
Civet: A Superset of TypeScript

159 points3
danpalmer12 hours ago

Civet. Kopi luwak coffee. It's CoffeeScript.

I wrote a bunch of CoffeeScript back in the day, and everyone I've spoken to about it feels the same, that it was a bad idea in hindsight, and a language dead end. The language was only syntactic sugar, and by not bringing anything else to the table, was unconvincing for ports and support in other ecosystems. It now seems that most codebases have been decaffeinated though.

Civet looks like it adds a little more, but the things that aren't just syntactic sugar are just a grab bag of TC39 proposals. I'm a big fan of language proposals in general, and having a language that adds all of them for research purposes seems like a nice thing to have. Haskell did this well with GHC language options. Is this a research language though? It seems not.

What's the benefit over Typescript? A few less characters? Faster TC39 proposal integrations? What happens if a proposal is rejected, does it get removed from Civet? What's the cost? What happens as Typescript and Civet diverge? What if the TS tooling doesn't support Civet features?

arp24211 hours ago

> I wrote a bunch of CoffeeScript back in the day, and everyone I've spoken to about it feels the same, that it was a bad idea in hindsight

I don't think it was a bad idea in hindsight.

JS of the era was a pain to use; CoffeeScript made writing and reading things much easier, which is the reason it took off. Since then things changed and many "CoffeeScript features" are now "JavaScript features". Only with knowledge of that future would it be a "bad idea", but it was absolutely not clear that was going to happen back in 2010 and in alternative universes we're all writing CoffeeScript today.

I also think CoffeeScript was probably helpful in getting some of these features adopted in the first place.

The same applies to TypeScript – maybe typing will be added to JavaScript, and TypeScript will become redundant – I think there was some proposal and who knows what will happen. In 15 years we can say the same about TypeScript, but that doesn't mean TypeScript wasn't useful today, with the current state of JavaScript and uncertainty what the future may or may not bring.

danpalmer11 hours ago

> CoffeeScript made writing and reading things much easier

My point is that it kinda didn't. It looked prettier on the surface, but didn't actually solve any of the deeper problems of writing JavaScript. To write CoffeeScript you had to still know JavaScript and all its oddities.

TypeScript solved those problems, and that's why it has taken off and had a meteoric rise to the point that it's practically synonymous with JavaScript.

> I also think CoffeeScript was probably helpful in getting some of these features adopted in the first place.

This may be true, but if so that suggests a benefit as a research language not a production language.

arp24230 minutes ago

It didn't solve the deeper problems, no, but it also didn't error out when you accidentally had a trailing comma in your object, -> and => made dealing with "this" less painful (no more "var that = this"), and stuff like that.

Convenience does matter. The less I have to think about nonsense like that, the more I can think about actually writing correct code.

CoffeeScript wasn't perfect in that sense either and had some nonsense of its own. That probably contributed to its demise as much as any thing else.

dgoldstein09 hours ago

Coffeescript had some great features: classes, array comprehensions, default parameter values, arrow functions, optional chaining. Many of these eventually made it to ecmascript.

And then it ruined us with implicit returns, optional parentheses and brackets, and the isnt vs is not fiasco.

I worked a lot with Python and coffeescript at the same time back in the day. In Python you mess up your whitespace and 95% of the time it's an indentation error. In coffeescript it's a valid program that means something completely different than what you intended. Combined with the optional punctuation, which the community encouraged leaning into, it was far too easy to write ambiguous code that you and the compiler would come to different interpretations of.

edemaine8 hours ago

In case you wondered how Civet compared to CoffeeScript in these regards:

* `is not` is the textual equivalent of `!==`. You can use `isnt` if you turn on the feature explicitly (or even the weird CoffeeScript `is not` behavior if you want it, mainly for legacy code)

* Implicit returns are turned on by default. They are really useful, most of the time, and don't get in the way much if you use `void` return annotations (which turns them off). But if you don't like them, you can turn them off globally with a compiler flag.

* Civet's compiler is built on very different technology from CoffeeScript's (PEG parsing, similar to Python), and it is much more strict about indentation. None of those weird bugs anymore.

* We do have implicit parentheses and braces and such, but you're free to use explicit parentheses and braces as you like. We encourage people to rename their .ts files into .civet (which mostly just works without any converison) and just embrace the features/syntax they like.

Vinnl2 hours ago

TypeScript even took off after the earth had been salted by CoffeeScript. Many people were sceptical about TypeScript because they assumed it was as big of a buy-in as CoffeeScript - rather than it just being JS with some (mostly) strictly-additive syntax, that you would have been able to strip out without risk had TS never taken off.

lucideer2 hours ago

> JS of the era was a pain to use; CoffeeScript made writing and reading things much easier

It didn't. Anything you learn / are familiar with will be easier to write - Coffescript was easier to write for people who learned Coffescript. Which in hindsight wasn't time well spent as they would've eventually had to bite the bullet anyway & just learn JavaScript like everyone else.

JavaScript is much much easier to write and read for a person who has chosen to learn JavaScript & has not had the occasion to learn Coffescript (i.e. most people) so you were also doing others a disservice if readability was one of your goals.

> which is the reason it took off

The reason it took off was the Ruby was going through a popularity trend & Rails devs wanted to work in a front-end language that felt syntactically familiar. It was purely aesthetic.

emmanueloga_11 hours ago

CoffeeScript was not only a great idea but also successful beyond its adoption. It influenced and inspired many features that JavaScript later incorporated, such as arrow functions and destructuring assignments.

Over time, JavaScript evolved to the point where the few quality of life improvements offered by CoffeeScript no longer justified learning an entirely new syntax.

MajimasEyepatch11 hours ago

I sometimes wonder if Kotlin will end up on the same trajectory. Java has added a lot of pretty good features since Kotlin first came on the scene, and the gap has narrowed considerably. The one thing enormous thing that Kotlin has that cannot be replicated easily in Java is null safety. But lately, most of the other features in Kotlin either make me long for something more powerful like Scala or shrug and just fall back to Java.

Admittedly, I don't do much Android development, and that was a big driver of Kotlin's adoption early on. So maybe it has more of a foothold there than on the server.

btown10 hours ago

And beyond this, there’s very much a world where a few key people don’t discover Jeremy Ashkenas’ work - much of which, between CoffeeScript and Backbone, was the excitement that you could make JS feel agile - at the right time in their careers to push the industry in the direction where frontend developers become frontend engineers. We owe so much to these stepping stones.

mrj7 hours ago

Well, yeah that was expressly known about CoffeeScript. It pushed JS to the future and was expected to be not useful whenever JS gained more features, but that would take a long time. And some of the syntax features weren't adopted, which meant CoffeeScript seems like a different thing from JS but it wasn't intended to be a departure or permanent.

But JS moved faster and babel was made and eventually we could use JS-future even when browsers hadn't updated yet and CoffeeScript wasn't needed. But it was pretty easy to translate it to JS, commit that and keep rolling. CS was great at the time.

edemaine9 hours ago

One of the Civet devs here. To me, the main benefit of Civet is the ability to rapidly add useful features to the language, while preserving all the benefits of TS (tooling, etc.). We're constantly coming up with ideas — from TC39 proposals, other languages, or general brainstorming — and implementing them quickly. For example, we recently added pattern matching when catching exceptions, which took just a couple of hours of development; or Python-style from ... import ... for better autocompletion of imports. All of these features are optional; you can write well-formed TypeScript as usual, and just choose to use the features you think are worth the learning curve for readers. The plugins for VSCode, Vite, esbuild, Webpack, eslint, etc. aren't perfect, but they let Civet code enjoy most of the tooling out there.

I personally use Civet for all my coding projects, as I'm devoted to it continuing to flourish. But if you ever don't like what Civet is offering you, you can eject at any time by replacing your code with the TypeScript compilation, which we make as close as we can to your input.

What happens if a TC39 proposal is rejected? That's actually the good case for us, because it means we can keep the feature as is. Civet already transpiles all features to TypeScript, so they can live here forever if we think they're good. The trickier part is when Java/TypeScript changes in a way that's incompatible with Civet. Then we plan to change Civet to match Java/TypeScript, so that we don't diverge (though compiler flags allow us to also support the older form with explicit opt-in if we think it's worth doing so).

JavaScript and TypeScript move slow. Largely that's a good thing; they're a stable foundation, and we don't want to mess them up. But it's also exciting to be on the bleeding edge, explore new ideas, and obtain new features as quickly as we can design them, instead of waiting a decade. Many features are also too niche / add to much complexity for the general JavaScript language, but they're still fair game for languages that transpile to JavaScript. See also the recent JS0 vs. JSSugar discussion.

lifthrasiir7 hours ago

I think you need to drop or at least weaken an inspiration from CoffeeScript if that's a goal, otherwise everyone will immediately draw a connection to that and overlook any other aspect of Civet. (I personally hate CoffeeScript especially for its indentation and that contributed to my initial reaction.) You can't solve this problem with simply supporting two radically different coding styles---the front page seems to prefer one over another anyway.

usrusr1 hour ago

> What's the benefit over Typescript? A few less characters? Faster TC39 proposal integrations?

Getting hands on experience with those proposals could be an argument, learning how they feel, learning how their availability changes the way people write code. Could this be called a research language? Sure, but that categorization would certainly influence the outcome of the observation.

I'm not disagreeing with any of your points though. Perhaps some mitigation could be provided by making their equivalent of decaffeinization a true first class citizen, intended to be run whenever a proposal gets rejected (or implicitly rejected by the language taking a different direction). This would have to be fine grained, and the language/tool would have to make "rolling preview of whatever proposals are currently in consideration" the code of its identity, not any particular set of language features.

mistercow8 hours ago

CoffeeScript was great except for a few fatal mistakes. The biggest was implicit variable declarations, which meant that to write maintainable code, you had to reintroduce explicit declarations via iifes. Otherwise, you’d risk a future code change introducing shadowing which would have consequences that were super painful to debug.

The other big one, which unfortunately Civet seems to be doing too, is implicit return combined with “everything is an expression”. You can have one of those, but not both. With both, it’s far too easy to write loops intended to be statements, and which accidentally turn into gigantic multi-dimensional array returns which can’t easily be optimized out by the compiler. Fortunately, this would be only mildly inconvenient to work around with a lint rule that forces explicit return in all functions.

edemaine8 hours ago

You can also turn off implicit returns in Civet if you don't like them. They also work well with TypeScript annotations: if you annotate a return value of `void`, then there's no implicit return.

I agree it can be easy to make and throw away big arrays if you're not aware of what's going on. But it can also save a lot of time. For loops as arrays are super useful, integrating the equivalent of "map" into the language itself. We also recently added generator versions (for*). JSX is a nice example where for loops as expressions and implicit return are powerful; see e.g.

mistercow8 hours ago

Yeah those examples are compelling.

What might work well is a lint rule to error if a loop expression ends an actual function declaration (i.e. not an inline callback), and the function doesn’t explicitly define a return type. I think that catches almost every bad case, aside from the odd memory leak in really unusual edge cases.

acjohnson556 hours ago

CoffeeScript was great. It was vastly more pleasant to code in than ES5-era JS. Once ES6 came out, we simply migrated to it and moved on.

lgas11 hours ago

I think everyone mostly agrees that CoffeeScript was a dead end, but I think it drove at lot of innovation at the time. Hopefully Civet can do the same, even if it ends up being another dead end.

bhouston11 hours ago

CoffeScript was really good at driving innovation in JavaScript. The arrow operator, string literals, and seemed to be driven specifically from CoffeeScript's innovations.

danpalmer11 hours ago

What makes Civet more likely to drive that innovation than TC39 proposals themselves?

Yahivin6 hours ago

We ship

reissbaker11 hours ago

Considering it's not just a grab-bag of TC39 proposals (e.g. removing braces), I suspect rejected TC39 proposals will just... linger.

I agree a research language feels potentially useful — and in fact that's what CoffeeScript's real legacy is (arrow functions, splats, destructuring assignments, and ES6 classes among others are direct ports of CoffeeScript syntax features, and many of the original JS class proposals that CoffeeScript-style classes replaced were quite bad) — but I'd be similarly leery of using this to ship much.

Myrmornis7 hours ago

That's a really mean / uncharitable take. As others have pointed out, coffeescript did a great job of moving the language in a good direction, and that's presumably exactly what's intended here.

Yahivin6 hours ago

Something interesting I've found while designing Civet is that TypeScript actually mitigates in a lot of the downsides of CoffeeScript.

Types help quite a bit with implicit returns so you don't accidentally return an iteration results array from a void function.

They also help reduce the downsides of terse syntax, just hover over things in the IDE and see what they are. Missed a step in a pipeline? The IDE will warn you if there's a mismatch.

jFriedensreich27 minutes ago

The one thing i was hoping for from civet is the trailing closure syntax from swift, which would make jsx less needed and make similar dsl usage way more convenient. There is absolutely a place to get real world experience with syntax that did not make it or is not ready yet to be moved forward in standardisation.

vekker4 hours ago

This is terrible. I was so happy CoffeeScript died a quiet death. Now someone thinks of this.

Keep it simple. Code should be easy to read. Also, ain't nobody got time to learn yet another obscure abstraction that will add only a marginal productivity gain at best (and probably sacrifice readability + add another build step + add another learning curve to new devs in the process).

vivzkestrel6 hours ago

Its not about how concise or short your code looks, its how about much time the new intern coming tomorrow needs to understand those 1000 line files. I find the syntax very hard to remember and confusing

progx3 hours ago

And in times of Copilot & others writing become less and less a problem, as code completion works very well.

Like this example: `items = for item of items`, in js you type `for`and copilot wrote nearly the full correct for-code. So you have to type not much and can read it easy.

nine_k2 hours ago

To reiterate the point above: writing is not the biggest problem. reading is.

(Terse Perl may be delightful to write, as long as you still remember exactly what you wrote and why. But not after that.)

speedgoose3 hours ago

Some people don't code for the interns but to have fun. But I agree this isn't a very enterprise programming language, à la Java or Golang.

rochak5 hours ago

Pretty much what I feel about Rust

aurareturn3 hours ago

Explain more?

skerit32 minutes ago

I guess it's kind of cool that you can create your own operators, but holy crap.

    operator {min, max} := Math
    value min ceiling max floor
At least make them require a certain symbol at the start or something.
rjknight11 hours ago

Some of these seem good to me:

- "everything is an expression" is a nicer solution for conditional assignments and returns than massive ternary expressions

- the pipe operator feels familiar from Elixir and is somewhat similar to Clojure's threading macros.

- being able to use the spread operator in the middle of an array? Sure, I guess.

I want to like the pattern matching proposal, but the syntax looks slightly too minimal.

The other proposals are either neutral or bad, in my opinion. Custom infix operators? Unbraced object literals? I'm not sure that anyone has a problem that these things solve, other than trying to minimize the number of characters in their source code.

Still, I'm glad that this exists, because allowing people to play with these things and learn from them is a good way to figure out which proposals are worth pursuing. I just won't be using it myself.

dgoldstein03 hours ago

I'll pass on the pipe operator, but it's not particularly objectionable.

Agree there's some good ideas. Pattern matching looks like a great idea with the wrong syntax - let's just get a match statement similar to the switch statement - if we can't reuse switch.

String dedent and chained comparisons look nice. Though I think the latter is a breaking change if it were done in js. I'd also be fine with default const for loop variables.

"Export convenience" is going to confuse people. The syntax looks different than named exports and looks closer to the export form of default imports which is begging for trouble.

btown9 hours ago

For “everything is an expression” may be of interest, though discussion seems to have paused.

jmull36 minutes ago

All I’m seeing here is alternative syntax for what’s already there.

I like some of it, but that’s hardly worth the increase in complexity.

In fact, having fewer aesthetic syntax choices is probably more of an improvement — cuts down on pointless/superficial coding style arguments, and leaves code generally more readable.

SSchick12 hours ago

Really redminds me of coffeescript, lots of special syntax that doesn't really help readability?

I have a hard time understanding the motivation of this project other than syntactic sugar-maxxing JS/TS.

Myrmornis7 hours ago

The motivation is giving people a chance to try these features and thus ultimately helping move the language in a good direction. That's what coffeescript did also.

smt8811 hours ago

Languages like this don't make sense anymore. You can just pick a mature, feature-rich language you like (Rust, Kotlin, Python, probably many more) and transpile to JS.

chrismorgan3 hours ago

That approach only makes any sense if you have broadly compatible semantics; otherwise execution will pay a heavy penalty (CPU usage, memory usage, bundle size). And let me tell you, your “Rust, Kotlin, Python, probably many more” don’t transpile to JS well. If you genuinely mean transpiling as distinct from compiling, I think you could even reasonably say that it’s simply not possible for many languages due to fundamental and incompatible differences. I’d count Rust as that due to things like resolution and aliasing.

If you’re interested in targeting JavaScript, languages like this are your only reasonable alternative to JavaScript itself. (If you’re interested in targeting the web more generally, WebAssembly is a better target.)

smt8824 minutes ago

I should have referenced compiling to Wasm as well, which is what languages with very different semantics to JS (like Rust, the CLR family, and the JVM family) all do.

Yahivin6 hours ago

The GWT approach has its own downsides as well.

smt886 hours ago

A) GWT is 20 years old and not similar to how modern transpilation works

B) What are the downsides?

Yahivin6 hours ago
troupo4 hours ago

All those mature feature-rich languages started as "languages like this make no sense"

chrismorgan3 hours ago

That’s certainly not true of Rust: Rust had a particular goal, easily recognised as worthwhile, which wasn’t possible with any existing languages. Everyone sensible agreed the language made a lot of sense, even if they weren’t sold on the practicality of its specific approach.

bfung6 hours ago

Or compile to wasm

inlined8 hours ago

Things I like:

- Everything is an expression

- Async imports just work without thought

- Yaml-like object structuring

- JSX improvements

- Multi-line string literals without leading whitespace

Things I’m on the fence about:

- Pipe operators (better than .pipe I guess?)

- Pattern matching (love it in Scala and swift, but this doesn’t feel done right)

Things I loathe:

- Signifiant whitespace (removing brackets in general)

- Optional parentheses in function calls (a foot-gun in VB and Ruby)

- Splats in the middle of function definitions (I can’t imagine how this works with overload definitions)

miffy9006 hours ago

Not a fan of YAML at all myself, but it's interesting that you like 'Yaml-like object structuring' yet then loathe 'Signifiant whitespace'? I mean that's basically YAML.

keyle11 hours ago

So make sure you introduce this in your company; become the subject expert in it, invite everyone to very cool sessions demonstrating how cool it is, and secure your job until the next rewrite!

Looking at the examples, 1/5th of it looked neat, which probably would be best to submit a proposal for |> to the typescript committee rather than write another alienation.

This is a solution looking for a problem to solve. It introduces an alternative and does so as a superset; which is not only dangerous to existing code bases, but also silly.

scubbo6 hours ago

> It introduces an alternative and does so as a superset; which is not only dangerous to existing code bases...

How so?

keyle5 hours ago

An alternative way to do something in a code base, for no other reason than style, is a recipe for technical debt. It builds up a larger cognitive load on the developers navigating and working the code base and induces more chances of bugs via half-refactors, or half-considerations.

As for the superset comment, I meant that if you introduce a completely different language, you probably have a valid reason; e.g. it does something different. Adding to an existing language with a superset without any need for it is also dangerous. It's not like it's a DSL at a higher level helping people get repetitive or scriptable things done faster. It's only an alternative, leading people down rabbit hole and second guessing with a lot more to remember.

lakomen25 minutes ago

Please no

omeid210 hours ago

If you find this interesting, you might also wanna suss out

It is a shame that Bloomberg and Facebook made the whole situation pretty confusing though, but still, it is a nice idea.

eterps2 hours ago

I agree, Rescript is an actual language rather than syntactic sugar.

Nekorosu1 hour ago

Or maybe just add a proper hygienic macros to ES6 and be done with it? Prior art:

xixixao3 hours ago

I tried to build the braceless syntax some years back (after I worked on CoffeeScript and it mostly died):

But this was before Prettier.

The real challenge in languages now is flawless LSP implementation, auto-formatter and AI completion. It’s possible for CoffeeScript like syntax, but just the existence of an auto-formatter mostly removes the need for dropping all the syntax.

I’d maybe take dropping of parens from if, to align with Rust, but even some of Rust’s syntax makes the language hard to read (if let bindings for example, which switch the flow from right to left), so I don’t consider it a golden standard to strive for anymore.

The other thing I would take is custom operators, not for any production code, but for building games and simulations, to simplify vector math.

I’ll check out the Civet IDE experience, but I suspect it’ll have large cons compared with TS.

xixixao3 hours ago

The other thing that was hard to do with Lenient was to pass the thousands of tests in Babel to ensure the syntax handles every edge case.

marcofiset12 hours ago

The industry has deemed those languages completely unnecessary when we migrated away from coffeescript.

Syntactic sugar can’t be the only thing that makes a programming language.

boredtofears6 hours ago

C is syntactic sugar on top of assembly

voidUpdate1 hour ago

Assembly is syntactic sugar on top of Machine Code

0823498723498725 hours ago

C++ was, for a long time, syntactic sugar on top of C

Kab1r12 hours ago

Am I the only one that really dislikes the syntax choices here?

Aeolun11 hours ago

I feel like there is a specific kind of person that likes all this, and there is very little overlap between those people and the people that choose to use Typescript.

Kinda feels like someone was forced to work in Typescript and really wanted to scratch their own itch.

cal8549 minutes ago

I must be a very specific kind of person. I love TypeScript, and loved CoffeeScript even more. I’m baffled by many of the comments here and excited to try Civet.

Yahivin8 hours ago

Nailed it

mpowaga11 hours ago

It appears to prioritize easier and faster typing over readability, which is a poor choice as programmers spend more time reading rather than writing code.

afavour11 hours ago

Having worked in Rust I love the pattern matching proposal. Having dabbled in Swift I like the single argument function part (though keep the brackets, please)

Much of the rest I could take or leave… but then is that just because I’m not familiar with them? Stuff like the pipe operator makes sense to me but it reminds me of .reduce(): there are a few legitimate uses of it but the vast majority will be entirely-too-smart—for-its-own-good show off coding.

Kab1r11 hours ago

I fell in love with pattern matching the first time I used Haskell. Having the feature is great, but I really don't like the syntax used here.

antoineMoPa11 hours ago

Nope! I'm also not convinced by it.

gregwebs11 hours ago

The JSX seems compelling. You are already doing a non-standard HTML embedding HTML into javascript, why not do it better?

I am not convinced that all the syntax nicety is necessary, but improved pattern matching is often a great thing. On the other hand their examples seem to be to pattern match on highly dynamic types, which you can avoid 95% of the time with TypeScript.

recursive8 hours ago

JSX has a spec. This thing they're doing... I don't know what it is, but it ain't JSX.

edemaine8 hours ago

The JSX spec hasn't changed for almost 10 years, and I'd guess there will never be a JSX 2.0. On the other hand, ideas for a better JSX are plentiful (check out the issues on the JSX repo, for example). If the spec never changes, how can we improve the JSX experience? Transpilation!

Civet's futuristic JSX compiles to actual spec-compliant JSX, to it's compatible with all forms of JSX, including React, Solid, etc. We'd like to support other DSLs like Astro and Svelte as well.

meandmycode4 hours ago

I think the most exciting aspect here is this might actually push JavaScript to add some missing features that can make a lot of difference, the pipeline operator for example can really improve the design of JavaScript code and has been proven already in several languages, C#, swift, kotlin to name a few I know

c0balt12 hours ago

That looks interesting but imo the syntax is too terse. Coming from Rust and Golang I very much appreciate the use of sigils and syntax sugar in moderation but especially the pipe operators look like they could lead to hard to debug code very easily.

botanical7611 hours ago

You get used to it. It's really nice in Elixir. I'm not a fan of the fat pipe though.

paxcoder7 hours ago


fabiospampinato12 hours ago

Civet has so many quality of life improvements! It's good that it exists sort of as a playground for ideas that could maybe in the future be adopted by JS itself, kinda like how it went with CoffeeScript.

emmanueloga_11 hours ago

The pattern matching (TC39 stage 1) and pipeline operators (TC39 stage 2) look great, and I'd love to have those in TypeScript. It will probably take a loooong while for those features to be available in JavaScript, but I feel like I can live without those for now :-).

Fwiw it seems a lot of people really like the concept of "significant indentation". I'm thinking Python, YAML, Godot's GDScript. Not a lof of languages implement it but those that do seem to get a lot of users.

Interestingly, it seems like Erik Demain [1] is one of the contributors [2] of this project.




runarberg6 hours ago

Note that the pipe operator is the rejected tacit pipes from TC-39. TC-39 made the (IMO) wrong choice of what they call hack style pipes (with a mandatory token) where instead of the pipe being a simple way to call unary functions. Civet seems to have picked the better pipes.

gr__or3 hours ago

There is nothing I miss more in TS than pattern matching, so I came in with a lot of good will, but the syntax for it looks jarring to me. Might be a matter of taste, I'm not made for meaningful whitespaces

n_plus_1_acc3 hours ago

You can use braces if you like

dang7 hours ago


CoffeeScript for TypeScript - - Feb 2023 (135 comments)

Show HN: Civet the CoffeeScript of TypeScript v0.4.20 - - Dec 2022 (3 comments)

Civet: The CoffeeScript of TypeScript - - Oct 2022 (17 comments)

The CoffeeScript of TypeScript - - Oct 2022 (2 comments)

diath11 hours ago

This just looks like it's trying to remove as much syntax as possible and as a consequence makes it harder for me to follow what's going on. Kind of like a write-only language.

bhouston11 hours ago

I do not particularly like the lack of brackets everywhere. I think it is hard to know precedence perfectly and brackets ensure you do not make stupid mistakes.

Also there is the classic issue where you take an if statement that has a line one expression and you add a second line, but now because it didn't have brackets (and you are not using indentation style), you just introduced a bug. Or you have an if statement with an expression and you comment out the expression but not the if, then your next statement is now the if conditional expression, which is not obvious.

edemaine8 hours ago

But we are using indentation style; that's one of the major design principles. In Civet, the body of an "if" can be multiple lines, and it's clear (from indentation) what they're nested under. Also, the body of an "if" statement can be empty, so if you comment out the body, the "if" doesn't apply to anything else. (This is an improvement over Python, which requires non-empty bodies, even if just to say "pass".)

I think there's a reason that Python is among the most popular programming languages, and part of it is the indentation-based syntax and lack of brackets. The core of Civet's syntax (originally inspired by CoffeeScript) is like a combination of JavaScript/TypeScript and Python, the two/three most popular programming languages.

But also, if you like brackets, you can include them! Most JavaScript/TypeScript code is also valid Civet. Just use the features you like.

kristiandupont52 minutes ago

>I think there's a reason that Python is among the most popular programming languages, and part of it is the indentation-based syntax and lack of brackets.

Perhaps, but IMO that will then be because it looks tempting at first glance like YAML. No matter how much Python I write, I never learned to enjoy this and the fact that I can't select inside/around brackets to quickly manipulate a scope is just so frustrating.

lifthrasiir7 hours ago

Python used an indentation-based syntax from the beginning and its syntax is particularly optimized for that. In particular, any block statement (formally, a statement followed by a "suite") would end with `:` and that's effectively the only place where a dangling `:` can happen [1], so you can easily recognize such statement from any directions.

In comparison, at least some people would find CoffeeScript and Civet to be hard to read because they solely rely on left-bearing indents. If my eye is pointing to the rightmost column and scanning to left, I wouldn't be sure about any nature of the line until the very first token and thus preceding indent is reached. This problem is not unique but can be somehow alleviated with some tweaks to the syntax. Ruby `if` for example is also prone to this issue but an explicit `end` token keeps it on track in most cases. CoffeeScript did nothing.

[1] The only other case is `lambda ...:` in parenthesized expressions. `lambda` in Python is quite exceptional in its syntax after all...

hyperhello11 hours ago

JavaScript already has the best use of C syntax I’ve seen. Destructuring, JSON, functions. It’s so easy.

epolanski12 hours ago

Interesting but not sure how much do I buy it.

I would rather do with a stricter super set of TypeScript with some sugar/conveniences around its many verbose but useful features like branded types.

edemaine8 hours ago

We're definitely looking for ways to improve ways to specify types! I think destructured typing [] is already quite useful, especially for React. On the readability side, if/then/else [] seems easier to read than ?: ternaries, and "Partial Record Name, Info" seems easier to read than "Partial<Record<Name, Info>>" (implicit type arguments — But we'd love to hear more ideas for features like branded types. Join us in Discord if you're interested!

adamtaylor_1311 hours ago

This is way less readable than normal TS. For that reason alone I doubt I’d use it.

Myrmornis4 hours ago

One nice aspect of Python compared to TS/JS is the presence of list, set, map, and generator comprehensions. How far in that direction is civet likely to go? I see that arrays can be built from a for...of expression.

Sirikon2 hours ago

Not CoffeeScript again

smilekzs11 hours ago

I know this hasn't been updated, and I know it's a fork of CoffeeScript, but has had a lot of the "magic" syntax here for quite a while.

edemaine8 hours ago

Yes, Civet has taken a lot of syntactic inspiration from LiveScript. At this point, I think we have most of the good features, but we might be missing some. Let us know what you think!

The big difference, of course, is that Civet fully supports TypeScript, and is up-to-date with the latest JavaScript and TypeScript features.

k__3 hours ago


I loved LiveScript, but it got kinda lost in the wake of ES6.

They planned to add types, but never got around doing it (at least the last time I looked).

erulabs3 hours ago

Like coffeescript, this looks lovely to write and horrible to read.

steve_adams_866 hours ago

I really like that everything is an expression. I know the extra work is happening in the background, but this kind of developer experience is really nice in my opinion.

adamwong24611 hours ago

Someone needs to mix this together with

vosper12 hours ago

I see a language that compiles to JS. What makes this a superset of Typescript? Are there more types? A more powerful type system?

afavour12 hours ago

The linked page is pretty self explanatory. It’s TS with some extra features, many of which are already proposals for the language. Cool for an experiment, not good for a maintained codebase.

mhh__9 hours ago

|> is such a breath of fresh air when otherwise stuck without it, or worse being forced to do OOP style "design your abstraction before your logic".

hbbio11 hours ago

Pattern matching: yes, it's needed and maybe the only useful feature in here.

The syntax and some other features, no. Some are even anti-features or "magic" that takes the actual semantics away from the developer.

nsonha2 hours ago

The JS community needs a Martin Odersky who will one day drops a JS 3 with indent-significant syntax upon them. F# had the same transition too.

koolba11 hours ago

What does this do?

    operator {min, max} := Math
    value min ceiling max floor
Is that a declaration or an invocation?
edemaine8 hours ago

It's doing a few things at once:

First line:

* `{min, max} := Math` is a destructuring declaration. It's similar to the destructuring assignment `{min, max} = Math` (i.e., `min = Math.min; max = Math.max`), but also declares min and max as const.

* The `operator` prefix means to treat min and max as new infix operators in the rest of the program.

Second line:

Given that min and max are infix operators, `value min ceiling max floor` is equivalent to `max(min(value, ceiling), floor)`. Yes, the latter is gross. That's why we like to write `value min ceiling max floor` instead. Think of it as "value minned with ceilling (i.e. capped at ceiling), then maxed with floor (i.e. prevented from going below floor)".

ht8511 hours ago

It looks like rubyist brainrot

paulddraper11 hours ago

CoffeeScript never dies.

fire_lake5 hours ago

Typescript with a dash of F#

Yahivin9 hours ago

This is pretty neat but I wonder how it compares to Arc...

beders8 hours ago

What's the compilation time impact of that?

edemaine8 hours ago

Good question! I don't have hard numbers, but for larger files, I find that it can take on the order of a second to compile. It's still fast enough to get real-time feedback from TypeScript in VSCode, but it could definitely be faster. There's lots of optimization left to do; for now, we're focusing on features over speed, but we'll get to speed as well. (I am an algorithms guy after all!)

worldsayshi5 hours ago

This has to be an error in the documentation:

<ul class="items">

Should be:

<ul className="items">

zarzavat4 hours ago

Depends on the framework. You can use class= in Preact.

paulddraper9 hours ago

"Everything is an expression" is low-key nice.

Scala has it. Other languages too.

01HNNWZ0MV43FF10 hours ago

No relation to CivetWeb

colesantiago12 hours ago

Civet reminds me of Coffeescript but now in TypeScript.

This has made me even more convinced that the future of JavaScript is JavaScript.

We will be seeing JavaScript (natively) having all the types, features and proposals that TypeScript has and the industry will eventually move on from TypeScript.

recursive8 hours ago

I feel like typescript would officially deprecate itself if that ever happened. But I also feel like that won't ever happen. It would be cool if ES would get optional type annotations or something, even if they were ignored at runtime. But someone would still want a static type checker. TS does that, and if there's nothing to replace that part, then TS still has a viable mission statement.

north_african4 hours ago

We need a language that compiles to js with strong typing not another ts!

pyrelight11 hours ago

It's time to stop. Too much mental overhead in front-end dev right now.

jcmontx11 hours ago

This looks like F#

coolThingsFirst11 hours ago

Just dont….

williamstein11 hours ago

This is seriously triggering my CoffeeScript PTSD.

melodyogonna4 hours ago

Lol. A superset of a superset. I wonder how far we can go with this