
Hacker News in Slow Italian

137 points1

There are plenty of podcasts to listen to some slow basic Italian, but often they just talk about random things I'm not that interested in. Nothing a few hours of tinkering with Python cannot solve these days!

Introducing Hacker News in Slow Italian. Each episode is generated automatically, using GPT4 API to summarise the top articles on Hacker News and then fed to for text-to-speech.

The (very short) code is available on Github:

lakySK1 year ago

Let me know in here if there is a particular language you'd like to see for this!

Not gonna lie, the costs run in order of dollars per episode, so if you are keen on listening to this, let me know, otherwise it would be a waste of money :)

hugs1 year ago

I would love this for French. How do you want to handle modifying the code for other languages on GitHub? A new separate project fork per language, or a pull request to the current one? Slightly problematic that "Italian" is in the top level project name if it's going to be configurable for other languages.

Also, add a tip jar somewhere so we can chip in!

loloquwowndueo1 year ago

In the meanwhile, try this to train your ear and practice French with current news using easy vocabulary (they do speak very clearly, worked wonders for me when I was learning).çai...

hugs1 year ago

I do that already and love it. :) But would like to listen to more things in French besides updates on foreign wars and elections.

vonnik1 year ago

I learned French in large part by listening to the radio. Highly recommend France Culture when you are ready for it. It’s the radio 4 of France:

attentive1 year ago
hugs1 year ago

Merci !

lakySK1 year ago

Good question! Haven't thought that far ahead :D

I'd be happy to rebrand it if there's interest. The main issue is that generating an episode is around $3 roughly (~$1 on GPT4 APU, ~$2 on text-to-speech). So doing a daily episode in multiple languages might be a bit costly.

But if there's enough interest, I might be happy to fund it to get it going for a bit and see how it ends.

hugs1 year ago

For the free sample, maybe run it once a week on Sunday? (But gate the daily feed behind a paywall?)

Either way, I'd be happy to fund a few weeks of a French version right now!

lakySK1 year ago
marcyb5st1 year ago

As a native Italian speaker I can tell you two things:

1. The translation is great. I actually never used ChatGPT for translating content and this opens a new world for me.

2. The text-to-speech is good, but less so than the translation itself. It still is completely understandable, but if you are a learner I believe it could cause some bad habits over time. For instance, at around the 30 second mark, the translation includes the word "immergervi" (immerse yourselves). The voice puts the accent on the 2nd "e", while it should be on the first one.

Anyway, great tool. And I would help to chime in for different languages (trying to improve my Spanish). Put a tip jar somewhere as others suggested :)

lakySK1 year ago

Got a spanish episode generated. Let me know what you think :)

marcyb5st1 year ago

This is also great! Thank you. I can't offer in depth feedback on the text-to-speech as I am also learning Spanish, but definitely enjoyable and understandable! Also the technical jargon in Spanish is new to me, so I listened to at least few words I didn't hear yet!

KerrickStaley1 year ago

I would potentially pay for this in Mandarin, although I'd be wary of the quality vs human-produced sources.

I often practice by reading sites like,,, or These are all text news sites so they help with reading comprehension and grammar but not at all with listening. I'm not aware of any similar audio sources, especially not ones that use professional-level language but slow it down so it's accessible to language learners. So you'd be in a unique niche.

ageitgey1 year ago

Would be really cool in Spanish!

lakySK1 year ago

Got a spanish episode generated. Let me know what you think :)

lakySK1 year ago

Ok, let me try and generate one episode for you when I get home. Curious to hear what you think afterwards :)

higgins1 year ago

i too would love to listen to a Mexican Spanish version

lakySK1 year ago

Got a spanish episode generated. Generic Spanish so far, but I did see they have some dialects on Play.HT. Let me know what you think :)

dotcoma1 year ago
asveikau1 year ago

I'm guessing choosing a regional variety of Spanish to use could be fraught.

ricardobayes1 year ago
35mm1 year ago
35mm1 year ago

Yep Spanish Spanish (Madrid) please!

lakySK1 year ago

One Spanish episode going your way. Not sure it's Madrid Spanish, but should be decent hopefully. Let me know what you think :)

35mm1 year ago

Perfect, thank you. Really impressed by the quality of the voice.

Would love it if there was a way to connect to anki to start learning vocabulary based on the content of the episode.

CamelRocketFish1 year ago

This is great! I didn’t see an option to slow the playback down to 0.5 as 1.0 is still fast for a beginner.

lakySK1 year ago

Hm, good point. Perhaps I need to use a different podcast platform for that. Might look into that!

Are you learning Italian as well? What have you tried so far?

CamelRocketFish1 year ago

Yep I’m also a beginner but I haven’t found anything similar to this project. In terms of learning materials I found classes that follow the CEFR system (A1, A2, B1 etc) have been more helpful than Duolingo and also this free resource

lakySK1 year ago

If you want, DM me on and I can send you a link to try a POC for a language-learning text adventure game. The main concept is to tell a story through conversations with NPC chatbots. Would be curious to hear feedback or any suggestions on how it could be graded to increase the complexity of the language over time.

It's briefly mentioned on the site as well:

lakySK1 year ago
scotty791 year ago

I'd really love to hear Portuguese. What else did you do to immerse yourself in the language you are learning? I have trouble to even force youtube to give me content in Portuguese.

lakySK1 year ago

I can try and get a Portuguese episode generated for you later today or tomorrow.

It’s really tough to find such content indeed. I’ve found Netflix shows in Italian and some Italian podcasts and music on Spotify.

One thing that also helps is to find a subreddit focused on learning the language (like r/italianlearning). When I searched the subreddit for books / movies / podcasts / youtubers, I found a lot of fun stuff. Many are not targeted for language learners though, so are a hit tough to follow. And the ones targeted to language learners are often quite generic and not that entertaining. Hence, this effort.

scotty791 year ago

Thank you! I am at the stage when I know too little to really appreciate the content. I'm just happy to recognize some words and get a general vibe of what's being talked about. I'm mostly looking for pleasent voices that speak clearly about things I'm not totally uniterested about.

lakySK1 year ago

A Portuguese episode is up and running now. Let me know what you think!

scotty791 year ago

Thank you very much! It sounds great.

thiagoeh1 year ago

Take a look in the content backlog from Fabio Akita YouTube channel. Mostly of it is related to software development

scotty791 year ago

Thank you. Subscribing to specific Portuguese creators seems like a good idea.

user78946351 year ago

Would love to hear Russian! Been working on it for awhile but similarly struggle to converse

hyperkewb1 year ago

same here.

lakySK1 year ago

Alright, I can definitely try generating that.

So far I've got requests for Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Russian then.

jellydonut81 year ago


gus_massa1 year ago

Why Italian? What is Slow Italian? [Hi from Argentina!]

lakySK1 year ago

Because I’m learning Italian and need it slow and in simple words & sentences.

There are a bunch of podcasts that are called along the lines of News in Slow Italian, Stories in Slow Italian, etc that are targeted to the language learners. So just taking a fun twist on that :)

Can be done for any language though. And I’m sure the prompt can be tuned for different levels of difficulty.

mattkohl1 year ago

This is great!!!

Would it be possible to provide an English translation of the Italian transcription? Seeing them side by side would be enormously helpful.

huhtenberg1 year ago

French! Would love to have this in French.

Between Italian, German, Spanish and French I find it's the most difficult language to parse by ear. The lack of pauses between words, the omnipresent en and y, their numerous contracted forms and generally speaking as if they are being charged by the millisecond makes it for an extremely frustrating experience sometimes.

tlamponi1 year ago

Not directly related to this, but what about a Firefox extension for LinguallyAI?

I know that the Firefox user base sadly is relatively small nowadays, but maybe you're already using only the cross-browser WebExtensions API, so it might not be _that_ much extra work.

martopix1 year ago

I would love Swahili, I've been looking for a simple and short Swahili podcast that is not on religious topics and that's not easy, I could only find the Swahili news of the Japanese national radio (lol).

And yes, ChatGPT speaks Swahili well.

joeatwork1 year ago

This one, in Italian, is really exciting! Thank you so much for making it!

mattnewton1 year ago

I don't know the state of text-to-speech for Mandarin Chinese but I would definitely listen to that if it's as good as this seems to be for Italian.

lakySK1 year ago

Oh, that's a great question! I'd be curious. GPT can do decent Mandarin from what I heard from my friends testing things for me. Haven't looked into text-to-speech yet though.

maguirre1 year ago

I have been learning Italiano for the past couple of years. This is awesome thank you

tehrob1 year ago

European Portuguese from Portugal!

lakySK1 year ago
maury911 year ago

I would like to see Lithuanian

shankr1 year ago

German please. Might help me improve my German.

rolandog1 year ago

For me, Dutch, as I'm still learning it!

waterpowder1 year ago

Vietnamese with a northern accent please :D

misiti37801 year ago

Anche io vorrei lo spagnolo!

federicotdn1 year ago

German would be amazing!

alexkowalenko1 year ago

French, en français!

35mm1 year ago

Español por favor!

ricardobayes1 year ago

Spanish please :)

lakySK1 year ago

Got a spanish episode generated. Sending your way. Let me know what you think :)

Pamar1 year ago

Italian native here.

The quality of "podcast" is really really good. I spotted only one mispronounciation in the first couple minutes ("siete pronti ad immergervi...": immergervi had the stress on the wrong syllabe) but the rest was extremely good - kudos!

frenz19791 year ago

Same for "principi", pronounced with accent on first i instead of the second, "Sassoni" on the o instead of a. However I agree..very very good!!

lakySK1 year ago

Thank you so much, dear sir!

manuelmoreale1 year ago

Unrelated to the product but if you ever want to practice your Italian while chatting about web related stuff hit me up. More than happy to help.

lakySK1 year ago

Thanks a lot! That's an amazing offer. What web related stuff are you most interested in? I've been playing with React a bit, but not sure if I could have a conversation in Itaian on it yet :D I'd be happy to chat on GPT and ML as well.

manuelmoreale1 year ago

I’m more into the web as a whole and tech on general. But I’m just curious about everything. I’m not super knowledgeable about ML but I’m certainly interested in the impact it’s having on the world.

squarefoot1 year ago

I'm a few minutes into it and it seems really well done, save for a few quirks, mostly pauses between words and misplaced accents. Curiously, some English words were spoken in perfect English, while others sounded like coming from someone not aware of the pronunciation differences with respect to Italian. Some compression artifacts can however be heard, especially when using headphones.

btw: not sure what slow means; to me the talking speed sounds quite normal.

lakySK1 year ago

Thanks! This was by far the best Italian voice I've found, but definitely not perfect...

The "slow" refers to the genre of podcasts like News in Slow Italian. Mostly using simple language and slow speed. I've set the speed to 85%, might need to dial it down even slower it seems :)

vba6161 year ago

TIL that the Slow Food movement originated in Italy.

Lynbarry1 year ago

Wow this is a really nice idea. I also have been learning italian with Duolingo for quite a while but have hit a plateau once I finished the course.

So far I've only listened to the beginning, but that sounds like exactly the right difficulty to improve my listening comprehension.

Do you have an approach to improve speaking italian (not only understanding)? Because that is the end goal for me and something that Duolingo doesn't really teach that much.

lakySK1 year ago

I've started taking some tutored classes from Preply, that helps.

Watching shows on Netflix, listening to random podcasts also helps.

But bridging this Duolingo-to-fluency gap, that's exactly what I'm trying to explore at the moment with the other projects on I think AI can give something no other approaches can.

So essentially, I've now got a Chrome extension to get immediate feedback on text I write. Then I have a POC for a text-adventure game to practice chatting with GPT-powered characters (dm me at and I can set you up with a link to test). Now the podcast for some content to listen to. I next want to explore some daily short writing prompts with immediate grammar check by AI. Adding Whisper could unlock speaking as well.

Lots of opportunities! Let me know if you're interested in trying any of these out :)

lakySK1 year ago

Pushed the latest Italian episode to the website! Let me know what you think!

And today's special episode is in Portuguese! Any learners out there?

InCityDreams1 year ago

Got an opportunity to give this a proper listen - really good. As a non-native Italian speaker, I'm impressed: and now I can have something that can accompany me to work. Thanks, great work.

antirez1 year ago

It's a shame that quality is so bad for Italian, compared to English voices.

lakySK1 year ago

Oh, 100%

And this is already the best one I've found. Trust me, you don't want to hear some of the Italian text-to-speech stuff I've come across during this search...

Alles1 year ago

yeah, you can hear some english pronunciation forced in sometimes but overall is pretty good

wnolens1 year ago

Impressive, will favorite this.

I'm travelling in Italy right now for the first time and am totally in love with it. It's the first country I've ever traveled to that I can see myself returning to multiple times.

InCityDreams1 year ago

Had a chance to try this - really good, with just minor odd pronunciations, but everything else is top quality and, more importantly, very enjoyable. Thanks.

bombolo1 year ago

> siete pronti per immergèrvi


dotcoma1 year ago

First paragraph: accent on immergèrvi (on the second ‘e’) is wrong, it should be immèrgervi (first ‘e’).

This said, I am still impressed.

dizhn1 year ago

Great idea. Even if gpt makes a factual mistake you're still learming Italian. Brilliant. You hacked the system.

tuatoru1 year ago

Is the typo (learming) intentional? If so this is brilliant sarcasm.

dizhn1 year ago

Oops. Just a typo.

TurkishPoptart1 year ago

Is there something like this for German or Russian? Thanks!!

lakySK1 year ago

New Italian episode uploaded. Check out the website.

lakySK1 year ago

Also have tried getting a Spanish one. Curious to hear feedback.

Will try some other suggested languages tomorrow :)

fmiras1 year ago

Mama mia, good post

GaggiX1 year ago

Mamma mia*, mama is spanish.

dariosalvi781 year ago

grazie, molto carino, e funziona bene!

canadianfella1 year ago
