
Siberia's 'mammoth graveyard' reveals 800-year human interactions with mammoths

144 points1
_visgean1 month ago

> Sadly, now that human-mammoth relationship has continued as ivory hunters have looted the site beyond further study.

Radio free europe had a really good photo essay on these new mammoth pirates:

shmageggy30 days ago

That was exellently presented. Clear, informative, compelling. I especially appreciated getting to the end without being bombarded with any ads, popups, or begging for email signups. Curious how I could support such media, I found which says,

> RFE/RL, Inc. is a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation funded by the U.S. Congress through a grant from the United States Agency for Global Media...

Yay taxes!

the_af30 days ago

> Yay taxes!

Well, the RFERL was funded through a CIA front organization, it was mostly an anti-communist propaganda operation. It definitely is/was a "state effort". So yes, taxes.

_visgean29 days ago

you say propaganda, I say truth.

> According to certain European politicians such as Petr Nečas, RFE played a significant role in the collapse of communism and the development of democracy in Eastern Europe.[40][41][42] Unlike government-censored programs, RFE publicized anti-Soviet protests and nationalist movements. Its audience increased substantially following the failed Berlin riots of 1953 and the highly publicized defection of Józef Światło.[43] Arch Puddington argues that its Hungarian service's coverage of Poland's Poznań riots in 1956 served as an inspiration for the Hungarian revolution that year.[44]

> For the first two days following the Chernobyl disaster on April 26, 1986, the official Eastern Bloc media did not report any news about the disaster, nor any full account for another four months. According to the Hoover Institute, the people of the Soviet Union "became frustrated with inconsistent and contradictory reports", and 36% of them turned to Western radio to provide accurate and pertinent information.[58] Listenership at RFE/RL "shot up dramatically" as a "great many hours" of broadcast time were devoted to the dissemination of life-saving news and information following the disaster.[59] Broadcast topics included "precautions for exposure to radioactive fallout" and reporting on the plight of the Estonians who were tasked with providing the clean-up operations in Ukraine.[59]

danoni30 days ago

> Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty is an American government-funded international media organization

The purpose of RFERL is to produce news items that are covertly critical of the enemy. It adds up with other resources to paint a negative image of the enemy.

orbital-decay30 days ago

How do you even report stuff like that without being "critical"? That's a legitimate issue covered in Russian media as well. Here's one of the multiple official reports, for example.

badpun30 days ago

When doing propaganda, subject selection is the key factor. If you want to do a smear campaign, you just do honest reporting, but only of the things about your target that are negative.

btilly30 days ago

Example, NYT reporting on the tech industry. I wish I was making that up.

stevenwoo30 days ago

The Russian guys just seemed desperate for a job and most of them lose money with a few striking it rich keeping the cycle going. I would blame the black market in China and Vietnam more, since it also causes the same sort of issue with wild rhino and elephant populations in Africa.

TomK3230 days ago

Russia and China are doing it on a much worse level and as the language barriers are quite high we don't see and hear of what they say about the West in their media. The French-German broadcaster ARTE has a good series called Fake News that lifts the curtain a bit

somenameforme30 days ago

There is no curtain whatsoever in modern times. Russian auto-translates excellently. Here [1] is the largest Russian state media site. Chinese is a bit bumpier, but it's also fully readable. [2] There's nothing particularly extreme, except insomuch as nationalism has become a bad-word somehow, and their media does focus heavily on culture, history, and national identity. Granted, Russia is quite negative towards the US, but probably no more than you'd expect if roles were reversed and Russia decided to just join the party in one of our many misguided invasions, upping the ante ever higher each time a game-changer failed to change the game.

[1] -

[2] -

itishappy29 days ago

> Russia and China are doing it on a much worse level and as the language barriers are quite high we don't see and hear of what they say about the West in their media.

International propaganda behind a language barrier? That doesn't sound right...

They also broadcast from local stations (in their parent countries) in English at high power. I bet you can find Radio Liberty and Voice of America as well. I discovered this accidentally by messing around in websdr:

zrn90029 days ago

> Russia and China are doing it on a much worse level

They arent. The two things that crippled the Eastern Bloc's propaganda efforts was 1) Fear of getting caught lying and losing credibility and therefore not lying 2) Doing propaganda by stating facts in dry, formal language.

The US has perfected the lying, smearing emotional manipulation propaganda early in the Cold War and it still keeps doing it. There isn't one single country that does it like that. So, no, Russia and China arent doing it 'on a much worse level' - they are incompetent. The very fact that you have this 'perception' that its not the country that lied about nonexistent WMDs for almost a decade but 'others' who are doing 'worse propaganda' is a demonstration of how far worse the US propaganda is.

stevenwoo29 days ago
_visgean30 days ago

> covertly critical of the enemy

The radio is now based in Prague, it has a long history here and most people were quite happy to hear some real news during the communism. People tuning in risked prison time just to hear something else. I would not say you needed to be overtly critical, it was enough to just bring real news.

TomK3230 days ago

In Nazi Germany you risked a lot more than prison for listening to the BBC, though most death sentences were in combination with some treason accusations.

yladiz30 days ago

Which enemy?

KeplerBoy30 days ago


The west is in a war-like situation with Russia. Portraying them as stupid, drunk rednecks who ravage trough the environment certainly fits the narrative. Doesn't mean it's not true though.

inglor_cz29 days ago

Looting of national treasures is pretty typical of Russia.

A large country, the tsar (or the government) is far away, local governors can be bribed ... unless you do something that endangers the entire country/system, you can get away with a lot.

danoni30 days ago
distances30 days ago
ljf30 days ago

Was too stunning and interesting not to be a post in its own right:

araes29 days ago

Funding for RFE/RL aside, neat article, and whoever that was almost got a Half-Life death out in the woods with a crowbar.

> Boozy camaraderie is quickly exhausted and the atmosphere turns ugly. One tusker picks up a metal bar and slams it onto a woodpile before turning on me. He pauses for a moment before swiping it above my head. As I back out of the camp, he collapses onto a bench, calling, “Where’s the dog?!”

Also, that "Mosquitoes are a near constant plague." image is one of the most disgusting things I think I've seen recently. Pass out drunk and wake up to feet covered with bugs in the morning.

surfingdino29 days ago

Some things in life are just impossible to survive without a crate of vodka, it seems.

8bitsrule30 days ago

'Piracy' in this region began in the early 1700s - a quarter-millenium ago. 'Twas easier then though.

Here's another long, well-illustrated, little-known tale of exploration of the islands off N. Siberia. Fossil tusks were often found in huge quantities ... some islands covered in them.

"One of the most active and successful of the fur-hunters of that time was named Liakoff, and he from time to time obtained great quantities not only of valuable furs, but also of fossil ivory from the tusks and teeth of the mammoths, which he himself collected or received from the native Siberians.... Every year great quantities of ivorv were taken from the islands and sold in the markets at Yakutsk.

alekseiprokopev30 days ago

I’m from Yakutia and remember sharing a hospital room with a former mammoth hunter. He had many stories to tell.

WithinReason30 days ago

Was it a mental hospital, or was he hunting only bones?

joshuaheard30 days ago

If they only killed a mammoth every 6 months, I wonder how they preserved the meat. That area is too far from the ocean to harvest salt. Maybe store it in the snow? What about summer? Smoking the meat would do it. They did find evidence of fire.

tokai30 days ago

Apparently eating rotten meat could have been very common.

WithinReason30 days ago

You hunt it in the autumn and preserver it in the cold.

From spring you can forage and hunt small prey all summer.

koliber30 days ago

Maybe they made mammoth jerky.

houseplant30 days ago

yeah smoking it or drying it by lying it in strips in the sun. if the air is dry enough it won't rot and will just turn into jerkey which lasts for ages. Many still do it to this day

I also just looked this up, but apparently mammoths were still walking the earth as early as only 3000 years ago! I thought it was way farther. The idea to bring them back to northern areas of earth doesnt sound so far fetched

kombookcha30 days ago

It's a pretty fun party fact that by the time the last mammoths died out, the Great Pyramid was already 1500 years old :)

It gives me a lot of hope for revival projects that there's relatively 'young' dna to be found. Of course the reduced range towards the end probably means there's not many of these recent sources to source it from, but still!

mark_undoio30 days ago

That flashed me back to a vague memory that the film 10,000BC showed mammoths in use building the pyramids, which I thought was incredibly silly (well, it was...). But it's kind of satisfying to know that the building at least overlapped with the mammoths in real life.

surfingdino30 days ago

WWIV may be fought using mammoths and dinos? What a cool idea! /s

surfingdino29 days ago

I think vodka made it possible to survive imperfections in meat preservation processes.

jimnotgym30 days ago

'Interactions' is a very passive phrase for killing and dismemberment!

HocusLocus26 days ago

> 'Interactions' is a very passive phrase for killing and dismemberment!

Be wary in modern theme parks. Visitor Interactions is big business in corporate-speak, and it is only so long before they decide to capitalize on this renewable food source.

world2vec30 days ago

If you're interested in this subject, modern tusk hunters and science-fiction, then let me recommend the book "Tusks of Extinction" (2024) by Ray Nayler [0].

Very interesting read (his previous book "The Mountain in the Sea" (2022) is, however, much better and IMHO one of the best sci-fi books I've read in a long time).


phreeza30 days ago

> until their last dated survival 4 kyr ago.

Wow I did not realize they survived that long, that's well after the invention of writing for example.

inglor_cz29 days ago

The first pharaohs and the last woolly mammoths on the Wrangel Island were contemporaries.

Of course, as far as travel from Egypt to the Arctic Ocean goes, they could have lived on different planets.

farseer30 days ago

For a minute I thought this graveyard involved Stalin and one of his killing sprees.

givemeethekeys30 days ago
