
Russ Cox is stepping down as the Go tech lead

738 points7
ainar-g7 months ago

Thank you, rsc, for all your work. Development in Go has become much more enjoyable in these 12 years: race detector, standardized error wrapping, modules, generics, toolchain updates, and so on. And while there are still things to be desired (sum types, better enum/range types, immutability, and non-nilness in my personal wishlist), Go is still the most enjoyable ecosystem I've ever developed in.

everybodyknows7 months ago

Nomination for RSC's greatest technical contribution: module versioning. Absolutely fundamental to the language ecosystem.

maxmcd7 months ago
trustno27 months ago

The interesting thing is - this went pretty much against the community at the time.

At the time, the community seemed to have settled on dep - a different, more npm-like way of locking dependencies.

rsc said "nope this doesn't work" and made his own, better version. And there was some wailing and gnashing of teeth, but also a lot of rejoicing.

That makes me a bit sad that rsc is leaving.

On the other hand, I don't really like the recent iterator changes, so maybe it's all good.

Btw if you reading this rsc, thanks a lot for everything, go really changed my life (for the better).

nasretdinov7 months ago

Iterators definitely have one of the strangest syntaxes I've seen, but if you promise not to break the language you better not introduce new syntax without a Major reason (like generics, but even those actually introduced next to no new syntax, even re-using interfaces o_O).

foldr7 months ago
yencabulator7 months ago

Plenty of people in the community considered dep way too messy to be the real solution.

agumonkey7 months ago

One I enjoyed a lot (a lot) was this one

Hope he gives us more in the future

thanks rsc

kiitos7 months ago

Fundamentally broken model of versioning, but I guess nobody really cares.

jeremyloy_wt7 months ago

Can you elaborate on what problems you have with the MVS algorithm?

nvarsj7 months ago

Not really a fan at all. Dep and its predecessors followed kiss principles, were easy to reason about, and had great support for vendoring.

I’ve wasted so much time dealing with “module hell” in go, that I never dealt with in the prior years of go usage. I think it has some major flaws for external (outside Google) usage.

LudwigNagasena7 months ago

> non-nilness

Ah, I still remember this thread:

thayne7 months ago

Wow, that's painful to read.

Separating the concept of pointers and nullable types is one of the things that I think go having from the beginning would have made it a much better language. Generics and sum types are a couple of others.

ahoka7 months ago

False things programmers believe:

All reference types should be able to take a null value.

It's impossible to write complex and performant programs without null.

It's impossible to write complex and performant programs without pointers.

References always hold a memory address in a linear address space. (Not even true in C!)

Every type is comparable.

Every type is printable.

Every type should derive from the same common type.

All primitive types should support all kind of arithmetic the language has operators for.

The only way to extend an existing type is to inherit from it.

What else?

pwdisswordfishz7 months ago

Every type must have some sort of a default value. (A generalization of the first item, really.)

twic7 months ago

It's going to be much faster to enumerate the true things programmers believe.

bayindirh7 months ago
dgb237 months ago
LudwigNagasena7 months ago

> Every type is printable.

It’s 2024, every type is jsonable!

sirsinsalot7 months ago
lnggahc7 months ago
klabb37 months ago

> Wow, that's painful to read.

And the dismissive tone of some people including Ian. But to be fair before Rust there was definitely this widespread myth in the dev hivemind that nullable pointers is just the cost of performance and low level control. What’s fascinating is how easy and hindsight-obvious it was to rid code of them. I’ve never had to use pointers in Rust and I’ve worked on quite advanced stuff.

lupire7 months ago

Nullable pointers are fine for those who need them. What we're asking for is non-nullable pointers.

deergomoo7 months ago

> "Go doesn't have nullable types in general. We haven't seen a real desire for them"

Ouch, who were they asking? There are so many problems from even the most simple CRUD apps where "lack of a value" must be modelled, but where the zero-value is a valid value and therefore an unsuitable substitute. This is probably my single biggest pain point with Go.

Using pointers to model nullability, or other "hacks" like using a map where keys may not be set, feel completely at odds with Go's stated goal of high code clarity and its general disdain for trickery.

I know with generics it's now trivially easy to implement your own Optional wrappers, but the fact that it's not part of the language or even the standard library means you're never going to have a universal way of modelling this incredibly basic and common requirement across projects. It also means you're never going to have any compile-time guarantees against not accidentally using an invalid value—though that's also the case with the ubiquitous (value, error) pattern and so is evidently not something the language is concerned with.

yencabulator7 months ago

Everyone just keeps repeating the same old gripe, without bothering to read the responses.

Go needs a null-like thing because the language forces every type to have a zero value. To remove the concept of zero value from Go would be a major change.

unscaled7 months ago

The responses from Ian and the Go fans are not very well-thought.

To begin with, zero values were never a great idea. It sounds better than what C does (undefined behavior), but zero values can also hide subtle bugs. The correct approach is to force values to always be initialized on declaration or make use-before-initialization an error.

Having said that, it was probably too late to fix zero values by 2009, when Go was released to the public, and this is not what the thread's OP suggested. He referred to Eiffel, which is an old language from the 1990s (at least?) that didn't initially have null-safety (or "void-safety" in Eiffel's case), but released a mechanism to do just that in 2009, shortly after Tony Hoare's talk at QCon London 2009 (no idea if they were influenced by the talk, but they did mention the "Billion Dollar Mistake" in the release notes).

Eiffel's added nullability and non-nullability markers to types (called "detachable" and "attached"), but it's also using flow-sensitive typing[1] to prevent null-dereferencing (which is the main cause for bugs).

The thread OP didn't ask to eliminate zero values or nullable types, but rather requested to have a non-nullable pointer type, and flow-sensitive typing.

If structs need to be zero-initialized, a non-nullable pointer could be forbidden in structs, or alternatively Go could make explicit initialization mandatory for structs that have non-nullable pointers. At the very least, Go could support non-nullable pointers as local stack values, and use flow-sensitive typing to prevent null dereference.


yencabulator7 months ago
p1necone7 months ago

Wow, that discussion is infuriating. I'm shocked that many people on there don't seem to understand the difference between compile time checks and runtime checks, or the very basics of type systems.

skybrian7 months ago

I think people do understand the basics of static type systems, but disagree about which types are essential in a "system language" (whatever that is).

An integer range is a very basic type, too, conceptually, but many languages don't support them in the type system. You get an unsigned int type if you're lucky.

edflsafoiewq7 months ago
dwattttt7 months ago

I regularly find quite smart people assume Rust's references must be fat pointers to handle lifetimes, and check them all at runtime.

fooker7 months ago

> An integer range is a very basic type, too, conceptually

Just signed vs unsigned makes this a complex topic.

noelwelsh7 months ago

Many people on here as well! :-) Reading the comments on this post is stepping into an alternative universe from the PL crowd I usually interact with. Very conservative. It's quite interesting.

jrimbault7 months ago

It's like they don't speak the same languages.

vyskocilm7 months ago

Well written list of what made Go better language during last years. I'd add iterators, the recent big thing from Russ.

galkk7 months ago

Wow. I haven't followed Go for a while, thanks for that note.

Iterators are very nice addition, even with typical Go fashion of quite ugly syntax.

kjksf7 months ago

Just last week I've implemented an iterator for my C++ type and lol to your comment. It was fucking nightmare compared to how you (will) implement an iterator in Go.

I didn't study the reason why Go chose this way over others. I do know they've considered other ways of doing it and concluded this one is best, based on complex criteria.

People who make value judgements like this typically ignore those complex consideration, of which playing well with all the past Go design decisions is the most important.

Frankly, you didn't even bother to say which language does it better or provide a concrete example of the supposedly non-ugly alternative.

galkk7 months ago

C#, python - here are the most mainstream examples of syntax that doesn’t look alien.

mseepgood7 months ago

They don't have any syntax that differs from the previous Go versions.

valyala7 months ago

Iterators and generics go against the original goals of Go - simplicity and productivity. They complicated Go language specification too much without giving back significant benefits. Iterators and generics also encourage writing unnecessarily complicated code, which makes Go less pleasant to work with. I tried explaining this at

jdnendjjd7 months ago

This argument is brought up again and again, but it is just wrong.

Go had both generics and iterators from the get go. Just not user defined ones.

Thus it is obvious that the creators of the language always saw their need for a simple and productive language

eweise7 months ago

Not obvious to me. We just implemented a streaming solution using the iterator interfaces. They are just functions so reading the code its easy to understand. Adding special language support only serves to obfuscate the actual code.

valyala7 months ago
joeblubaugh7 months ago

I do agree with his point that the implicit mutation of the loop body for an iterative will be difficult to debug.

nasretdinov7 months ago

I'm not sure I can agree about generics. In many cases Go code is already fast enough, so other things come to play, especially type safety. Prior to generics I often had to write some quite complicated (and buggy) reflection code to do something I wanted (e.g. allow to pass functions that take a struct and return a struct+err to the web URL handlers, which would then get auto-JSONed). Generics allow to write similar code much easier and safer.

Generics also allow to write some data structures that would be useful e.g. to speed up AST parsing: writing a custom allocator that would allocate a large chunk of structs of a certain type previously required to copy this code for each type of AST node, which is a nightmare.

valyala7 months ago

> Prior to generics I often had to write some quite complicated (and buggy) reflection code to do something I wanted (e.g. allow to pass functions that take a struct and return a struct+err to the web URL handlers, which would then get auto-JSONed).

This sounds like a good application for Go interfaces (non-empty interfaces). The majority of generics Go code I've seen could be simplified by using non-empty interfaces without the need of generics.

nabhasablue7 months ago

Totally agree, as far as I know Rob Pike no longer develop Go, that's why. Came corporate people instead who think they do their work, asking community (who said that it should be asked?) what new cocojamba feature should be added (like js)

But what can we do against of this? This what I think: - stuck to use Go 1.16 - fork Go 1.16 and continue develop lang from there - learn OCaml... - give up and consume what these people decide to add to lang next and everytime feel disgust

sharno7 months ago

I’m sure if Go had nullable types and/or sum types from the beginning, it’s have been much more popular

segfaltnh7 months ago

It's already quite popular. I'm less convinced there's a large pile of people wishing for a fairly high performance garbage collected language that are not using Go because of this. There just aren't many viable alternatives.

ReleaseCandidat7 months ago

Java and C# being the obvious (and more performant) alternatives. And compared to them, Go already wins because of not being, well, "enterprisey". And with that I mean less the languages itself, but also the whole ecosystem around them.

pjmlp7 months ago
valenterry7 months ago

There are definitely lots, I'm one of them. I use Scala, which is very powerful and imho much nicer language than golang. But the tooling and other support is slow and subpar. But I just can't go back to a brain-dead language(!) like golang because it hurts to program in such languages to me. So I hope that either golang catches up with Scala's features, or that Scala catches up with golangs tooling.

And I think there are many similar people like me.

valyala7 months ago
hu37 months ago

I'm sure of the opposite given the ideas behind Go's design.

foldr7 months ago

Perhaps, but other languages that look a lot like Go with these additions (e.g. OCaml) have not gained much popularity, despite getting much more love on forums like HN. It's important to remember that the people expressing strong opinions about sum types on the internet are a tiny and non-representative fraction of working programmers.

lupire7 months ago

OCaml has a huge number of challenges besides "popular language plus sum types"

lupire7 months ago

Go has nullable types! We want non-nullable types!

chuckadams7 months ago

I blame C# for the confusion. Think of it this way: the ability to explicitly express a type Foo|null implies the existence of a non-nullable Foo as well. IOW it’s shorthand for “nullable and non-nullable types”.

tapirl7 months ago

Don't forget that the semantic change of traditional 3-clause "for" loops:

Because of this change, Go 1.22 is actually the first Go version which seriously breaks Go 1 compatibility, even if the Go official doesn't admit the fact.

kiitos7 months ago

> since Go 1.22, every freshly-declared loop variable used in a for loop will be instantiated as a distinctive instance at the start of each iteration. In other words, it is per-iteration scoped now. So the values of the i and v loop variables used in the two new created goroutines are 1 2 and 3 4, respectively. (1+2) + (3+4) gives 10.

I think you are assuming more guarantees than are actually guaranteed.

You have a well-documented history of making incorrect claims about Go compiler and runtime behaviors, so this isn't surprising.

> since Go 1.22, you should try to specify a Go language version for every Go source file

What on Earth?? Absolutely 100% not.

tapirl7 months ago


It looks you don't understand the change at all.

The statement "since Go 1.22, you should try to specify a Go language version for every Go source file" is made officially, not by me.

> You have a well-documented history of making incorrect claims about Go compiler and runtime behaviors, so this isn't surprising.

The claim is totally baseless.

All my opinions and articles are based on facts. If you have found ones which are incorrect or which are not based on facts, please let me know:

kiitos7 months ago
dgb237 months ago

Are there cases where people actually rely on the previous behavior?

I always assumed that it was considered faulty to do so.

rsc7 months ago

There were certainly buggy tests that relied on the old behavior. We didn't find any actual code that relied _correctly_ on the old behavior.

dgb237 months ago
tapirl7 months ago

No convincing evidences to prove there are not such cases. In my honest opinion, if there are such cases in theory, there will be ones in practice. It is a bad expectation to hope such cases never happen in practice.

The authors of the change did try to prove such cases don't happen in practice, but their proving process is totally breaking.

It is my prediction that multiple instances of broken cases will be uncovered in coming years, in addition to the new foot-gun issues created by the altered semantics of transitional 'for' loops.

paride57457 months ago

I wish they would opt for ARC instead of a GC, to have a more deterministic memory objects lifecycle.

Other than that, I agree with your comment.

tomcam7 months ago

IMHO Go has been one of the best-managed open source projects ever. Hats off to Google for supporting it.

hoten7 months ago

What are some things that make it well managed?

cookiengineer7 months ago

The reluctancy to introduce new syntax too quickly (looking at you, TC39 and Babel) makes go an almost maintenance free language.

If you learned idiomatic go, you can maintain and patch other libraries in the ecosystem very quickly.

Unified codestyle, unified paradigms, unified toolchain.

It's a language with harsh opinions on everything. If you manage to get over your own opinions, you'll realize that any opinion upstream is better than no opinion downstream.

That's why go's toolchain isn't as messed up as npm, yarn, grunt, gulp, webpack, parcel, babel and other parts of the ecosystem that have no conventions and are therefore as a result very expensive to maintain.

serial_dev7 months ago


In Go, a feature needs to have an extremely good reason to be added, and even then it's only added with care and caution.

In other languages, pointless features are added because maintainers are afraid, or not empowered to say... "yeah, we get it, but no, we will not add cruft to the language because you can't write your own 2 line function to achieve the same, no matter how hard you dunk on us on Twitter, it's take it or leave it, but you won't tell us how to run this project"

pansa27 months ago
klabb37 months ago

Yes about the language but also Google understands that both tooling and standard library is more important than the language. All of that makes Google internal maintenance much much better. Another artifact of google3 was the absolute shitshow of GOPATH and abysmal dependency management – because Google didn’t really need it, while people outside suffered. When they added go mod support Go became 10x more productive outside of Google.

Go is almost an anti-language in that sense, reluctantly accepting shiny lang features only after they’ve been proven to address major pain points. It’s almost more an “infrastructure deployment toolkit” than a language. Which strangely makes it extremely pleasurable to work with, at least for network-centric applications.

daghamm7 months ago

"That's why go's toolchain isn't as messed up as npm, yarn, grunt, ..."

And let's be honest, Rust toolchain is pretty messed up too.

Want to cross-compile with go? Set the GOOS variable and you are done. On Rust you need to curl-sh rustup, switch to nightly, add new targets, add target to your cargo and cross fingers it works this week.

quectophoton7 months ago
sapiogram7 months ago
KronisLV7 months ago

With it being so consistent and predictable, I wonder why it hasn’t displaced .NET and Java in the enterprise for back end development.

Maybe because a framework like ASP.NET or Spring that covers like 80+% of the enterprise needs hasn’t quite emerged? Or perhaps we just need to give it a decade or so.

There are still very few Go jobs in my country, most are either .NET, Java or PHP.

trustno27 months ago
cookiengineer7 months ago
Philip-J-Fry7 months ago

Go is displacing .NET where I work for backend development. We still use .NET for Windows GUIs but any sort of server code is mostly Go going forward.

lifty7 months ago

In my enterprise neck of the woods Go is steadily taking over backend development.

pjmlp7 months ago

Thankfully, it is enough that it is a must in DevOps space.

Cthulhu_7 months ago

It's not yet an enterprise language; along the languages/frameworks, there's a huge ecosystem of QA, monitoring, security, etc solutions in the Java/.NET space that just isn't there in Go.

I mean there's a slow shift, I keep hearing of "rewriting a Java codebase to Go", but it'll be a slow process. And especially the bigger projects that represent 30 years of Java development will and should be reluctant to start rewriting things.

_the_inflator7 months ago

Clutter death that creeps in any language, as I see it. To this day, only a small subset of JS syntax is used; I cannot recall anyone besides me ever using method chaining like .map .filter, etc.

There is a reason why almost every good language is somewhat akin to C to this day, and maybe people started over to get rid of the noise.

matwood7 months ago

> I cannot recall anyone besides me ever using method chaining like .map .filter, etc.

Interesting. That's all anyone on my team ever used once it became available.

But, it highlights the point with Go. Working with Go for just a little while means I can easily read and work with nearly any Go project with a very short ramp up.

jessekv7 months ago

Haha interesting. I actually like .map/.filter/.find/etc. in JS and comprehensions in Python. I find they communicate the intent of the programmer really clearly as compared to a for-loop.

tentacleuno7 months ago

> The reluctancy to introduce new syntax too quickly (looking at you, TC39 and Babel) makes go an almost maintenance free language.

Could you provide some examples of this? From knowledge of the pipeline operator proposal[0], moving fast and breaking things isn't always a priority.

It goes without saying that Babel is an external collection of modules that don't fall under the TC39 umbrella, so they're able to iterate at a much greater cadence than the official specification (and you obviously need to explicitly opt-into using it.)

[0]: (first commit; Nov 9, 2015, which is 8 years, 8 months, 24 days ago)

classified7 months ago

Well, if you compare against the absolute bottom of the barrel, it's not too hard to look good.

lopkeny12ko7 months ago

> Unified codestyle

The moment I got my first compile error due to an unused variable and an unused import, made me realize Go is not a serious programming language.

lioeters7 months ago
Cthulhu_7 months ago
tommica7 months ago

Why not? Pretty sure it's used in a lot of places, so it does seem quite serious if a language.

ein0p7 months ago

Almost zero drama and almost no feature creep or breaking changes. The team seems to have a focus, and does not change it easily. That is important for a programming language, and it doesn’t happen organically.

truncate7 months ago

Couldn't agree more. Always felt community had trust in the team. Its not the fanciest language, but whatever they push for usually works. In contrast, recently I've had to deal with Swift, and they are often pushing like 10 features, but each of them is full of holes and annoyances. Great respect for doing the boring of keeping it stupid and simple.

gunapologist997 months ago

Exactly. And it's in writing!

The backwards compatibility promise:

richardwhiuk7 months ago

I suspect all the drama happens internally.

zja7 months ago
tomcam7 months ago

One reason I consider it so good

Onavo7 months ago

They are the programming language equivalent of GitHub repos that maintain a low open issue count by closing most issues as "won't fix" or "won't build".

segfaltnh7 months ago

Yep. It takes a lot of bravery and I appreciate it!

lolinder7 months ago
ein0p7 months ago


vdqtp37 months ago

The cost being that they [generally speaking] ignore proposals, pull requests, and new features - even if they are valuable to their users and AREN'T breaking.

segfaltnh7 months ago

Mostly this comes down to recognizing the value of simplicity. I like Rust and Go, but I am infinitely grateful that Go is as minimal as it is. I wouldn't have had as much success ramping my team on Rust.

moogly7 months ago

> almost zero drama

Hm. Wasn't (the lack of) generics pretty drama filled? Especially the way they fought against it for so long.

quectophoton7 months ago

s/fought against it/rejected superficial proposals that were mostly about syntax bikeshedding and didn't include enough research on how the proposal would play along with the rest of the language and ecosystem/

ahci8e7 months ago

Almost zero drama, yeah. I do remember the dep drama though...

justinclift7 months ago

And the telemetry drama.

sidewndr467 months ago

Absolutely inaccurate. Pointer de-reference operator had a breaking change after 1.x

arp2427 months ago

I don't recall this off-hand; which change was that?

tweenagedream7 months ago

I mean they did say almost no breaking changes, depending how much has changed in the language, a small handful of breaking changes in niche use cases may be considered almost none by some. I'm not sure I would say the comment is absolutely inaccurate.

dom967 months ago

Zero drama is easy when you get paid (a lot) to work on something.

muratsu7 months ago
Maxatar7 months ago
goalonetwo7 months ago

I would rather say that it is easy to have zero drama when most of the committers come from a single large companies.

sangnoir7 months ago

And yet we've had lots of drama in Linux and Redhat mailing lists, involving people paid to work on the respective projects, and using their work email.

ein0p7 months ago
tomcam7 months ago

Your question answers itself. It's growing in popularity in every year and has apparently suffered exactly zero scandals or embarrassing gaffes of any kind. Just not fucking up is huge in making any serious enterprise successful and very, very difficult to achieve.

treyd7 months ago

Just from the top of my head there's the Google proxy shenanigans and the telemetry proposal that they backed down from. There may be others I'm not aware of.

kjksf7 months ago

Explain how Google proxy "shenanigans" are any different than "npm proxy shenanigans" or "cargo shenanigans" or "pip shenanigans". It's a service to improve Go ecosystem with anti-spoof security design (which can't be said about those other code download services).

telemetry design is actually very thoughtful, limited and reasonable about what and how much data it sends. Motivation for sending the data is clear (improving Go). It's only a scandal for unreasonable people.

nottorp7 months ago

I did mean to ask: who "owns" Go for all practical purposes?

I suppose in theory it's some independent entity/commitee/whatever, but who pays the majority of the people working on it? Google?

diggan7 months ago

> but who pays the majority of the people working on it? Google?

Checking the 20 top contributors from

    Google: 10
    Unclear: 7
    Tailscale: 1
    Canopy Climate: 1
    Isovalent: 1
Just checking the GitHub profile and not doing any deeper digging, so take it with a grain of salt.
dzonga7 months ago

I think this is a side effect of golang having failed at the mission to replace C++ or even Java, becoming a replacement for ruby / python etc for API's. makes the project's goals align with users not about conquering the world anymore. as that battle is lost to Rust, Zig etc.

dgb237 months ago

Go is definitely used for stuff that rivals their Rust/C++ etc. counterparts in terms of performance and general quality.

Caddy and docker pop right into my mind. I‘ve also seen databases, image processing and other nitty gritty systems programming related projects in Go.

People also love to write CLI apps in Go that do a lot of heavy lifting like esbuild or k6 etc.

The sweet spot for Go seems to be IO heavy programs. It allows for just enough control to get good performance for a lot of use cases that bleed into systems programming.

bborud7 months ago

I thought the mission was to replace C++ for a many things at Google. You can't really lose to someone you are not competing with. The choice of managed memory is a pretty obvious hint that Go isn't a general direct competitor to C/C++.

And neither Zig nor Rust have replaced C++ to any meaningful degree. Nearly everywhere it would count I still will have to deal with C++ for years, if not decades, to come.

jgowdy7 months ago

Yeah, only supporting glibc behaviors and ignoring the ELF standard at will really qualifies as best managed. /s

rsc7 months ago

I replied to the other copy of this comment:

TheDong7 months ago


hdesh7 months ago

> Basically, the Go team is a bunch of old white dudes, which already means the project is poorly managed from the start

This seems like a broad generalization. Can you please elaborate?

TheDong7 months ago


dash27 months ago

That argument completely makes sense (I don’t know if it’s true, because I know absolutely zero about the go community, but it’s a sensible argument). It’s a pity that to make it, you initially used the shorthand of “old white dudes“ - a derogation based on people’s race, sex and age.

hellojesus7 months ago

> Special attention like having diverse people in positions of power.

You realize that selecting people based on "diverse" qualities is the very act of racism/sexism/whatever-ism, right? You propagate what you claim to oppose.

mseepgood7 months ago

What? The only Plan 9 people that were on the Go team I know of are Thompson, Pike and Russ. I'm pretty sure that neither Thompson nor Pike know what 4chan is. Russ, being the younger one, probably has heard of it, but I doubt that he ever used it. I've never heard them make sexist jokes. On the contrary, I have heard Pike and rsc speak out for diversity in software engineering and social justice quite often.

sneak7 months ago

Individual people cannot be diverse.

alphazard7 months ago

> I don’t believe that the “BDFL” (benevolent dictator for life) model is healthy for a person or a project

It's interesting that the best projects have BDFLs, and that the best BDFLs are skeptical of their own power.

knighthack7 months ago

I've noticed: competent people who aren't interested in leadership tend to make the best leaders.

As compared to people who want to be leaders, for the sake of being known as a 'leader', but have neither the competency nor accountability to be leaders.

singron7 months ago

As long as they aren't so disinterested that they become absentee leaders. It's rare for huge successful projects you've heard of, but I think the typical project is more likely to have this problem, although maybe it's just incompetence too.

zanellato197 months ago

I've seen this sentiment repeated here and I completely disagree.

The best leaders are interested in being leaders for the betterment of their team/community, not for the clout. But people who are pushed to be leaders without being interested in that, they tend to suck and make life miserable for everyone else. Leadership is a skill, if you treat it differently, you will suck at it.

saghm7 months ago

Without taking a stand on the first half of that, I don't think it's particularly surprising that the best BDFLs are skeptical of their power. I'd argue the main benefit of having a single person with the power to make a unilateral decision is that it provides a way around the gridlock that tends to occur whenever there are a wide variety of stakeholders involved;. a project whose leader feels warranted to overrule decisions that have a strong consensus is a lot less likely to build up a community to the point that anyone is aware of the project.

darby_nine7 months ago

I don't think this is true. Python had a BDFL and it didn't seem to benefit much from it. I'm not sure what other projects this attitude draws from. Off-hand I'd guess it causes less drama but no appreciable increase of quality, just like other forms of bureaucracy.

Meanwhile there's entire landfills of failed projects with single owners who couldn't bend enough. We just don't find this worth discussing.

Of course this won't happen, but a man can dream.

vbezhenar7 months ago

Python became #1 language in the world. Which factors lead to this success is debatable, but leadership role can't be dismissed.

SatvikBeri7 months ago

Here are some other projects that benefited from BDFLs in my opinion:

* Keras

* Ruby

* Clojure

* Zig

* OCaml

* Vim

* Elixir

I think all of these have ended up being unusually coherent. I may not agree with their design philosophy, but there clearly is one.

dash27 months ago

Conversely, projects without clear leadership include rust (recently) and R, and I think they suffer for it.

A very widespread system for organising people is to have a single responsible decision-maker, supported, monitored and advised by a committee. We see that through politics and business, and a lot of the best open source projects seem to do the same thing.

gpderetta7 months ago

IMO C++ would have benefitted from having a BDFL for a bit longer as well.

dgb237 months ago

A perhaps important clarification:

Many of those, including Linux as far as I know, simply started as projects that were driven by single authors with a strong vision and remarkable diligence.

Then people flocked to those projects, but with the understanding and appreciation of that vision.

I don’t think any of them wanted to be BDFLs for the sake of power. They were the original authors and _made_ something useful. I don’t think any of them took over an existing project and declared themselves dictators. Ironically they all would be way too opinionated to do so.

giraffe_lady7 months ago

But php, one of the most notoriously chaotic mainstream languages, has a bdfl. And lua, arguably more disciplined than all of the ones you listed, has not.

chuckadams7 months ago

PHP is governed by an RFC process requiring a 2/3 majority vote of a couple dozen core devs. This has been the case for nearly 20 years now. Rasmus rarely even votes these days.

hermanradtke7 months ago

Rasmus is not the BFDL for PHP.

kovac7 months ago

Linux, OpenBSD? Perhaps to an extent Mutt too.

anamexis7 months ago

Linux/Linus Torvalds stands out as another notable BDFL.

gunapologist997 months ago

And Daniel Robbins at Gentoo, who recently (and sadly) stepped down from Funtoo as well.

darby_nine7 months ago

I'm not intimate with Linux as a project, but this is an attractive argument for it. Unfortunately my main experiences with Torvalds are motivated by his chewing out people on mailing lists for something stupid they said rather than fending off varied interests, which makes him look far more petty than competent.

arp2427 months ago
kfgahs7 months ago

Linux started on Usenet, and that was the normal communication style. People simply did not take it seriously back then, it was understood to be partly humorous.

Linus doesn't even rant frequently either. People point to the same 10 messages over and over again.

He also tolerates when someone snaps back at him, unlike in projects with double standards like CPython where the old boys can do whatever they like but you are not allowed to criticize back or point out their numerous mistakes, segfaults, threading bugs and generally low code quality.

groby_b7 months ago

The only people worth having in power are the ones that don't want the power.

This extends well beyond OSS projects.

carapace7 months ago

The whole idea is a joke, it's right there in the name. It was a recognition of the "facts on the ground" of GvR's role as the creator of Python, it was never seriously meant as a principle of project management. It's descriptive not prescriptive, eh? The idea got reified all out of hand.

rsc7 months ago

The wording may be a joke but the concept is real and widely used.

carapace7 months ago

Yes, but only by fools.

riwsky7 months ago

Remember when they tried to king George Washington?

dondraper367 months ago

rsc, thank you very much for all the hard work on the language that brought me into software engineering.

Despite playing around with several programming languages, Go still feels like home.

The development experience is terrific and I really appreciate how unapologetically simple and responsible the language and its creators have been.

Good luck and all the best in all your endeavours!

rsc7 months ago

> rsc, thank you very much for all the hard work on the language that brought me into software engineering.

You're quite welcome, and thank you for this comment. I never expected when we started that Go would have such a positive impact on people's lives, bringing new people into programming and software engineering. That's definitely the impact I'm most proud of.

geoka97 months ago

Thank you guys from another fan! Go literally saved my career as a software dev: got burned out around 2014, tried Go as therapy and have been a happy gopher ever since :)

ksec7 months ago

Thank You rsc. This is sad because Go is one of the few language that is good and conservative instead of hype and feature creep. And that is primarily because you say No to a lot of things.

I do wonder, if you could re-do Go or another programming language again. What feature / changes would you add or take out.

apitman7 months ago

I've been programming for 20 years and Go has proven to have more gravity than any other language I've used. When I just need to get something done, it's what I reach for. Thank you for your part in building such a useful tool.

xh-dude7 months ago

Thanks for helping the OEIS site stay alive. I was absolutely delighted by it the first time I visited it, decades ago. Equally delighted when I visited recently and saw some “Russ Cox” contributed.

captainkrtek7 months ago

Same sentiment as the above poster. I’ve been working with Go since 2014, after using many languages before, and none match the ease and efficiency of development for my work. Thank you so much!

slekker7 months ago

Thank you very much rsc! Golang not only helps me feed my family but also I created many friendships from using it :)

Thaxll7 months ago

RSC has a really good blog:

furyofantares7 months ago

This is the first time I'm noticing that rsc would be an initialism for the blog.

rsc7 months ago

Me too!

furyofantares7 months ago


While you're still reading these, I want to say that while I've never ended up using Go for any shipping projects, I've been a fan since day 1. And it hasn't been lost on me that in the languages and ecosystems I do use in my professional life, good decisions from Go have propagated through the software world.

One thing that really sticks in my brain is gofmt; it makes it clear that there's still relatively low-hanging fruit where you can make a really good decision that spreads to the rest of the world on merits alone. It's an inspiration.

jjice7 months ago

Incredible blog. I've said it on this site before, but his series on regular expressions is insanely high quality and the fact he just posted it there for all of us is a huge privilege.

mikhailfranco7 months ago

Yes, I certainly benefitted very much from the series.

Here is the first episode - devastating, convincing, easy to understand and very well written:

klartd7 months ago

Thanks for all the Go contributions!

I disagree on one point that has nothing to do with Go. Python has not benefitted from GvR stepping down. The new "leadership" is non-technical, tyrannical and has driven almost all true open source contributors away.

Development has stalled except for the few corporate contributions of doubtful quality. The atmosphere is repressive and all that matters is whether you have a position of power at Microsoft/Instagram/Bloomberg.

It is not necessarily the fault of these companies. They may not know that their generosity is being abused.

the_duke7 months ago

> Development has stalled except for the few corporate contributions of doubtful quality.

Do you have some data to back that up?

The stats on Github seem to show healthy activity. 700+ merged PRs from 120+ contributors in the last month [1].

There seems to have been a big influx of new contributors in the last few years. [2]



rtpg7 months ago

gofmt probably has alone saved so much time across the world (and is upstream from every other language ecosystem basically saying "ok let's just autoformat").

I hate what autoformatters do to my code, but I love not having to talk about spacing anymore.

rob747 months ago

Interestingly enough, I hate autoformatters (and use spaces instead of tabs) in every other language, but in Go you just get used to the way gofmt formats your code from the beginning, and then start to appreciate that you don't spend as much time on it anymore, so it's not a problem (at least for most people).

arp2427 months ago

I've seen a number of autoformats for other languages be way too obsessive about formatting every little detail and edge case, to the point where it just becomes silly. 100% consistency is a fool's errand, and also contributes very very little Once you deal with some major issues (braces, spacing) you very quickly get diminishing returns.

rtpg7 months ago

One thing that I've found works kinda well: if you use a linter with "autofix" options, then the policy can be: complaint about formatting? Add the lint that can be autofixed. Then your formatter is just "run the lint autofixes"

j2kun7 months ago

TIL about the project he's going to focus on:

An LLM-based architecture for helping maintain OSS projects. Seems cool.

simonz057 months ago — Project has come a long way since this. Happy that it's still around and thriving. I don't think we expected that in 2009. I don't believe Go would have been where it is without Russ. His contribution to the project has been tremendous.

Thanks Russ.

zmj7 months ago

Thanks Russ! Putting tooling on a first-class basis was revolutionary, and it's still Go's standout feature.

nasretdinov7 months ago

Russ gave us proper vendoring and generics: two things I thought I'd never see in Go... Thanks a lot for the effort!

bruckie7 months ago

Ian Lance Taylor did a lot of the work on generics, too. Thanks to both, and the rest of the team!

valyala7 months ago

While vendoring is great, generics is bad addition to Go, since they complicated Go type system too much [1]. This makes typical Go code with generics hard to read and hard to maintain.


conjurernix7 months ago

Language was literally castrated without generics.

valyala7 months ago

Lack of generics didn't prevent from creating many useful projects in Go such as Docker, Kubernetes, Prometheus, Terraform, etcd, minio, Caddy, Traefik, and many others from the list at . I haven't heard of useful Go projects, which couldn't be written because of lack of generics before Go1.18, and which have been created after that. Also I'm unaware of useful projects, which benefitted from generics in any measurable way.

purpleidea7 months ago

Huge news! I hope the new leadership remembers that keeping golang small and simple was its greatest strength. Adding generics was too much, and while I think there are some important small cases when it's valuable, in practice people are using it when they shouldn't. I'd also like to see less google control of the project.

I'm certainly thankful for golang as it made my project possible!

Thanks Russ!

p1necone7 months ago

> Adding generics was too much, and while I think there are some important small cases when it's valuable, in practice people are using it when they shouldn't.

Strongly disagree. Beyond very simple codebases lack of generics means either duplicating a bunch of code or eschewing type safety - neither of those things are particularly attractive to me. I can't imagine writing code in a strongly typed language that doesn't have support for generics.

Even if you don't use them directly it's almost certain you're using libraries that would be forced to be less ergonomic or type safe because of a lack of generics.

akira25017 months ago

> or eschewing type safety

Type casts are checked.

> that doesn't have support for generics.

We get first class functions and compiled closures with zero syntax overhead. It's entirely manageable.

> or type safe because of a lack of generics.

Case in point: sort.Slice(). It lacks ergonomics, otherwise, entirely usable.

That being said, the generic version is faster and easier to use, so they are not without purpose, but they're not fundamental to large scale design either. Used without caution they can become a burden in and of themselves.

I like them just fine, but I could completely live without them.

zarzavat7 months ago

BTW this kind of thing is why I don’t use Go.

Generics are a basic language feature for a statically typed language. Go needs a lot more features to be usable, like better error handling, but the ultra-conservative community that opposes any changes is a drag on the language and makes developing in it a miserable experience.

akira25017 months ago
illusive40807 months ago

This is why I prefer Rust over Go. Go is far too simple.

trustno27 months ago

error handling is what I like about go.

ok errors.As is a little stupid, I'll give you that. But that's all.

dblohm77 months ago

> Adding generics was too much

I strongly disagree. Sure, like anything in programming, generics can be misused. But even comments can be misused!

OTOH I am able to build things in Go with generics that I would not be very happy building without them.

gary_07 months ago

The thing people dislike, I think, is that actually implementing generics and handling all the syntactical and compilation edge cases is complicated and ugly.

But generics as a high-level concept are wonderfully simple and useful ("let me use different types with certain code constructs without having to manually duplicate them, and stop me from doing anything that doesn't make sense"). It would be a far easier call for languages to add them if they were just a bit of syntactic sugar instead of a whole new section in the manual. (I do think adding generics was a good call; practicality trumps a fussily clean design, in my book.)

jen207 months ago

> But even comments can be misused!

And arguably are in Go, where they are used for all kinds of things that are not inline documentation!

fuzztester7 months ago

examples of that? code generation? been away from go for a while, after using it some earlier, so not up to date

nasretdinov7 months ago

Yeah I agree. Due to Go's slow moving approach we'll see the biggest impact of generics much later, when they become more prominent in the standard library. A lot of those APIs are necessarily not type safe now and generics would close that gap quite nicely

simonz057 months ago

> I'd also like to see less google control of the project.

That doesn't look like is going to happen — the leadership change announced here seems to me to continue on the Google path. Both Austin and Cherry are relatively unknown outside Google and are to my knowledge not active in the community outside Google.

rsc7 months ago

> Both Austin and Cherry are relatively unknown outside Google and are to my knowledge not active in the community outside Google.

I don't believe this is true at all. They are both highly active in external Go development, far more active than I have been these past few years. (It's true that neither gives talks or blogs as much as I do.)

simonz057 months ago

I understand and respect your perspective on Austin and Cherry’s involvement in the Go community. Their contributions may indeed be less visible but still impactful. However, the community’s perception of leadership is crucial, and visibility plays a big part in that. For instance your long form blog adds context to decisions you’ve taken in the past. I hope their active roles will become more apparent, fostering a stronger connection with the broader Go community.

arp2427 months ago

> I'd also like to see less google control of the project.

What does this even mean? Google basically just finances the project, but doesn't really "control" anything, never mind that "Google" isn't a monolithic entity in the first place.

purpleidea7 months ago

They could be a non-google employee. They could let the community vote on who new leaders are, etc...

arp2427 months ago

> They could let the community vote on who new leaders are, etc...

Who is "they"? Who is "the community"? Who qualifies for a vote and who doesn't? I never contributed any code to the Go compiler or stdlib, but have contributed to some aspects of the "wider ecosystem", including some things that see fairly broad usage, and am (coincidentally) wearing a 2018 GopherCon t-shirt as I write this. Do I qualify? Does someone who has been writing Go for a year qualify? A week? Someone who never even wrote Go code? Someone who sent in a single patch to stdlib? And how do you verify all this?

Saying "let the community vote" is easy, but if you think about it for more than a second you will realize there's tons of difficulties and that it doesn't really work. I also don't really know of any project that works like this: it's pretty always a fairly small group of "core contributors" that get to decide.

tempest_7 months ago
bborud7 months ago

It is tempting to look at the election in the US and ask what will determine the outcome - who has the policies that will make peoples lives better or who can come up with the most effecive derogatory nickname for the opponent and stoke the most fear.

I've worked at Google, I've used Go for about 8 years at this point and I've met a few of the key Go figures at some point. I have to say that I have _no_ idea who would be best to run the project. And neither do you.

This isn't politics where the winner gets to vanquish their enemies and make themselves and their friends and family rich. It's developing and maintaining a programming language. The only real reward you'll get is admiration IFF you do a good job. Do a crap job and you ruin the project and/or become a pariah.

I would rather have those people who make up the core leadership tell me who should run the project since they not only know the technology, but they know the people and they know how to provide continuity. Continuity and discipline is all-important.

I'd prefer it if whoever runs the project works for Google since that is where Go was born. In part for continuity reasons and that Google has proven to be a very good home for Go, but also because it is good to have direct access to an organization that has resources to support you.

skywhopper7 months ago

Russ has done a great job of shepherding Go through over a decade of growth and maturity and has led a ton of fantastic additions to the language and built a strong pattern of excellence in how language changes are considered and made that should serve as a shining example for the future of Go as well as any other language out there.

And now he’s continuing the stretch of outstanding leadership by passing the torch. I can wait to see what the next 12 years of Go brings. Thanks for your service, Russ!

hgyjnbdet7 months ago

Out of interest, why are people so confident in Google when it comes to Go, yet every other day there's articles about how Google can't be trusted in related to Dart/Flutter which are soon to be abandoned?

arp2427 months ago

I don't really know anything about Dart or Flutter, but they're entirely separate teams within a huge organisation. It's entirely possible that one team does an excellent job, whereas the other doesn't. I keep repeating this: but "Google" is not a monolithic entity. People aren't "confident in Google", they're "confident in the people working on Go" (or not: you can decide that for yourself).

bufo7 months ago

Because Go has massive traction both inside and outside of Google, whereas Dart/Flutter never got big traction.

surajrmal7 months ago

Dart only found a real good use case fairly recently. Given its explosion in usage since then, I think it may very well be more popular that go in several years.

smithcoin7 months ago

Curious- what is the use case?

hgyjnbdet7 months ago

I think they mean Flutter, and Darts truly cross platform abilities.

quectophoton7 months ago

I don't trust Google.

I trust specs[1], multiple implementations[2], and how easy it is to bootstrap a compiler[3].


[2]: (even if feature parity isn't quite there yet)

[3]: Instead of requiring double-digits compilation steps that each take too long to be reasonable.

euroderf7 months ago

I get an early-UNIX / Bell-Labs vibe from the entire Go project. New Jersey all the way. The ecosystem is too sleek and practical to abandon. My 0.02€, ymmv.

fuzztester7 months ago

>New Jersey all the way

New Jersey vs. what? I read about that phrase sometime earlier but forgot the rest of it. Is it vs. MIT / Stanford / West Coast / other? implying worse is better vs. other?

is it also related to neat vs. scruffy approaches in AI?

too much in tech to keep track of it all.

but asking out of interest.

euroderf7 months ago

Well, it's kinda the whole "Worse is Better" thang. Flee from complexity.

As opposed to the "MIT style".

Related: Featuritis vs. YAGNI.

tedunangst7 months ago

At any point in recent history, I would have been pretty happy sticking with the last release of go for quite some time. Flutter always feels like it's the next release that's going to be the good one.

nu11ptr7 months ago

> Google can't be trusted in related to Dart/Flutter which are soon to be abandoned


hgyjnbdet7 months ago

I'm not agreeing with that assessment but recently:

Among others. Again I'm not saying I agree, I'm just saying you don't see the same with Go.

patmorgan237 months ago

Off the top of your head, name 3 projects/apps that use Dart/Flutter, now do the same for go.

LVB7 months ago

There are probably more Flutter apps about than you’d think, and at least on Android you can look for yourself:

bitpush7 months ago

If you cant name 3 projects/app that use Dart/Flutter that just shows your bias.

Can you name 3 apps/projects that use COBOL?

-- This is akin to asking, "Quick, name 3 books written in Persian. Huh, you cant name them? Must be a dead language"

randomdata7 months ago
meling7 months ago

Thanks Russ for your great leadership and contributions to the Go community. I’ve always enjoy your talks, blogs, and your many contributions to the language. Looking forward to your future contributions to the language and ecosystem.

declan_roberts7 months ago

There are features of the Go toolchain that I consider to be a requirement in all future languages.

For example, if a language doesn't come with a built-in formatter that's a huge red flag. Go broke the tyranny of style discussions.

Easy static binaries is right up there for all new languages.

Kudos to rsc and team for all the work that went into making a great language. Good luck on your next projects.

throwawaygo7 months ago

I have so many disagreements on goals for the language with Russ, but have been a fan since his early days of writing the regex package and the c-to-go conversion code. Glad to hear he will still contribute to the lang, and hoping for a bit different direction from the new leads.

calini7 months ago

Thank you for making my career more enjoyable and productive, rsc! Go is a lovely ecosystem and I'm looking forward to see where it will Go :).

chmike7 months ago

humor: I wonder if the upvotes are cheerings that he finally stepped down or a respectful salute. I give my respectful salute.

Go is awesome and I hope it will continue to progress in that direction. Thank you Russ Cox

wejick7 months ago

Thanks RSC, since the past 8 years I really enjoyed working with Go. It's my first experience following a programming language development, all the proposals, debates and how all of them were handled.

MaiVa7 months ago

The Go community is incredibly lucky having had a person as lead with such outstanding technical skills and at the same time a great sense of strategic long term view. As this was not enough, I remember reading some discussions where I thought "Damn, this rsc guy has a lot of patience."

Go evolves slowly but steadily. No drama, no politics (external, I don't know about the internal), not social justice wars, just great technical and community work focussing on the thing at hand: A programming language and ecosystem.

hankman867 months ago

Does Google actually consider Go to be a success? I get the impression that it failed in what it set out to be: a successor to C/C++. Or put differently, Rust has eaten Go‘s lunch.

randomdata7 months ago

Go was never intended to be a C/C++ successor, it was intended to solve a class of problems that Pike and gang experienced in the software they worked on. Which is to say network servers. What you are probably remembering is that they assumed from their unique Google lens that it was C++ developers who had those same problems and would see it as an alternative to C++ when faced with those problems, but it turned out that in the "real" world people were writing network servers in Python and Ruby, not C++.

Which isn't surprising to the rest of us. If you remember the days before Go, every second thread on HN was about how "company X", including the company now known as X, saw their Ruby network servers completely falling down under load, forcing a rewrite in whatever the language du-jour was that day. But Googlers tend to live in a completely different bubble with respect to the way software is written.

mike_hearn7 months ago

Well, a lot of servers are Google are (or were) written in Java not C++. As a GCd language, arguably Go competed with Java internally moreso than C++. One of Go's flagship projects (Kubernetes) started out being written in Java for example.

rob747 months ago

If I remember the legend correctly, the idea for Go was initially conceived while waiting for a C++ program to compile. Not sure about any of the other stuff, but they definitely got the compile times right...

jeffrallen7 months ago

A goal of Go was to put working on complex distributed systems within the reach of the junior people Google had access to in the quantity they were hiring. To whit, the kind of people who would have been able to work on a big Python system with 3 months ramp up or on a big C++ system with a year of ramp up.

It is pretty clear that with respect to that goal, Go is a success. It has attracted Python programmers who need type safety and performance. Someone with no Go experience could land a useful new feature in a big Go program in 3 months.

Introducing a junior person to a large Rust system would still take a year, because it is so much more difficult than Go. Which means to me that if Rust had been aiming at this same adoption goal (it wasn't) it would not have succeeded where Go did.

weinzierl7 months ago

> "Introducing a junior person to a large Rust system would still take a year, because it is so much more difficult than Go."

A recent study done at Google disagrees with this assessment.

""it takes about the same sized team about the same time to build it, so that's no loss of productivity",

said Google's Director of Engineering Lars Bergstrom about porting Go to Rust in the talk

hu37 months ago

His direct quote contradicts your assertion:

"When we have rewritten from Go into Rust, we found that it takes the same size of team and same time to build it."

Important part here being: rewrite. I would expect a rewrite to take less time, not the same time, than writing from scratch. Yet a Rust rewrite took as long as Go from-scratch project.

So to me, this implies the opposite, that Rust takes longer to write.

tm-guimaraes7 months ago

Time to build a new system and time to onboard a new team member without professional experience in a given language are 2 very difficult things.

Go is much more optimised for quick onboarding, fast feedback, more “code look” consistency across projects then rust.

Now a team that knows both rust and go well might have the same proditivity in rust and go (maybe even more in rust), but with lots of changes in personell, specifically in quick growing departments, go can make a huge difference.

This is obviously just an anecdote, but i’ve seen more companies or departments running mostly a go backend stack, having job postings saying “no go experience required”, than the equivalent other companies (or departments ) focused on any other lang.

zozbot2347 months ago

> Introducing a junior person to a large Rust system would still take a year, because it is so much more difficult than Go.

Do you really think large Golang codebases are so easy to survey? I could see the argument wrt. C++, but Rust actually has a great featureset for programming "in the large". Take a look at the k8s codebase for an example of a large project that's written in Golang - doesn't seem all that easy to get started with.

weinzierl7 months ago

This is an interesting question, but I doubt you will get a satisfactory answer here and probably anywhere. There is probably not even a uniform opinion about this within Google.

What I am more curious about is how much actual use Go has within companies and especially Google. What is the percentage of Go within their monorepo? How much of Google search is powered by Go?

remus7 months ago

I guess it depends on how you define success, but given there's a lot of people writing a lot of go code inside and outside of google over the last 15 years it seems likely it's doing a decent job at solving problems for those people. I'd call that a success.

barsonme7 months ago

It was not supposed to /universally/ replace C++.

It was supposed to replace C++ in projects where the developers would’ve otherwise reached for C++ simply because it was the default language choice.

trustno27 months ago

One guy that did ML in Google told me that Google indeed tried to use Go for ML problems, then realized it's too slow and went back to C++ there.

amiga3867 months ago

    thanksStr := "thank you rsc"
    ret, err := sayThanks(thanksStr)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return ret, nil
cocok7 months ago

Can anyone familiar with Go explain why not

  return sayThanks(thanksStr)
I've seen this "if err != nil" pattern before, but I can't help thinking that it's not necessary.

"return ret, nil" ignores err's value, which is nil anyway.

"return nil, err" ignores ret's value, but why? If the caller checks for err before doing anything with ret, it doesn't hurt having ret always passed up.

4 extra lines only to lose the value of ret in case of error.

tptacek7 months ago

You can golf it down to

    return sayThanks("thank you rsc")
without losing anything, but then it could just as easily be JS.
randomdata7 months ago

It's a joke about how every contrived Go example posted to the internet is in that vein. You wouldn't blindly pass something up the stack like that in a real application. Well, maybe if you hate other developers for some reason.

denysvitali7 months ago

In this case, the if err != nil is completely useless.

Usually the pattern is used to perform better error handling (wrapping errors) or in case you call multiple functions that might return an error.

In this case, your suggestion is actually what I would expect to see

amiga3867 months ago

It's not needed if it's just on its own, but Go's error handling makes it necessary when chaining functions, which is why you see it so often.

Imagine in Java or Python or C# or ... many languages that use exceptions to handle errors:

    return a(b(c(arg)));
...where a(), b(), and c() can throw some kind of exception, so you don't have to handle them then and there. In Go there aren't exceptions, all error handling is explicit and handled conventionally by returning an error as the last (sometimes only) return value, which isn't composable, so you get:

    cVal, err := c(arg)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    bVal, err := b(cVal)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return a(bVal) // the final call can be simpler
That's the minimum verbosity required. Since Go 1.13 (2019), they officially added the concept of "wrapped" errors (aka "cause" in languages with exceptions) so instead of returning err you can return errors.Wrap("error in the a-b-c function calling c", err). But nonetheless, _every_ level of the call chain has to wrap or pass on all errors with explicit code. Go does have panic() and recover() which allow for exception-like error handling but it's not idiomatic to use them for normal error handling, go wants that to be explicit.

As for why "return nil, err" rather than "return ret, err"? Because while the caller _should_ check for errors, sometimes they just don't.

    ret, _ := abc(arg) // just ignore the error
You as callee don't want to get the blame if you've _partially_ filled an struct because you returned early with an error, and it's then usable but causes a crash because it was partially initalised, because someone ignored the error they got when creating it. That hides where the problem really was. Better to return an empty value, default value or nil.
cocok7 months ago

Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain!

glii7 months ago

Don't forget the context string so you can "unwind the stack" from the error message:

  return nil, fmt.Errorf("expressing gratitude: %w", err)
fliter7 months ago

Go has become a very mainstream language, giving software development a new look.

Thanks for your leadership of the Go team over the past 12 years, and for your patient comments and guidance on our proposals and PRs.

Best wishes for the future, and hope to see you in the community again.

zakki7 months ago

Any reference for a website or book that introduce Go for a beginner in depth?

jeremyloy_wt7 months ago
philosopher12347 months ago

Boy, this makes me sad. He’s really changed my life, I’ve learned so much about software and programming from his writing and thinking. I wish it didn’t have to happen, but I guess it’s only ever a matter of time.

rsc7 months ago

Happy to hear that. Still going to write and think. :-)

xyst7 months ago

I think the only reason I used go at some point was because of Russ Cox. Have joined the dark side and switched to rust ;).

Wonder what he’s going to do next? Maybe just moving around within G? or another OSS project within G?

dochtman7 months ago

The post actually contains some references to what he’s working on next, some kind of LLM agent to facilitate software development processes?

mseepgood7 months ago

Please make more Ivy videos

remus7 months ago

I think you might be thinking of Rob Pike's project, unless Russ has been involved?

rsc7 months ago

I don't intend to make more of those, but that was a lot of fun.

bear86427 months ago

Russ has indeed been involved, he's done various videos solving advent of code using Ivy.

Russ has also got a pull request to add an operator, see

hu37 months ago

Go changed the way I think about concurrency.

Being able to use channels in a modern programming language is such a gift.

rsc thank you for all your contribution to our field. You blog posts also taught me a lot.

igmor7 months ago

Go team has built a remarkable tool under your leadership. A tool that moved a niddle to the better side of things for the industry. Thank you and God speed!

iJohnDoe7 months ago

Want to say thanks to anyone and everyone that made Go happen. It’s been my language for a while now and I appreciate what it has made available to me.

septune7 months ago

Thanks Russ and infinite kudos to you

tschellenbach7 months ago

Thank you, amazing language :)

DLA7 months ago

Russ thank you so very much for your outstanding leadership, dedication, design wisdom, and technical contributions to Go. This language, its libraries and tools, and especially the Go community are incredible. You are a class act sir!

shoggouth7 months ago

Thanks for working to create such a great language!

denysvitali7 months ago

Thank you for all your work Russ!

9999000009997 months ago

Thank you.

Golang is easily one of my favorite new languages. It's fast and clean without the difficulty of Rust. I was able to create a small mobile app with Chat GPT without any real experience in Golang.

I would like better mobile and gaming frameworks though. Although I really like Flutter, I think Google missed a major opportunity to use Golang instead of Dart.

What's next? Any good for native Chrome support?

fuzztester7 months ago

>I was able to create a small mobile app with Chat GPT without any real experience in Golang.

>I would like better mobile and gaming frameworks though

er, try asking chatgpt to create them for you.

387 months ago

> I was able to create a small mobile app with Chat GPT without any real experience in Golang.

so you didn't really create it then did you? ChatGpt created it for you.

9999000009997 months ago

I'm shameless when using Chat GPT to assist with personal projects.

It's just another tool.

387 months ago


9999000009997 months ago

I'll put it this way, the same doesn't apply with Rust.

I don't feel ashamed that I didn't manually come up with sorting algorithms. I was able to make a small Golang project and I had fun.

rollulus7 months ago

Since rsc frequents HN: I’d like to thank you for all the work you’ve put into this great language. Peak HN hype cycle I decided to pick up Go and never regretted it. Thank you.

shynome7 months ago


coolThingsFirst7 months ago


keybored7 months ago


oneepic7 months ago

Certain people take their job seriously. You can judge that however you want, but they exist.

lagniappe7 months ago


jgowdy7 months ago

Is the new tech lead more likely to get rid of the glibc-isms that Golang won't let go of, like crashing if non-ELF standard parameters like env aren't passed in ELF library initialization, or maybe supporting global-dynamic thread local storage so we can dlopen() shared objects made in Go on platforms that don't hack like glibc?

Go's obsession with glibc-isms is really unfortunate, and it's been many years. If you're using Go with containers on Alpine/musl, keep your code very vanilla, because they won't support you.

liveoneggs7 months ago

golang's priority is "works inside of google" and everything else tends to be a bit of a fight

rsc7 months ago

This is definitely not true. "Inside of Google" would have been just linux/amd64 for a very long time. Now it includes linux/arm64 too, but that port happened before Google needed it. And all the other ports are not used inside of Google, except maybe the Mac port if you count developers laptops.

jgowdy7 months ago

Here are some citations since people seem to be just downvoting because they don't like the message:

Go requiring non-ELF standard parameters for initialization of supposedly "C ABI" libraries, open since 2015.

The Go project specifically acknowledging the glibc-isms here:

"All Linux first class ports are for systems using glibc only. Linux systems using other C libraries are not fully supported and are not treated as first class."

Go only supporting static-init thread local storage, and thus their "C ABI" libraries can only be dlopen()'ed if the libc pre-allocates memory to hack in libraries later.

rsc7 months ago

If you just want to run Go programs on Alpine, it works fine. (I put some effort in back in Go 1.21 to make sure that the downloaded binary toolchains for Linux even work fine on Alpine.)

If you want to use c-shared mode and dlopen, then yes that only works with glibc, but that mode barely works at all anyway. It's not actively supported at all.

jgowdy7 months ago

Respectfully, these vague states of support between “active” and less active, “first class” and not first class, etc comes off as “we want to say we have that but shrug any time it’s deficient.”

Its similar to calling the port overall “linux/<cpu-arch>” rather than “linux/<libc>/<cpu-arch>” which wouldn’t normally be called for except when you’re going to embed a bunch of a particular libc specific behavior in your consumption of libc.

Listening to Go advocates talk about C interop like it’s not only a solved problem but quite literally a strength of Go, while Go project leaders represent that support quite differently isn’t it. Perhaps clarification of these level of support terms and how the project embraces glibc specific behaviors unapologetically would help.

jgowdy7 months ago
