" but I think it's still perfectly random to flip a coin tails 2, 4, 6, 6k times consecutively and the uniformity is simply a shocking instance of random. To your point, I don't think random implies balance though I understand that statistically this is the expected outcome of large set randomness such as ...the universe... (OP)

Many of my thoughts on randomness are seeded by David Deutsch's "Beginning of infinity" which is an interesting read FWTW

semi-extrinsic5 hours ago
andsoitis9 hours ago

> Randomness should have error correction, as it's random.

Randomness itself doesn't have error correction, but systems that generate or use randomness may have checks to ensure they function correctly. Error correction applies to data or signal integrity, which is a separate concept from pure randomness.

samus7 hours ago

Ecosystems eventually adapt to the newcomers. And it's not like the species already part of the ecosystem wouldn't ever evolve to something detrimental to the whole.

frabjoused9 hours ago

My money is on it just being a playing field for the game of life. A damn good one at that.

renegade-otter9 hours ago

The Cosmic Deep State went to great lengths to make all of this very.... big.

thenobsta5 hours ago

Big Universe has it out for the little guy. It's trying to make it very hard to make sense of its master plan.

ilt9 hours ago

Too big to fail?

kabdib8 hours ago

Entropy never sleeps

dyauspitr8 hours ago

It’s ridiculous. That final zoomed in image that showed one galaxy has maybe 300 million stars in it. Just that one. The scope is… unbelievable silly.

Keysh3 hours ago

Probably closer to 300 billion stars. (It's roughly the same size as the Milky Way, which is estimated to have ~ 100 to 400 billion stars.)

cubefox46 minutes ago


cameldrv6 hours ago

Take a look at the Hubble ultra deep field image. It’s a tiny part of the sky but it’s hundreds of galaxies. It’s hard to wrap your head around…

downboots9 hours ago

To my limited knowledge it's not even clear what the edges are but I think it's probably safe to say that the bigger it is, the more complexity you can cram in there.

kfrzcode9 hours ago

Wondering is the what.

Refusing234 hours ago

someone made a larger universe a few blocks down the road, and so we made a larger one just to one-up him

geenkeuse11 hours ago

No Man's Sky

yread4 hours ago

Yeah. Do you want to donate your liver?

lefrenchy9 hours ago

It's just so crazy to me to see a galaxy 420 million light years away. That is so much time for what we're seeing to have changed. I presume life can form within that window given the right conditions, so to some degree it just feels a bit sad that the distance is so great that we can't actually see what may exist in this moment that far away

gary_05 hours ago

Given that the speed of light is the speed of causality, technically it's not really 420 million years in the "past" in any meaningful sense. The present is relative, not universal. The collected light we see in our telescopes is a lie about a particular universe that will never be, at least in any tangible way. On a cosmic scale, every spot in the universe sees its own unique sequence of events going on around it, all of it rendered virtually immutable by the relative slowness of c.

It's a beautiful nightmare, isn't it?

nullwriter4 hours ago

Absolutely mind blowing - I've not thought of this and will be reading about it

conductr3 hours ago

I’ll admit I’m severely undereducated in this stuff, probably less than an average high schooler these day but nevertheless I feel like I’ve considered this before and never knew it had a name. Which makes me feel not completely stupid.

> whether two spatially separated events occur at the same time – is not absolute, but depends on the observer's reference frame.

But What I don’t understand about this is why is “time” framed as observer based? In my mind, the events do happen at the same time and just are unable to be observed as such. I feel like time is a figment of our imagination, it’s just a measurement. In my pea brain time makes sense more as a constant and the other things are something else that impacts the latency of observance

satvikpendem2 hours ago

If not for observation, what does "happen" mean? Keep in mind observation in the physics sense doesn't mean conscious observation but rather that anything experiences something at all.

0xDEAFBEAD5 hours ago

It might be possible to build a powerful telescope to see life on planets that are closer to us, though:

Tepix3 hours ago

Or go for the gravitational lens provided by our sun (580 AU out).

Sander_Marechal4 hours ago

Ohh I love the idea of a massive telescope that's just compromised of thousands of individual satellites!

vasco9 hours ago

In another way it's really cool to be able to "see the past" even if all we see is always the past. At this level it is like a super power. If only some aliens had put a mirror somewhere far so we could see ourselves too. Or multiple mirrors at different distances.

With enough mirrors and light bouncing around the size of the universe itself can be a "storage media" of the past with different photons all around carrying "how this location looked X years ago". "All" you have to do to know what happened is find the right photon to see whatever it is you want to see.

ujikoluk6 hours ago

For prior art in this field, see:

"pingfs is a filesystem where the data is stored only in the Internet itself, as ICMP Echo packets (pings) travelling from you to remote servers and back again."


Storing data as acoustic waves gave a higher capacity in practice, as propagation is slower thus fitting a larger number of symbol per time unit.

lloeki2 hours ago

From chainsaws to ICMP echo packets (and more)

ConcernedCoder5 hours ago

In theory, couldn't we focus on a perfect spot near a black hole where the light has been warped 180 degrees around it... i.e. if the black hole is 100 light years away, you'd see ( with perfect zoom, of course ) a picture of the earth 200 years ago...?

I understand that we'd have to account for the movement of objects, of course, but with computers, seems like a small hurdle...

grahamj8 hours ago

You don't need mirrors, you just need to get in front of the photons. A time machine or warp drive will do :)

Also the past is the only thing you can perceive, there effectively is no now.

steveoscaro8 hours ago

Well that sounds like a good premise for a scifi book or movie.

IngoBlechschmid5 hours ago
seanhunter3 hours ago

Absolutely astonishing. Thank you to everyone involved in this effort. It's completely mindboggling to think it's only 4 hundred years from Kepler deriving the equations of orbital motion to us being able to do this. Just stunning.

mr_mitm4 hours ago

This is very exciting. I was part of the Euclid collaboration roughly ten years ago as a grad student. Finally we can see the fruits of the labor of the many scientists involved. The images are of course very exciting, but I'll be even more excited about the scientific results that will be released in the coming years.

Jun88 hours ago

Watching this is ... hard to find the words to describe it. It's insane!

It shows us how mind bogglingly vast the universe is and how we're literally nothing compared to it. Paradoxically, it also makes me feel incredibly potent and capable as a human being in that being this small we can know so much!

Your size is to the distance of that distant spiral galaxy (420 Mly - 10e24m) as a neutrino is to you (effective cross section of a 1MeV neutron = 10e-24m:

kranner6 hours ago

That we can know anything at all is a miracle in itself. It could have been just fine evolutionarily for us Earth creatures to be no more than Large Action Models with no inner experience, but somehow we ended up as these perceiving, cogitating, apprehending beings.

namaria2 hours ago

Our existence and the universe being knowable is all intertwined.

A reverse entropy universe or a random one would preclude any meaningful learning, thus also the evolution of intelligence and technological civilization as well.

valval3 hours ago

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

JKCalhoun7 hours ago

Small and so brief too.

seoulmetro6 hours ago

>in that being this small we can know so much!

We only know what we think we know. We could just be grains of sand in someone else's world for all we know.

udev409656 minutes ago

"Meanwhile the Cosmos is rich beyond measure: the total number of stars in the universe is greater than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the planet Earth."

- Carl Sagan

netsharc41 minutes ago
gorgoiler7 hours ago

A fun thing I like to do every so often is to try to break away from the natural notion that space has a horizon and that instead force myself to feel that it continues equally in all directions.

We’re naturally inclined to be ok with giant distances on the horizon. It’s natural to put more emphasis on that part of the world. Hold up your thumb to the horizon and notice how many things fit alongside it compared to your thumb help downwards against the ground.

On the surface of our planet the up direction isn’t usually interesting and the down direction isn’t even there. It is therefore quite horrifying (“fun”) to imagine space going down forever.

beAbU4 hours ago

Many years ago I read some sci-fi novel, and in it was a sub-plot of a warring alien species that started destroying anything and everything they came across in their travels.

The story went that their local system was in some sort of a dust cloud, so they had no stars visible from their planet. At some point, that cloud somehow dissipated. On the planet, one of the inhabitants bothered to look up one night, and it hated everything it saw. So the race developed a space program to go out there and destroy it all.

For some reason I think it was Adams' H2G2, but the tone of my recollection does not quite feel on-brand for those stories. Not sure.

murrayhenson2 hours ago

The end of Chapter 12 from Douglas Adams' Life, the Universe, and Everything.

The darkness of the cloud buffeted at the ship. Inside was the silence of history. Their historic mission was to find out if there was anything or anywhere on the other side of the sky, from which the wrecked spaceship could have come, another world maybe, strange and incomprehensible though this thought was to the enclosed minds of those who had lived beneath the sky of Krikkit.

History was gathering itself to deliver another blow.

Still the darkness thrummed at them, the blank enclosing darkness. It seemed closer and closer, thicker and thicker, heavier and heavier. And suddenly it was gone.

They flew out of the cloud.

They saw the staggering jewels of the night in their infinite dust and their minds sang with fear.

For a while they flew on, motionless against the starry sweep of the Galaxy, itself motionless against the infinite sweep of the Universe. And then they turned around.

"It'll have to go," the men of Krikkit said as they headed back for home.

On the way back, they sang a number of tuneful and reflective songs on the subjects of peace, justice, morality, culture, sport, family life and the obliteration of all other life forms.

tirpen4 hours ago

You are right, it is from h2g2.

It's the planet Krikkit, which is a major part of Life, The Universe and Everything, the third book in the series.

bongodongobob6 hours ago

Yes. I like to look at the moon and think of it as being "down" and I'm the one at an angle. Rather than "there's nothing under me, just the ground" it's "there's nothing under me, just nothing forever."

bikamonki11 hours ago

So many solar systems out there, life evolved in many planets for sure. No proof but no doubt.

shiroiushi9 hours ago

No, there's only one solar system in the entire universe. There's countless star systems though, but only one of those stars is named Sol.


thfuran8 hours ago

You can't know that there's only one named sol by the locals.

Yeul1 hour ago

One day we'll be sued by aliens for trademark infringement.

skibz3 hours ago

We live in what's known as a planetary system. Star systems involve only stars.

WhitneyLand6 hours ago

If that’s where we’re going I’ll try to pedant-raise you.

Assuming the cosmological principle is true and the universe is infinite, wouldn’t we be guaranteed an infinite number of Sols? ;)

patrickmcnamara4 hours ago

Do people actually call the Sun "Sol"? I thought that was more of a video game thing.

shiroiushi4 hours ago

The Romance languages use that name (or something very closely related). English uses "Sun", but just as it borrows a ton of stuff from Latin/French/etc., it also borrows "Sol" for its word "solar".

Also, Captain Archer in Enterprise used the name Sol when making contact with aliens.

konart2 hours ago

It's Солнце (Solntse) in Russian.

fimdomeio4 hours ago

If you speak Portuguese or Spanish, yes.

sph3 hours ago

Latins and medieval scientists did. In Italian we call it "Sole".

Quekid54 hours ago

I can't think of any English-speaking places that do... but you see it used in "solar", for example.

ants_everywhere11 hours ago

"But where is everybody?" [0]


SoftTalker8 hours ago

They are all wondering the same thing. Distances are so vast that the overwhelming probablity is that we'll just never notice each other.

gwd2 hours ago

How long did it take modern humans to completely colonize Earth, such that there are few places you can go on Earth and not meet any humans? Less than 10k years for sure.

If we become a space-faring civilization, how long will it take us to colonize the galaxy, such that there are few places you can go and not find evidence of humans around? Not more than a million years or so.

So if intelligent life -- capable of becoming a space-faring civilization -- is common, why is the galaxy not colonized already?

Kursgesagt has a good video on this:

tomrod11 hours ago

We have proof. Us.

wyldfire10 hours ago

The posit was "life evolved in many planets for sure" but your evidence is "us"?

tomrod9 hours ago

We are a necessary but insufficient part of the proof of life. One cannot say "no proof" when necessary proof has been achieved. All that remains is a second example -- the first took several billion years to achieve self awareness.

Like they say, the first million is the hardest.

beAbU4 hours ago

"No proof but no doubt" is such a great way to put it.

dev1ycan6 hours ago

I mean there is a very non 0 chance that Europa (moon) itself has life in it, it might not be more than very basic life, but there is a non zero chance that it does have it.

ekianjo11 hours ago

Life? Probably. Something that has thinking capabilities? Much more doubtful.

bigiain10 hours ago

> Something that has thinking capabilities?

Something that involves "thinking capabilities" in a form we would recognise?

That's always what I consider when someone mentions the Fermi Paradox.

Humans tend to barely recognise "thinking capabilities" in other mammals. There is intriguing evidence that plants "communicate" and "remember", and have been doing so around us for at least as long as mammals have existed with humans barely noticing and usually ignoring or criticising researchers who suggest that perhaps plants may be "thinking".

If we don't even recognise "thinking capabilities" in the plants that have been around us for as long as we've been around as a species, what're the chances that we would notice and recognise "conclusive evidence of advanced extraterrestrial life" when we saw it?

gorgoiler11 hours ago

What is the probability that two raindrops land at the same time?

It is pitch dark. Could one raindrop survive long enough to at least hear the sound of another landing before it disintegrates?

Is the time between the drop striking the plane and the drop smashing apart so short that no drop ever hears another, or even sees evidence that any drop other than itself ever existed?

6stringronin9 hours ago

So you're saying out of the trillions upon trillions of stars that the chances are no life can think but us?

I think the odds are that at least one of them does.

mcmoor8 hours ago

We're multiplying a very large number (number of planets) with a very small number (chance of intelligent life). The margin can make the answer go either way.

lnenad5 hours ago
colordrops7 hours ago

Why do you think the chance of intelligent life is a very small number? Considering we know of several million species, the chances are that we are right in the middle of the curve, and can't recognize the vastly more intelligent species the way an ant can't recognize our intelligence.

thomassmith658 hours ago

There may be countless other planets with intelligent life right now, but... if it took them millions of years to evolve... and they're millions of lightyears away... we might have to wait millions of years for signals to reach Earth from the eldest civilizations in the closest galaxies.

spartanatreyu8 hours ago
rvnx10 hours ago

It depends what you call Life.

If it is a machine that can reproduce itself, growth, collect energy, use energy, do actions based on events, etc, then animals match this profile (perhaps even plants), and also, at some point computer will probably reach that goal.

Despite that, computers won't have a "soul", so where this soul comes from is a big mystery.

I'm not even sure that two humans can prove with certainty that the other ones has a soul, this is still an unsolved problem.

ChocolateGod5 hours ago

Unless the "soul" or the feeling of self is a property of the universe itself and could apply to computers given enough computer power and "free will".

colordrops10 hours ago

Trying not to be negative, but statements like this completely disregard the degree of thought and evidence that needs to be accounted for to make a reasonable statement that isn't just pulling an ungrounded opinion out of the air. I mean why exactly is it doubtful? It doesn't seem doubtful to many other very intelligent people, so perhaps you should back it up with a bit of reasoning or evidence.

deanCommie11 hours ago

I see no reason to doubt.

I think at the scale of the universe life even thinking capabilities life is almost certainly inevitable.

What's not inevitable is that it can thrive, and survive to a galactic scale. That's not even yet certain for us.

Universe is too big, we're all too far apart. Civilizations come, civilizations go. Some may not be on a planet where even rocket travel may be possible - no source of energy dense enough. Some can get wiped out by disasters. Asteroids. It's happened on this planet a bunch of times.

It's like the Birthday paradox. It's likely 2 people have the same birthday. It's not likely that someone else has YOUR birthday.

bigiain9 hours ago

> What's not inevitable is that it can thrive, and survive to a galactic scale. That's not even yet certain for us.

Sadly, that's looking less and less likely as time goes on.

deanCommie4 hours ago

See even here there's no reason to be this doomery.

Yes, climate change is a massive problem, and humanity is ignoring it to our own peril.

But peril here means the unnecessary deaths and displacement of hundreds of millions of people - a civilization-defining tragedy no doubt, but ultimately nothing so serious as to cause our extinction.

We have the technology and knowledge to adapt, change course, finally get of fossil fuels, and enter into a new age of sustainable renewable energy.

We're gonna do it too late, and whole ecosystems, species, and far too many humans are all going to perish. Sea life may become extinct.

But at no point is our survival as a SPECIES in question.

m3kw911 hours ago

One proof is that we are thinking, and so are dogs, cats and monkeys to a lesser extent.

ekianjo11 hours ago

That's Earth. There is no model to say that life always goes on that way. We just have no clue.

virtue311 hours ago
caust1c11 hours ago
anigbrowl8 hours ago

FOH with that solipsistic nonsense

Wir mussen wissen. Wir werden wissen.

kjkjadksj9 hours ago

And thats just how life on earth happened to iterate in recent terms. For most of the history of life on earth, it was unicellular. It could have just as easily remained a planet of unicellular life for another few billion years if it weren’t for a few chance mutations that happened to be slightly more competitive over the background.

m3kw911 hours ago

I think you fail to see the sheer probability just from the number of galaxies and the timeline itself where life can form and extinguish in even few million years. Every planet in the universe gets various amount of tries over eons

kjkjadksj9 hours ago

That’s hardly proof considering these examples all share a common ancestor. I ask you, can you communicate with a slime mold? Even the slime mold is more similar to ourselves than any potential life we’d find elsewhere, as we share a common ancestor.

colordrops7 hours ago

What's so important about "sharing a common ancestor"? It doesn't say anything about the spread of different types of life that could evolve, considering we have a sample size of one, and it also says nothing about how difficult it is for any particular form to evolve intelligence.

kjkjadksj9 hours ago

I agree. There is a huge bias in our culture that we imagine a human supremacy. We are the top of the food chain we think. The masters of our world we argue, despite simple bacteria being superior in all environments compared to fragile sickly humans. We not only assume that aliens would think like us, we think they would even look like us with more or less the same body plan. We think they would have the same cultural sensibilites of exploration aboard a ship, of making treaties and even sharing technology. Even in this thread you get pushback from replies and downvotes from people who are almost offended that this would not be the case.

If you ever study evolution on the other hand, you would realize how fantastical these assumptions all are. No, life elsewhere if anything is far more likely to look like how it did for most of the history of life on earth: unicellular. People forget that even multicellularity, let alone an organism with an entire bodyplan, emerged from pure chance, and could have easily been wiped out or outcompeted for resources as soon as it came if it didn’t have sufficient fitness. How lucky it was for us that our ancient eukaryotic ancestors enveloped that first mitochondria. How different life would look today if that never happened and we never had such an energy source to actually support these later iterations, considering all life that exists today are directly descended from this single line. How supremely unlikely it all is to tread even close to the same path. How many potential paths are lost along the way and how many paths only emerged as a result of previous paths.

PUSH_AX4 hours ago

We’re so lucky to exist in a time where everything is so close together, as absurd as that sounds.

There will come a time when a civilisation will look up and see only darkness, due to the expansion of the universe.

sva_4 hours ago

It is not clear to me that the conditions of the universe at that point of increased entropy would be able to support life

bilekas4 hours ago

Eventually there won’t be any life given no stellar body will be in range of a star to support life I guess?

PUSH_AX4 hours ago

I’m assuming gravity will keep solar systems together? But admittedly know little about it.

Sander_Marechal4 hours ago
gigatexal49 minutes ago

Does anyone know what the music was in the background? Was it random for the video or a known piece?

thierrydamiba10 hours ago

Fun to imagine someone or something out there mapping us as well. What a cool video. I think one of the best things about space travel will be the loss of ego we go through when we really understand how vast the world is.

gukov4 hours ago

Apparently psychedelics can cause the so called ego death. I wonder if it’s the same driving force: a realization of how vast and limitless the world is.

vasco8 hours ago

Humans are great at turning a new insight into a way to feel better about themselves compared to others that haven't had the insight. We are driven by our ego, so I find that very unlikely.

mmooss10 hours ago

That was said when we first orbited the Earth. Right now many things - space travel in particular - seems correlated with vastly increased ego.

leokennis2 hours ago

I know next to nothing about “space” but pfeeeew that zoom-out at the end…wow.

zuminator9 hours ago

To think that it's only been a touch over 100 years that we've even had confirmation that other galaxies besides our own exist.

Prior to that it was thought that the entire visible universe was around 100,000 parsecs across (what we know now to be just the Milky Way.)

openrisk3 hours ago

my God! it's full of stars! [1] I can't help but think that living and evolving under a starry sky has had a deep impact on our reptile brains and the process is still ongoing. First it was the simple act of looking up to a mysterious, clean and regular clockwork unfolding in the heavens. The fortuitous match of eye structure, atmospheric transparency to certain wavelengths etc. that created a permanent mental stimulus that was complex yet not beyond grasp. Astronomy and the development of Mathematics were closely intertwined in the dawn of civilization [2]. Then it was the invention of the telescope [3], one of our first sensory-extension devices, that marked the beginning of the modern science and technology era. Culminating into the satellite era (detached "eyes" lifted into low-Earth orbits) and the incredible ESA projects like Euclid (looking out at the furtherst reaches of space) and Copernicus [4] (looking back at us and our predicament). It does feel that the process of learning about the universe and our place within it is still in full swing. It is still a great time to be alive!

Small quibble: Credits for the soundtrack are missing.





biggestlou10 hours ago

I’m still loooking for intelligent life on this planet!

ordu59 minutes ago

Can't you pass a mirror test and see yourself in the mirror? It is pretty good evidence for me, that intelligent life exists on this planet.

FredPret8 hours ago

I'm confused by how much matter there is. Are those dots entire galaxies? It's just nuts. Thank you team Euclid.

6stringronin9 hours ago

Truly amazing what a gift to humanity. Inspiring to see such a wonderful zoom on a deep filed like image. Bravo to the ESA.

taylorius5 hours ago

They've gone and created Douglas Adams' Total Perspective Vortex

geenkeuse11 hours ago

We still have a long way to go to beat this draw distance, but we are on our way. The day will come when we have "sentient" beings, living in a massive world created by us. And they will ponder the same things as we do now.

And we will remain invisible and out of reach, but completely observant, and influential in their world. After all, we wrote the program.

And they will study the code and discover their own "natural laws" and invent their own things.

And they will progress until they create a completely simulated world of their own.

I wonder at which level are we. How many sims down from the original program...

sph3 hours ago

You would enjoy the short story "The Last Question" by Asimov:

__turbobrew__8 hours ago

The more I learn about physics the more I am convinced this is a simulation.

In a way our universe is very lazy, at large scales where consciousness exists the universe is coherent, predictable. The smaller you get the lazier and fuzzier the universe gets to save computational work. The actual state of things is only computed on small scales when you measure them. The speed of light puts limits on how far humanity can travel to extend the bounds of the simulation. Maybe the expansion of the universe is yet another hedge at limiting how far human can travel. Also, as things are red shifted due to expansion you can run the simulation of far away places slower due to time dilation.

The speed of light and the plank length are both hard codes to bound computational work. The plank length to bound computation getting too complex in the micro scale and the speed of light to limit computation in the macro scale.

It is also very convenient that the closer we look at things the more we see that under the hood things are discrete which is very convenient for simulating.

Maybe every level of the sim increases the plank length and decreases the speed of light in order to deal with inefficiency of doing a sim within a sim? Maybe at the final level of the sim we end up with the truman show.

ffwd7 hours ago

This is an interesting idea but personally I think the opposite - the universe is not lazy and all details matter at all levels.

Like imagine making a complete account of all world views of all people in all of history - all perspectives, and all the physical events of that history. There is almost infinite detail there. In a way, in the universe all the details of all the things matter, including at the physical level, otherwise you wouldn't get the diversity and complexity you get now.

smaddox10 hours ago

Exponential slowdowns at each level ruin this hypothesis.

geenkeuse10 hours ago

The documents I copied are not as sharp as the original, so the photocopier must not exist.

smaddox8 hours ago

Photocopying has little to do with simulation of the physical world.

First of all, Bits != Q-bits. You can clone bits. You can't clone Q-bits:

Second, photocopies are static. The physical world is not static.

TrapLord_Rhodo4 hours ago

Why would their be exponential slowdown? Time can be relative, but superbroadcasting can help explain the loss of fidelity as we scale down. So you can't "Clone" but you can superentangle multiple copies in a degraded state.

turnsout11 hours ago

What benefit do you get from this line of thought? You could also be a brain in a jar. What would you change about your life or behavior?

dr_kiszonka10 hours ago

It's fun to think for the sake of thinking.

geenkeuse10 hours ago

But I'm not a brain in a jar. That is not my experience.

The benefit I get is knowing that this is not all one "big bang"

We are so quick to laud our own achievements, but fail to give credit where it is due.

We build nuclear power plants, waste water treatment plants and the beginnings of quantum computers. And we congratulate ourselves for a job well done, after spending an unspeakable amount of resources on them. We maintain them with a constant labour force, regular maintenance shutdowns and a ton of money.

Meanwhile the sun keeps shining, the clouds keep raining and your mind keeps minding.

And they do it on zero budget. No off days. No staff. Automatically.

And with all this engagement, the energy remains the same.

lfmunoz411 hours ago

600x zoom didn't seem to help from the 150x zoom. Wonder if we will ever be able to see actual planet surfaces or we need some other technology to do that, i.e, we should have small satellites every 10 light years. but this map is amazing and a good step forward.

Edit: Was just thinking that image does us tells us something i.e, there no large artificial structures or billboards anywhere we can see. Maybe I watch too much sci-fi but honestly would have expected someone to build some huge structure around a star or planet, would be disappointing if no one does.

zamadatix11 hours ago

For comparison's sake, this is the best image we made of Pluto (~0.0006 light years away) prior to sending a spacecraft right past it and this is an image of what we think might be a gas giant 4 light years away

bigiain9 hours ago

> there no large artificial structures or billboards anywhere we can see.

I half suspect the aliens who can construct structures large enough to see from lightyears away are by far most likely to be building Dyson Spheres around stars which make them significantly less likely to be seen rather than something we'd notice.

stouset11 hours ago

There is zero way to optically resolve an exoplanet’s surface without something like a gravitational lens.

xpl10 hours ago

Can't we build a giant optical interferometer in space by sending multiple telescopes out there?

mlyle7 hours ago

Possibly, but the challenges to do so are immense. Using the sun as a giant gravitational lens seems much more tractable.

cvoss7 hours ago
frabjoused9 hours ago

If light is hitting it, can you explain why not?

thrtythreeforty8 hours ago

The naïve optical instrument will be diffraction limited. The resolving power of a lens, basically how "sharp" the resulting image will be, goes down as you decrease the size of the aperture relative to the focal length (that is, as the f-stop number goes up).

A telescope that could zoom into an exoplanet would have an f value of a kajillion or so.

stouset5 hours ago

You’d need a 90km aperture to get a one pixel image of an Earth-sized exoplanet at 100ly.

recursive8 hours ago

I don't know much about it, but my guess is that 0* photons from that planet make their way into any given telescope lens in a given day.

davidwritesbugs2 hours ago

I look at this and think "Huh, maybe I'm not the biggest deal there is."

00000z2 hours ago

I dont know whats out there but holy fuck this is amazing

tobias_irmer2 hours ago

I couldn't have put it any better.

ourmandave9 hours ago

The mosaic contains 260 observations made between 25 March and 8 April 2024. In just two weeks, Euclid covered 132 square degrees of the Southern Sky in pristine detail, more than 500 times the area of the full Moon.

This mosaic accounts for 1% of the wide survey that Euclid will capture over six years. During this survey, the telescope observes the shapes, distances and motions of billions of galaxies out to 10 billion light-years. By doing this, it will create the largest cosmic 3D map ever made.

So my question is, what comes after Euclid?

Will the next one capture better details further out (if further is possible)?

Kind of like James Webb compared to Hubble.

Tepix3 hours ago

Well, there's the Vera Rubin Observatory with the LSST which will provide us with an exciting dynamic map of the sky.

amatecha9 hours ago

Since it's apparently a 3d map (?) I'd be curious if they will re-run the scan and compare between the scans? Pure speculation my part, but that would be pretty interesting, surely.

spartanatreyu8 hours ago

You're not going to see like galaxies moving, only very very close stars.

But you would spot transient phenomena like supernovae.

salesynerd10 hours ago

Very impressive collage of images! Just one doubt - what are the pitch black patches?

meowster10 hours ago

Aliens, but it's classified, so they redacted those parts.

salesynerd2 hours ago

The geometric, sharp, shapes suggest these aliens are "stealth" ones. :)

laweijfmvo9 hours ago

usually a star in the foreground, or, aliens

theelous33 hours ago

If we're alone in the universe, I'll eat my one and only hat.

irjustin10 hours ago

Man I REALLY hope we solve Dark Energy/Matter in my lifetime. That'd be so cool. I put it up there with long term habitation on another world (moon or mars is fine to me!).

bbor12 hours ago

Really impressive work, thanks for sharing. The video, that is -- the astronomy is indistinguishable from magic and thus way beyond the reach of words like "impressive", obviously. I do find it a little funny that physics is in such a jam that "look at more stuff" is an important next step, but godspeed nonetheless.

ETA: For those who love space but are similarly OOTL on the specifics of modern missions: this is from a telescope launched to the L2 point (next to Webb!) last July, and is currently a bit over 1/6th of the way through it's expected lifetime.

Details here: and obv

In comparison to Webb, it's focused on ~visible light surveys of the medium to far range, whereas Webb was built for ~infrared investigations of very distant objects. It was budgeted around 1/4th the cost of Webb (and ended up being ~1/20th due to Webb's costs running from $1B to $10B...) See

If you're looking for a new wallpaper, it would be hard to beat this 8000x8000 pic it took of the Perseus galaxy cluster, casually depicting 100,000 galaxies: The discoverer of galaxies, Kant, would literally weep. We're lucky to live when we do!

dylan60411 hours ago

> I do find it a little funny that physics is in such a jam that "look at more stuff" is an important next step

Observation is the most basic step of science. By viewing, we can find evidence of theoretical concepts or see something that conflicts those theories so they can be discarded or tweaked. It's not like there are experiments that could be used to test theories, so observing is all there is

xipho11 hours ago

Life on Earth is the same. If we are to get off Earth, we need to know what life to bring with us. We need to look a lot more, and much more closely at all the evolutionary products out there to make those decisions (if we arrogant humans can indeed even manage the intricacies of such an endeavor).

A_D_E_P_T11 hours ago

I agree wholeheartedly with all of your sentiments, but I don't think that Kant discovered galaxies or had much interest in them. That honor goes to Messier or Hubble, I believe.

not2b11 hours ago

Messier catalogued many objects, some of which were galaxies, but he did not know what they were. It was Hubble who first figured out (in the 1920s) that there were definitely separate galaxies.

qingcharles6 hours ago

YouTube link for the same video:

hi_hi8 hours ago

The other mind boggling part is, we've gone from having a limited, accurate, map of only our immediate solar system, to _this_ in ~270 years.

What knowledge of our universe is hiding behind future technology evolutions?

micromacrofoot10 hours ago

I can never truly wrap my head around the time component here, this is 400+ million year old light! in earth terms, that's when most life was still ocean-bound

maxehmookau2 hours ago

That's quite a big existential crisis for so early on a Tuesday. Cool as heck though.

ur-whale12 hours ago

I wish there was a standardized way to let folks who run a website such as this one know how much a casual passer-by viewer enjoys the byproduct of their work.

miunau11 hours ago

If you're in the EU (particularly Germany, France and Italy, who are the three largest funders), you can let your representatives know you appreciate ESA's work.

runj__2 hours ago

Thank you for reminding me! Just sent a couple of emails to my representatives!

arlort5 hours ago

Esa has social media accounts, pretty sure some intern will see if you ping them, I don't imagine they get much traffic

dylan60411 hours ago

You used to be able to sign a guestbook

nhumrich12 hours ago

There is. It's called dwell-time

ur-whale12 hours ago

You might be staying there a long time because you're fuming, so: nope.

MobiusHorizons10 hours ago

You are of course right that there are lots of potential motivations for spending extra time on the page. But it will likely be interpreted as enjoyment in the absence of other feedback mechanisms.

ddingus9 hours ago

Damn it is an awful big place!