
Rewriting my website in plain HTML and CSS

198 points21
uncheckederror21 days ago

I've been maintaining my personal website as plain HTML for five years now. I must say, I quite like this method. There's no substitute for practice when it comes to maintaining your skills at editing HTML and CSS.

Yes, you must copy and paste content and not having layout page is annoying at times. But the overhead of just doing it yourself is surprisingly small in terms of the time commitment.

Typically, I'll draft a post in MS Word then open the git repo for my site, hosted on github pages, duplicate and rename the template.html page that includes the CSS, footer, and header for my site and then copy my content into it. When I'm happy with everything, I'll make my commit and then a minute later it's live at my custom domain. Seeing that it takes only 11KBs and 26ms to load my landing page strangely delightful.

tannhaeuser21 days ago

> copy and paste content and not having layout page is annoying at times

HTML was envisioned as an SGML application/vocabulary, and SGML has those power features, such as type-checked shared fragments/text macros (entities, possibly with parameters), safe third-party content transclusion, markup stream processing and filtering for generating a table of content for page or site navigation, content screening for removal/rejection of undesired script in user content, expansion of custom Wiki syntax such as markdown into HTML, producing "views" for RSS or search result pages in pipelines, etc. etc. See [1] for a basic tutorial.


kreetx21 days ago

I didn't expect this to be serious and am surprised on that the tutorial actually delivers. Way back when I was learning HTML and it was said that it was built with SGML, then this relation remained a total mystery to me.

TeMPOraL21 days ago

> I didn't expect this to be serious and am surprised on that the tutorial actually delivers.

Same here. I believed that SGML was like Lisp of markup languages, except that it went completely extinct. Good to see it's still usable, I feel like I want to try it out now (instead of making a third generation of my static site generator from scratch).

dmsnell20 days ago

I’ve become quite a fan of writing in SGML personally, because much of what you note is spot-on. Some of the points seem a bit of a stretch though.

Any type-checking inside of SGML is more akin to unused-variable checking. When you say that macros/entities may contain parameters, I think you are referring to recursive entity expansion, which does let you parameterize macros (but only once, and not dynamically within the text). For instance, you can set a `&currentYear` entity and refer to that in `copywrite "&currentYear/&currentDay`, but that can only happen in the DTD at the start of the document. It’s not the case that you could, for instance, create an entity to generate a Github repo link and use it like `&repoName = "diff-match-patch"; &githubLink`. This feature was used in limited form to conditionally include sections of markup since SGML contains an `IGNORE` “marked section”.

   <!ENTITY % private-render "IGNORE">
   I’m on the fence about including this bit.
   It’s not up to the editorial standards.

SGML also fights hard against stream processing, even more so than XML (and XML pundits regret not deprecating certain SGML features like entities which obstruct stream processing). Because of things like this, it’s not possible to parse a document without having the entire thing from the start, and because of things like tag omission (which is part of its syntax “MINIMIZATION” features), it’s often not possible to parse a document without having _everything up to the end_.

Would love to hear what you are referring to with “safe” third-party transclusion and also what features are available for removal or rejection of undesired script in user content.

Apart from these I find it a pleasure to use because SGML makes it easy for _humans_ to write structured content (contrast with XML which makes it easy for software to parse). SGML is incredibly hard to parse because in order to accommodate human factors _and actually get people to write structured content_ it leans heavily on computers and software doing the hard work of parsing.

It’s missing some nice features such as namespacing. That is, it’s not possible to have two elements of the same name in the same document with different attributes, content, or meanings. If you want to have a flight record and also a list of beers in a flight, they have to be differentiated otherwise they will fail to parse.

   <flight-record><flight-meta pnr=XYZ123 AAL number=123>

   <beer Pilsner amount=3oz>Ultra Pils 2023
   <beer IPA>Dual IPA
   <beer Porter>Chocolate milk stout

DSSSL was supposed to be the transforms into RSS, page views, and other styles or visualizations. With XML arose XSL/XSLT which seemed to gain much more traction than DSSSL ever did. My impression is that declarative transforms are best suited for simpler transforms, particularly those without complicated processing or rearranging of content. Since `osgmls` and the other few SGML parsers are happy to produce an equivalent XML document for the SGML input, it’s easy to transform an SGML document using XSL, and I do this in combination with a `Makefile` to create my own HTML pages (fair warning: HTML _is not XML_ and there are pitfalls in attempting to produce HTML from an XML tool like XSL).

For more complicated work I make quick transformers with WordPress’ HTML API to process the XML output (I know, XML also isn’t HTML, but it parses reliably for me since I don’t produce anything that an HTML parser couldn’t parse). Having an imperative-style processor feels more natural to me, and one written in a programming language that lets me use normal programming conveniences. I think getting the transformer right was never fully realized with the declarative languages, which are similar to Angular and other systems with complicated DSLs inside string attribute values.

I’d love to see the web pick up where SGML left off and get rid of some of the legacy concessions (SGML was written before UTF-8 and its flexibility with input encodings shows it — not in a good way either) as well as adopt some modern enhancements. I wrote about some of this on my personal blog, sorry for the plug.

Edit: formatting

tannhaeuser19 days ago

Nice to meet a fellow SGML fan!

> When you say that macros/entities may contain parameters, I think you are referring to recursive entity expansion,

No, I'm referring to SGML data attributes (attributes declared on notations having concrete values defined on entities of the respective notation); cf. [1]. In SGML, these can be used for SGML templating which is a way of using data entities declared as having the SGML notation (ie. stand-alone SGML files or streams) to replace elements in documents referencing those entities. Unlike general entities, this type of entity expansion is bound to an element name and is informed of the expected content model and other contextual type info at the replacement site, hence is type-safe. Data attributes supplied at the expansion site appear as "system-specific entities" in the processing context of the template entity. See [2] for details and examples.

Understanding and appreciating the construction of templating as a parametric macro expansion mechanism without additional syntax may require intimate knowledge of lesser known SGML features such as LPDs and data entities, and also some HyTime concepts.

> create an entity to generate a Github repo link

Templating can turn text data from a calling document into an entity in the called template sub-processing context so might help with your use case, and with the limitation to have to declare things in DTDs upfront in general.

> it’s not possible to parse a document without having the entire thing from the start, and because of things like tag omission (which is part of its syntax “MINIMIZATION” features), it’s often not possible to parse a document without having _everything up to the end_.

Why do you think so and why should this be required by tag inference specifically? In SGML, for external general entities (unlike external parameter entities which are expanded at the point of declaration rather than usage), at no point does text data have to be materialised in its entirety. The parser front-end just switches input events from another external source during entity expansion and switches back afterwards, maintaining a stack of open entities.

Regarding namespaces, one of their creators (SGML demi-good James Clark himself) considers those a failure:

> the pain that is caused by XML Namespaces seems massively out of proportion to the benefits that they provide (cf. [3]).

In SGML, you can handle XML namespace mappings using the special processing instructions defined by ISO/IEC 19757-9:2008. In effect, element and attributes having names "with colons" are remapped to names with canonical namespace parts (SGML names can allow colons as part of names), which seems like the sane way to deal with "namespaces".

I haven't checked your site, but most certainly will! Let's keep in touch; you might also be interested in SGML and the SGML DTD for modern HTML at [4], to be updated for WHATWG HTML review draft January 2025 when/if it's published.


> Would love to hear what you are referring to with “safe” third-party transclusion and also what features are available for removal or rejection of undesired script in user content.

In short, I was mainly referring to DTD techniques (content models, attribute defaults) here.





dmsnell9 days ago
EvanAnderson21 days ago

> Yes, you must copy and paste content and not having layout page is annoying at times. But the overhead of just doing it yourself is surprisingly small in terms of the time commitment.

This calls out for server side includes[0]. I so loved server side includes back in the late 90s. You still work in plain HTML and CSS, boilerplate can be centralized and not repeated, and clients receive the entire page in a single request.


wink21 days ago

> But the overhead of just doing it yourself is surprisingly small in terms of the time commitment.

Holy cow. The sole reason I learned SSI and then PHP in 1998 was because I was sick of this after like 2 weeks.

This person has more patience in their pinky than I have ever had.

culi21 days ago

> Yes, you must copy and paste content

Many people who maintain their own sites in vanilla web technologies tend to create reusable functions to handle this for them. It can generate headers and the like dynamically so you don't have to change it on every single page. Though that does kill the "no javascript required" aspect a lot of people like

Of course you could simply add a build step to your pure HTML site instead!

mixmastamyk21 days ago

I recently learned the object tag can do what I wished for in the 90s... work as an include tag:

    <object data="footer.html"></object>
Turn your back for twenty-five years, and be amazed at what they've come up with! ;-)

Should reduce a lot of boilerplate that would get out of sync on my next project, without need for templating.

liontwist21 days ago

Unfortunately that will require the client to make additional web requests to load the page, effectively doubling latency at a minimum.

chubot21 days ago
mixmastamyk21 days ago
johnisgood19 days ago

Hey, I need to try this out, so it is like iframe except the frame part and all its issues?

culi20 days ago

I didn't know you could use object tags in that way! Thanks. That seems like a great solution if you're cool with an extra request

mrweasel21 days ago

Couldn't you sort of do that using server side includes back en the 90s? Assuming that your web server supported it.

mixmastamyk20 days ago

Yes, and a Makefile was an option as well. But an include tag was a no-brainer not long after html was invented. Especially after img, link, applet, frame, etc were implemented.

8organicbits21 days ago

I've adopted the idea that a blog post is archived when it's published; I don't want to tinker with it again. Old pages may have an old style, but that's OK, it's an archive. Copy/paste works great for this.

The only reason I use a blog engine now (Hugo) is for RSS. I kept messing up or forgetting manual RSS edits.

promiseofbeans21 days ago

I really love this! I've seen it in action a couple times in the wild, and it's super cool seeing how the site's design has evolved over time.

It also has the benefit of forcing you to keep your URIs stable. Cool URIs don't change:

arkh21 days ago

Or, let me be cheeky: you could add some `<php include('header.html')?>` in your html.

lelanthran21 days ago

> It can generate headers and the like dynamically so you don't have to change it on every single pa

Yeah, I noped out of that and use a client-side include (webcomponent) so that my html can have `<include-remote remote-src='....'>` instead.

Sure, it requires JS to be enabled for the webcomponent to work, but I'm fine with that.

See for an example.

[EDIT: Dammit, my blog doesn't use that webcomponent anymore! Here's an actual production usage of it: (use usernames (one..ten) and password '1' if you want to see more usage of it)]

culi20 days ago

yeah clearly there's a lot of ways to solve this issue if javascript is enabled. But there's a big overlap between the folks who wanna use vanilla web technologies and the folks who want their site to run without javascript

spoonfeeder00621 days ago

Isn't using React with a static site generator framework basically the same thing but better?

culi20 days ago

Not remotely! Unless you meant Preact. React ships an entire rendering engine to the front-end. Most sites that use React won't load anything if javascript isn't enabled

mrweasel21 days ago

Then you'd have to learn React, and for many of us the point is that we really don't want to learn React, or other frontend frameworks.

datavirtue21 days ago

Yes, if you want to throw up in your mouth.

realusername21 days ago

In theory yes, in practice good luck maintaining that if you are just a solo blogger.

I doubt your blog would last a single month without some breaking change of some sort in one of the packages.

spoonfeeder00620 days ago
lmm21 days ago

Yes, it is. Unfortunately HN has a crazy bias against JavaScript (the least crazy part of the web stack) and in favour of HTML and CSS, even though the latter are worse in every meaningful way.

dickersnoodle20 days ago
oneeyedpigeon21 days ago
throwaway0462321 days ago

> Yes, you must copy and paste content and not having layout page is annoying at time

I think this was one of the most common usages of PHP in the beginning, at least for those who basically wrote static HTML/CSS and needed a header/footer. It was probably a gateway into more advanced dynamic pages, eventually ending up using databases and other advanced functionality.

    <?php include(''); ?>

    <p>Here's a list of my favourite movies</p>

    <?php include(''); ?>
It would be great if HTML had a similar capability. People have asked for it for over 30 years, so it's unlikely that it will be implemented now.
dspillett21 days ago

> > Yes, you must copy and paste content and not having layout page is annoying at time

> I think this was one of the most common usages of PHP in the beginning,

> <?php include(''); ?>

And other tools beforehand: basic CGI or even more basic server-side includes (

To reduce CPU and IO load on the server (or just in circumstances where SSI was not enabled on the server they had available) some would pre-process the SSI directives (obviously this doesn't work for dynamic results such as the output from many #exec examples), so all that is being served is simple static files ‑ a precursor to more complex modern static site builders.

> It would be great if HTML had a similar capability. People have asked for it for over 30 years, so it's unlikely that it will be implemented now.

That doesn't really fit with the intentions of HTML, and could impose a bunch of extra network latency overhead compared to using SSI instead, leading to either complete rendering delays or jumpy pages as included content is merged in in steps, though I have seen it implemented multiple ways using a bit of JS (some significantly more janky than others).

mixmastamyk21 days ago

See my reply about the object tag. Suffers from lack of press I guess.

liontwist21 days ago

> Yes, you must copy and paste content

Manual work is almost never a good solution. Try this:

    for PAGE in *.page
        cat header.html "$PAGE" footer.html > “$PAGE.html”
AdieuToLogic21 days ago

A slightly simpler version of same is:

  for PAGE in *.page
    cat header.html "$PAGE" footer.html > "$PAGE.html"
As noted in a peer comment, the cat[0] command supports concatenating multiple files to stdout in one invocation.


EDIT: if you don't want the output file to be named "" and instead it to be "a.html", replace the above cat invocation with:

  cat header.html "$PAGE" footer.html > "${}.html"
This syntax assumes use of a POSIX/bash/zsh shell.

0 -

adamzochowski21 days ago

Why not use server side includes? Most web servers support it, and it dates back to one of the early features of webservers.

    <!--# set var="pagetitle" value="Main page" -->
    <!--# include file="00__header.html" -->
    ... main content here
    <!--# include file="00__footer.html" -->
liontwist21 days ago

Because that requires a server with the proper config and this is an HTML file. So it works in every environment, like locally on your machine, or GitHub pages.

8n4vidtmkvmk21 days ago

`cat` supports multiple files, no? The whole point is that it concatenates. Why use 3 commands?

liontwist21 days ago

Because I’m typing on my phone and the line was long. Thanks!

dgfitz21 days ago

Oh man, cattiness use of cat!

TeMPOraL21 days ago

More cats are strictly cuter than less cats.

vaylian21 days ago

Unfortunately, this doesn't adjust the <title> element.

liontwist19 days ago


johnisgood19 days ago

sed? :D

0xEF21 days ago

This is my workflow for my site, too, just replacing MS Word with Obsidian since it syncs over all my devices allowing me to write/edit my future content wherever I am at, then upload later.

I tried things like bashblog for awhile, but it has some quirks like sometimes placing posts out of order when building the index page. That and I have zero use for the built in analytics options or things like Discus comments, so it seemed like I was really only using about 30% of what it was meant to do.

Here's a link to that for anyone interested. It's quite tweakable.

thu21 days ago

> you must copy and paste content

I've started the Slab templating language[0] to be able to define reusable HTML fragments. It means using a dedicated tool but hopefully not needing to resort to a real programming language.


begueradj21 days ago

How do you do for syntax highlighting ?

ycombinatrix21 days ago

use esbuild to get rid of copy-pasting

insonable21 days ago

There's a lot you can do with just plain html these days if you just need a clean site. Here's an example from my recipe site (, mostly for my personal use or sharing with friends, with only html/css. It has expandable boxes, a menu system, etc. A simple script converts a directory structure of .csv files to these recipe cards with a template, and this way you can edit the sources in a spreadsheet and then the publish script just takes whatever is new and re-does the whole lot of html as necessary. Just like we used to do with Apache Forest!

nayuki21 days ago

Really appreciate that you're doing mass-based recipes, and in metric too. I'm tired of all the American recipes with quantities like "2 1/3 cups"; the proliferation of units and fractions makes work needlessly hard compared to just grams and millilitres.

0xEF21 days ago

Furthermore, when it comes to recipes for baking, if it's not using weight as a measure, then it's wrong. Baking is chemistry, so if you want consistent controlled results, stop measuring anything by volume.

Sorry, pet peeve of mine as a hobby baker.

insonable20 days ago

it's also just way faster to not mess with the spoons/cups! an exception might be little fussy quantities like a bunch of 1/4 tsps of different spices etc.

makizar21 days ago

What a beautiful website ! Feels carefully crafted, full of nice moments like the > turning the a - when sections are open in the TOC. Would love to hear more detail on how you went about making it. Did you ever consider sharing parts of the source code ?

insonable20 days ago

thanks! i first just made a sample html the way i thought it would be nice, then made that into a templeate, and wrote a python script generate the site. it first scans for all the files to build the menu and homepage, then goes file-by-file to make each one, filling in the blanks in the template as you can imagine. it was pretty natural since my spreadsheets were all following the same format already anyway. i'd be surprised if there was a lot of interest, but if so i'd consider sharing the script/template etc.

johnreagan21 days ago

Love the site! Usually desert = dry place and dessert = delicious food.

insonable20 days ago

thanks, good point!

HumblyTossed21 days ago

what's the csv look like?

insonable20 days ago

simple like:



.. [two blank lines make a section break]

ingredients with 4 columns, last one is an optional comment for the row


method steps with 2 columns, last one is optional comment


then optional sections that just have to have:

section title (this is the collapsed title string too)

any rows included until the next .. etc. etc.

plus just a few tricks like if an ingredient comment has [] then it uses that as a URL for the ingredient, if a row in ingredients has just one column then it's a header etc.

azangru21 days ago

Did he reinvent a static-site generator? Markdown, pandoc, makefile... Sounds like a job for hugo/eleventy/jekyll/whatever.

NoboruWataya21 days ago

I don't maintain a blog so my opinion may not count for much, but I feel like if what you are trying to do doesn't fit neatly into an SSG's existing templates/themes, it may in fact be easier just to use pandoc and some simple tooling around it. Certainly when I looked into a few SSGs for the purpose of making a simple personal website (without a blog) I found I would spend more time trying to bend them to my will than just writing what I want in markdown and running pandoc on it.

WorldMaker20 days ago

Most of them bend to your will very easily if you are the one writing the HTML and not trying to use an existing template/theme. Even Jekyll the "themes" are optional and you can entirely ignore them.

Also most of the complexity disappears if you aren't trying to make a blog. They generally all have "simple pages" support that is much simpler than trying to figure out their blog mechanics.

Of course the hard part is picking an SSG you like, and it is easier to just build your own which is a big part of why SSG proliferation happens. Too many options? Make a new one.

My main sites are still in Jekyll for now, for historic reasons of GitHub Pages support.

My latest discovery and new love in this space is Lume [0]. It's definitely on the simpler side of the scale. I haven't tried it for a full blog yet, but the simple website I have built with it has indeed continued to feel simple throughout the process and even using some of the features Lume's documentation labels "Advanced".


Ugvx21 days ago

Its the the first time someone has reinvented a static site generator...

Looks around sheepishly

alwillis21 days ago

In my opinion, Jekyll is easier and more capable than Pandoc and markdown files for a HTML/CSS website.

Jekyll also has a higher ceiling than Pandoc when you need a templating language, plugins, etc.

mrweasel21 days ago

I've tried Hugo and Jekyll a few times and they are pretty complicated. If you just want to post something online every now and then, then it might be easier to just to HTML.

xinu202021 days ago

Alternatively pick a light-weight template engine from your favorite language and use it to generate the html. More flexible than plain html files and very low learning commitment.

I've been doing that for years and really happy with the result.

segfaltnh21 days ago

Did they reinvent or did they learn stuff? Maybe both.

oneeyedpigeon21 days ago

Another way of looking at it is that Hugo, eleventy, etc. are reinventions of pandoc, makefile etc. The latter things came first!

zahlman21 days ago

I would rather say that the former group are wrappers around the latter group. Using an SSG doesn't just mean converting Markdown etc. source and orchestrating a build process of some sort, but also filling in templates and providing useful build steps to orchestrate (such as generating additional pages that reference the actual article content: archives, collections grouped by tags or categories, etc.). They also generally implement things like the live reloading that the author mentioned as missing.

I'm currently using Nikola and have done quite a bit of customization - by hacking around and learning modern web stuff as I go (the last time I did this stuff seriously, jQuery was dominant and Bootstrap was brand new - of course I'm not writing a bunch of JavaScript for a blog, but that also presumably dates my understanding of HTML and CSS). I've found that even though there's way more stuff in here than I really want, it's really nice to have that kind of scaffolding to start, and I can strip it away as I customize.

arnath21 days ago

Yeah, obviously this is literally what something like Jekyll or Hugo does. It's just (at least to me) a simpler version of that where you can fully see what's happening. Also I didn't want all the theme-ing overhead that comes with those - just something I could inject into my existing site.

zahlman21 days ago

>Also I didn't want all the theme-ing overhead that comes with those - just something I could inject into my existing site.

I didn't like how complex that stuff is with Nikola - I didn't have an obvious entry point for making the kinds of customizations I really wanted, and yet there was still so much to look at in order to understand the system. But at the same time I really didn't want to spend hours re-learning CSS more or less from scratch, when I could actually use the examples already in the existing themes.

I did something really awful: instead of trying to make yet another layer of theme "extension", I copied everything locally and have been condensing it as I go.

This had the benefit that I didn't have to decide on a bunch of CSS classes up front in order to have anything look passable. There may be tons of unused stuff, but I'm cleaning that up as I implement my own things - and bit by bit, I get something smaller and more comprehensible that fits my mental models. This conversion process might not be any faster, but I'm certainly enjoying myself more.

At some point in the future I'm considering doing a simple templating engine and converting these templates (originally Mako) to it. It just irritates me that I still have to deal with close tags - both in HTML and in template directives - when I'm doing everything in Python. I have a vague memory of a 2010-era JavaScript templating system - I think it was called Express or something like that? - which used indent-based syntax without closing tags. So I'm inspired by my recollection of that.

SuboptimalEng21 days ago

I started a portfolio website with Netlify (iirc), then I moved to Vue + Gridsome (on GitHub pages), then Next.js with Tailwind CSS, and was about to move to Vite.js over winter break.

That's 4 stacks over the course of 5-6 years. Not worth it.

Decided to do the sensible thing and use GitHub's README functionality. I prefer this approach and wish more folks in the tech community adopted it:

arnath21 days ago

This is an interesting idea! Honestly I didn't even know Github had a per-user readme until you mentioned it

zahlman21 days ago

IMO there's quite a surprising amount of stuff you can do on GitHub that's highly undiscoverable. You only think of it when you see someone else on the site doing it, and then you don't necessarily know what it's called so you don't know how to research it.

bb8821 days ago

I hate the UI layer, for this reason. Nothing is ever stable. I'm looking for "Boring" and "Googleable in the age of AI slop". The other alternative are frameworks small enough to easily comprehend.

The UI is often tangential to the heavy lifting done by the back end. It often needs to be "just good enough".

eviks21 days ago

Don’t hate the layer, hate the player.

How can UI be stable if you’re the one changing it all the time even if all you need is a readme page that can be done in the same UI with no change for decades?

dvt21 days ago

GitHub was just down the other day. Why would you want your personal website/portfolio to be tied to GitHub? Crazy "modern web dev" stacks are likely overkill, but that's not an argument against self-hosting.

sneak21 days ago

Personal websites can be down a few days a month without a problem.

8n4vidtmkvmk21 days ago

+1. Not like my $5 hosting plan has less downtime than Github. Well... maybe? Fewer moving parts perhaps. But it's not immune.

mr_mitm21 days ago

Because it's free and convenient, and other hosting providers don't magically have 100% uptime either. Not even necessarily more uptime than GitHub.

BrandoElFollito19 days ago

I like to think that when GitHub (or Google, or Netflix, ...) are down, I am not alone.

A few million people are holding their breath - unlike in the case of my self-hosted site where I am alone to bring it back online.

zahlman21 days ago

How is it "tied"? You still have a local repo that you could deploy somewhere else.

abdulmuhaimin21 days ago

sounds like a self-inflicted problem really. Why do you even change stack that much if what you want is a simple functionality?

catapart21 days ago

Good on ya! HTML+JS is plenty performant for a blog and I'm always happy to see more people eschewing frameworks when they're not necessary.

I've been writing a progressive web app that is, itself, a "web component" (custom element), built entirely with custom elements, so I feel like I've got a pretty good idea of how you can tackle that header reuse bullet point. Happy to give pointers if you're interested in that at all.

Anyway, great job on simplifying things! I hope it gets easier from here!

robertlagrant21 days ago

I think it's rarely about performance and more about organisation. If there's only one developer and it's fairly basic, you neither need the code organising nor state propagation benefits that come with most modern frameworks.

HackerThemAll20 days ago

The website of one of the most influential IT person, who won the court battle against U.S. Government, allowing for widespread cryptography, professor Daniel J. Bernstein, is and always has been plain HTML mostly with no CSS.

It's served using his own HTTP server - publicfile, and the DNS domain is served using his own DNS server - djbdns. E-mail is handled using his own SMTP server - qmail. He invented the Maildir e-mail format, de facto standard in all e-mail products. All e-mail mailing lists for his products are handled by his own mailing list server - ezmlm. All of this is managed using his replacements to /etc/rc or /etc/init.d or systemd - daemontools.

He invented ChaCha and Salsa stream ciphers, now in widespread use, as well as elliptic curves, especially the famous Curve25519, and the Poly1305 MAC.

He also invented TCP SYN cookies.

Pretty impressive, no?

QuantumGood20 days ago

These kinds of sites really benefit from "reader"-type plugins, pushing off readability across different interfaces onto the visitor.

jsheard21 days ago

I'm surprised to not see Astro mentioned, its whole schtick is providing very similar DX to frameworks like SvelteKit except in a way that's geared towards generating plain HTML/CSS with zero JS by default. You get things like components with scoped styles but they are compiled down to nothing. It's really a breath of fresh air.

yawnxyz21 days ago

Once I randomly discovered Astro, I couldn't go back.

I love that you can even drop in Svelte and React blocks right next to each other, so you basically the power of all the advanced frameworks, and the choice to pare it down to a barebones html static site

pantathei21 days ago

Yep -- I rewrote my blog over new year's with Astro and am pretty happy w easy markdown and a bundle size of zero bytes.

aziis9821 days ago

Yeah I really like Astro too, I often just start with the minimal template [1] that is just a couple of files. I used to do many experiments with custom SSG some time ago but since Astro came out I can't change back anymore.

If you don't want js on the frontend you can just use it as a nice html templating engine. It also renders markdown automatically for you as it recognizes different formats by the file extension.


mplewis21 days ago

Astro is my favorite tool for static sites these days. It's wonderful.

planetjones21 days ago

Hugo worked for me. And as part of the GitHub pipeline that builds the site and deploys it I can grab some ‘dynamic’ content (from a Notion DB) and render it. Subsequently I added Zapier so that when the Notion DB changes it triggers the pipeline to update my website. The only thing I pay for is the web hosting with dreamhost.

erremerre21 days ago

I have found someone who uses the anchor suffix to solve the problem:

I am not html expert, so I have no idea how complicate or what implications would that have.

sira0421 days ago

This is quite neat. Every page is a <section id="pageid"> and css is

  section {display:none}
  section:target {display:block}
So they use the target selector which becomes active when #pageid is in the url. But the html for all the pages is outputted, so this won't scale with a big blog. I wonder how SEO is for this, and if there's a way to make this better with something like the <object> element.

I would also make it so the url was, so the id is "/pageid". Looks a bit better I think.

erremerre21 days ago

What do you have in mind?

I was thinking in using it for a blog, but I am afraid of having everything in a single file, and that making some mistake will render the whole site useless.

Also not sure how hard would be to manage once it starts to grow... Maybe it needs to grow significantly more than I can before this is a road block.

sira0420 days ago

I think that would become unwieldy very fast. I think it's alright for a lightweight site like this one with very little content.

If you don't want to use a static site generator I think you're better off with just html files for each page/blog entry, or you could use something like htmx and load stuff in that way.

thro119 days ago

Nice one.

Pro-tips: switch styles to show all content (and buttons) then use contenteditable - for the whole page or allow it at element levels, allow copying/removing specific element ("template"), POST new version, HTTP Authenticated, to the server or just save :)

nbbaier21 days ago

I love this site and concept and have been thinking about moving to this method for my own site

benchly21 days ago

Same. This would work really well for my site, I think, although I worry slightly about latency as it scales and I add more and more photos. That is not so much a problem right now, but it might impose some latency later.

nbbaier20 days ago

Yeah. I don't know if it scales to adding a blog either, which I have been thinking about doing.

lapcat21 days ago

I write my website and blog directly and entirely in HTML using BBEdit. For me, this is just much easier than any other method. I don't have to rely on any external system.

tkgally21 days ago

Same here. Any text editor would work, of course, but I like BBEdit because of all the customization options. I’ve set up a bunch of shortcuts for frequently used tags; after some practice, I’ve become able to write prose in HTML almost as smoothly as in a word processor.

When I redid my ancient personal site—started in the late 1990s—to make it mobile-friendly a few years ago, BBEdit was also useful when making changes across dozens of files at once.

mikae121 days ago

And does your blog have RSS or Atom feed? That's usually where it becomes a little tedious.

lapcat21 days ago

Of course. It's not a blog without RSS!

Believe it or not, I also manually edit that in BBEdit.

mikae120 days ago

I'm impressed, that's grit!

oneeyedpigeon21 days ago

You just need a build system in place - generating RSS from your collection of html files isn't difficult.

wvenable21 days ago

I also decided to develop my personal website in plain HTML. I looked into a bunch of static site generators and found that direction to be too complicated and slow for me.

I still wanted the ability to have a common headers and footers and unique sections without repeating myself in every file. So I created a very small PHP application (just 5 files) and each page or blog post is a single PHP file in a directory. These PHP files have a small bit of metadata code at the top but are otherwise just plain HTML files. In each directory is layout file that wraps the content and these nest up the directory structure. So my site has a common header and footer and each section has their own subheader.

With the ability to publish by git push to the server, writing a blog post is as easy as creating a new file, git commit, and git push.

Brajeshwar21 days ago

If you OK using a tiny tad JavaScript, it should be able to re-write that portion of the DOM to have HEADER and FOOTER common. Nonetheless, if you are also OK using Github, it has built-in setup where you blog in Plain-text (MarkDown) and things just works. You don't even need to build it on your local machine.

I wrote about it when I moved from WordPress to Jekyll.

numpy-thagoras21 days ago

Hugo is also nice for this, and allows for markdown, embedding Mathjax or LaTeX, etc. Your minimal approach mirrors some of what I've seen in Hugo or Astro, and I'm all for it. I wish we had truly minimalist SSGs, I think the idea has a lot of purchase.

bob102921 days ago

With regard to templating approaches, my favorite by a very wide margin is to simply use string interpolation in the base language.

You create a common template type with methods like:

  LayoutHtml(Session? Session, string title, string innerHtml, ...) => $@"
  (common elements)
  (common elements)
Which is then fed html partial snippets generated however you see fit. The use of methods to abstract partials in a hierarchical fashion like this can manage complex layouts well. You can recurse and compose this structure as much as needed (i.e., partials inside partials).
AsianOtter21 days ago

It looks like PHP is ideal.

gwynforthewyn21 days ago

I decided to do write from scratch for my own site, and found that a real burden was maintaining lists of pages: there was no framework helping me out, and every time I added a new page I had to remember to go update my list of blog posts in the 2 or 3 pages I could access it from.

To solve that and other issues, like adding an rss feed and letting pages specify their own publish date, I did what anyone would do: write a custom web server. It's up at, if anyone wants to give it a whirl.

AdrianB121 days ago

A few lines of PHP can solve that. The difference to other solutions is you don't have to compile/build/CI-CD it, just copy the PHP files in a folder, change a few things in the ini and you are ready to go.

gwynforthewyn21 days ago

For sure! PHP's a great language and tool! You'll still need a web server and modphp or something, and that web server was still probably compiled, but of course with bigger projects you can often get them from your distribution's package manager.

A little project like mine isn't the right answer for everyone; right now its only user is me. How it solves the problem fits my own little brain : )

AdrianB119 days ago

You don't need a web server, for small stuff "php -S 8000" runs it for you.

epolanski21 days ago

When I used to do interviews to frontend developers I often had them write a form with plain HTML and a sprinkle of js for some of the final validation touches.

Was kinda surprised at how many senior leetcode blackbelts didn't know HTML had built in validation :)

JS was required for some of the more complex validation logic and mounting few dom nodes (and again, surprisingly, many didn't know how to create an element and mount it!).

On the other hand I got to learn lots of nice tricks to complete some of the features (elements had to appear with conditional logic) with CSS only which was nice.

AdrianB121 days ago

HTML has built in validation, but the behavior and control over it is not great. I am using it in my projects to some extent, but it does not cover 100% of the needs. Because of that, some people skip it completely and almost forget it does exist.

zahlman21 days ago

>Was kinda surprised at how many senior leetcode blackbelts didn't know HTML had built in validation :)

Judging by the websites I've had to deal with in the last few years, a lot of web devs don't know that HTML has built in form submission. Or that it's possible to, say, display images without JavaScript (looking squarely at you, Imgur).

i_love_retros21 days ago

Why on earth would you use something like sveltekit in the first place for such a simple website?

I know people will say for the learning experience but learning what? How to basically "hello, world" in sveltekit?

seanvelasco21 days ago

why wouldn't one use sveltekit if they only have html and css? sveltekit compiles to a static site with a nice client-side router.

sveltekit is basically html + css in a .svelte file if you don't use javascript.

masswerk21 days ago

What I like to do:

- have HTML files for the individual pages/posts (I like the freedom that custom HTML provides)

- have a script file consisting just of a single array of meta data blocks for the individual posts (headline, description, preview image(s), date, tags, additional assets to load, like additional CSS or JS, if required, restricted visibility, etc. – most of this is optional) and content for the preview

- a server-side template script that generates the chrome around an individual page view and a paginated list view from the feed data (this allows for things like pagination, cross-links, filters per tag, we can generate multiple views), and we can also generate a RRS feed from the feed-index. Moreover, as there is also no external input other than fragments from the request URI, which can be laundered easily (e.g., by discarding all non alpha-numeric characters) and checked for resolving to existing file paths in given constraints, this should be also considerably secure. (This is actually a rather short script.)

- a server config (`.htaccess` or similar) that parses parts of the request URL to parameters to be used by the template script.

(So, adding a post is as simple as adding a new HTML file, copying an entry in the feed file and modifying it accordingly for the new page. And it can be done all in a text editor. The only thing missing may be a full-text search, as there is no DB involved and no representation of the content as normalized plain text. On the other hand, this also keeps the server load low.)

enmyj21 days ago

Lots of people saying they did something similar, so I'll add that I also did something similar for learning / fun(?) with the added wrinkle that it runs on a raspberry pi at my house. I used golang's Fiber to serve the html/css. Fiber comes with some built-in templating as well to help with the layout.

pittma21 days ago

I have a pretty elaborate Hakyll site with custom routers and all kinds of junk (, but it's an old site that started as Django, then I built it from scratch with Sinatra, and then was Jekyll for years. There really is something special about a well-organized static site. For all the rewrites of this old thing, I can't imagine moving away from static site generation.

BeetleB21 days ago

As others have said, you are reinventing the Static Site Generator. I would strongly urge you to look into those.

If you know Python well enough, my recommendation is Pelican.[1] You can author your posts in Markdown. You specify the desired HTML/CSS. It will then do all the boring work for you. Then just upload the static files to a webserver.


vladkens21 days ago

Hi. The blog looks good. A few things to make it better:

1) You can use watchexec to live reload during development. 2) Also, please add a clickable image preview (you can use this lib for example 3) No commenting feature, luckily I found your post here on HN. But it would be better to have comment blocks, like from or just a link where readers can comment. 4) No RSS feed. I'd like to subscribe to your updates, but there is no such option right now. RSS is one of the points why site generators are used for static blogs (e.g. Hugo, Zola, Astro, etc.)

bArray21 days ago

> My project tree got a lot simpler and the only Javascript on the site now is to highlight code.

You can do away with the JS with something like Pandoc Highlight Filter:

Just take the Python file, make it executable and add it to the filter arguments. It's very basic, but all done during build time. It was originally started to build out HTML documentation for a system that was very particular about what types of files could be used.

It can also do other stuff like build your site with Python blocks that are run:

fjfaase21 days ago

In 1995, I started with a personal website based on HTML. Since then, I have added a little bit of CSS to the home page, but all the other files are in plain HTML. For that reason it looks very old school, but that is okay with me.

I have been adding some JavaScript through the years. Some for generating content, some for graphics and animations. I also have written a C program for checking the HTML and all the internal links and the use of tags. The program places all updated files into a folder ready for upload with FTP.

To edit the HTML, I use an editor (based on Crystal Edit) that also can navigate HTML files: when pressing F5 on a link, it opens the file in the editor (or in the default browser when it is an external link), and if there a tag in the link, positions the cursor at that line.

See for more details:

mirkodrummer21 days ago

Nice job! If only HTML had a serious templating system(no the template tag isn’t enough) that could be used without JavaScript, we won’t need any 3rd party system for assembling static sites. For example a mechanism for including partials with the <link> tag and refer them inside a <template> or directly into current html

ZYbCRq22HbJ2y721 days ago

Also, other than to satisfy a purist desire, why do you need this?

You can pre-render HTML quickly using a variety of template systems, and it would outperform what you are suggesting every time (from a client's perspective). I mean, think about the potential CSS resolution complexity, FOUC, etc.

recursive21 days ago

In the 90s, we used Server Side Includes (SSI) for this. Probably still works.

skyfaller21 days ago

One modern approach would be Caddy Server's templates, using Golang templating:

The "include" function should do the job:

{{include "path/to/file.html"}}

ZYbCRq22HbJ2y721 days ago

httpd, nginx, a number of other servers support SSI

Caddy chose not to, I guess?

alwillis21 days ago
Gualdrapo21 days ago

(Chiming in because other people replying to you kept on the "iframe-like" part of the argument)

Or serializing `<template>`s without needing JS. Like in lists (`<ol>`, `<ul>`, `<dl>`...). All in all `<template>`s are a nice thing to have, and I do use them a lot (like in my own portfolio), but it feels really lacking without JS.

nigel18221 days ago

We've got frames and iframes...

mixmastamyk21 days ago

I mentioned the object tag elsewhere:

campak21 days ago

You could use ;)

morcus21 days ago

Does HTMX work without Javascript?

recursive21 days ago

They wrote the javascript so you don't have to.

superkuh21 days ago

Plain HTML and CSS personal site experience can be vastly improved by using server side includes. Your webserver's SSI module is likely just the right amount of templating power so you don't have to re-write the same HTML in $x spots with a minimal attack surface and maintenance burden. SSI hasn't changed in 20 years and the nginx module at least hasn't even ever had a cve.

    <!--# include file="/menu.html" -->
    <!--# include file="/footer.html" -->
This type of ssi templating is extremely useful for static HTML sites using .html (and other) files on filesystems. I've been using it since hosting my website on my 56k modem in 1999 with Xitami server on Win98. Now I do it hosting from my cable modem in 2025 with nginx on linux.
robgibbons21 days ago

SSI's were my first foray into "backend," if you can even call it that, sometime around the year 2000. Some benevolent commenter on Slashdot gave me the tipoff, and my growing frustration with copy-pasting HTML snippets between pages was henceforth a thing of the past. Then came PHP, Python, et cetera, and the rest is history.

Amazing how such a simple mechanism can remain useful even decades later.

bschwindHN21 days ago

A few years ago, me and a coworker redid our company's website in straight-up HTML, JS, and CSS without a framework. It was quite refreshing but it certainly took longer to complete it all. It had 3D models and some scroll-based masking on videos and such.

It has sadly been replaced by a website made in Framer due to time constraints, but the old version is on the Wayback Machine:

Unfortunately it kinda turned into a flickery mess, not sure if that's an old bug of ours or something failing to load properly from the archive. Oh well!

paulmooreparks21 days ago

I took a similar approach, but I still have a dynamic site generator that reads my HTML content and outputs it to a template. I write all of my pages as stand-alone HTML, and each page can render on its own without any of the template being present. For example:

Is supported underneath by the raw HTML:

The menu and main page are controlled by a JSON configuration.

The site is slow right now because I'm being stingy on the Azure storage performance.

blmayer21 days ago

Glad to hear you migrated to plain HTML and CSS, I think this creates a healthier environment: it removes bloat and is more efficient.

My question is how do you update your feed, sitemap and other stuff?

I've been doing it by shell scripts, I'm not 100% satisfied, I also create gemini pages from HTML, which changes content a lot.

Another question: how do you handle comments to your posts?

Because my blog is a static site, so there is no processing on the server end, and I don't want third parties to handle this. What I've done is adding a handler to my mail server, so it writes the mail sent to articles to the right place. And the HTML uses an <object> to load them. I don't like it either, but works. Any suggestions for this things?


unleaded21 days ago

>My question is how do you update your feed, sitemap and other stuff?

haven't tried this but maybe you could do that all in PHP and run `php feed.php > feed.html` or something regularly . and now I just realized you said you've been doing it with shell scripts and that's pretty much the same thing, maybe you could use a cron job or something.

I know a lot of people don't like PHP but I believe it's still the best/simplest way to just "make my HTML run code please". and it's improved a lot in recent years as well. of course if you want to use another language you can.

>Another question: how do you handle comments to your posts?

you could use something like Disqus or one of the alternatives. there are self hosted ones if you really don't trust third parties but then you might as well run the web server on there (and run PHP normally).

also just wondering how are you using <object> for this?

blmayer20 days ago

it goes like this:

       <object data=/mail/uptime.html type=text/html></object>
       <a href="">

so when I receive an email it is appended to this mail/uptime.html file.

I don't like it because I wanted it to be just one p for each email, but the object has a whole page, like head, stylesheet, and it's separated from the outside context in some ways, not really sure.

eviks21 days ago


> Why? It took me hours of Googling


> How? I spent some time looking around for guides or a “canonical” way of doing this and found that there isn’t really one.

Sounds like no benefit in reducing the costs to achieve a less functional site (see next steps, which would require more googling)

mbo21 days ago

> It took me hours of Googling and trying out different options to come up with this awful piece of code that worked to load the contents of a file and give them to my page [CODE]

Do I have Stockholm syndrome or is the code here completely fine?

Petersipoi21 days ago

This whole piece kind of feels like the author just doesn't understand Svelte, so they threw it out and used something they do understand.

Yes, it probably is a good idea to use technologies you understand. But you not understanding Svelte isn't a Svelte problem.

masfoobar21 days ago

I am falling back to 'plain and simple' in the world of web applications (or a website)

While I am a programmer, I will continue to write code that injects html text with another... like a layout having a title and body html, etc.

I certianly limit my client-side codebase. Most of my javascript code is really focused on GUI/UI, even if I have to use a specific library. I dont bother with React or the like.

I will use htmx if I want to do partial updates. Other pages might be a tad more complicated if fetching data from SQL. However, I also have pages that are SIMPLY HTML+CSS!!

As I say - plain and simple.

XCSme20 days ago

I also created something similar in PHP + Apache rewrites.

I already had a PHP website, and I wanted to add a simple blog system to it, but most suggestions were complex systems that required installation.

I created a .htaccess file and some PHP files to load and display markdown files from the /posts folder.

It doesn't require installation (just copy-paste the files and you have a blog), and no database (posts are simply the markdown files).

8n4vidtmkvmk21 days ago

I think PhpStorm/WebStorm has LiveReload built into it. It's been years since I've used it since I don't usually write plain HTML/CSS. But it was just a button click away IIRC. You shouldn't need to restart any servers no matter what you do anyway, just press F5. Still not hard.

I use PHP+Twig on my simple websites just so I don't have to copy-paste the header/footer/nav. It's still incredibly simple, very close to HTML+CSS and no build times. You can FTP upload your files if you want it works.

AstroJetson17 days ago

I cheat with my site.

I write the site in markdown in an html file.

I then include the link for Markdeep (

Page goes to user, markdeep does all the processing and I'm good to go. The minifed java script file is about 300kb, the size of an image.

afarah121 days ago

I do mostly the same, .md and pandoc, but also mo for templating:

Took just a few minutes to setup. E.g.

Writing in Markdown with {{mustache}} templates for DRY is very satisfying, a simple bash script renders it. Looks good on my phone even.

riidom21 days ago

I did kinda the same thing. Not being a backend dev didn't stop me using some PHP, basically as template language. It has a few downsides as well, but overall I am happy with it.

misiek0821 days ago

Funny how things like ESI/SSI would make such pages very easy to prepare and serve, but we switched to whole V8 engine to render HTML from almost-HTML syntax :)

cmdtab21 days ago

Recently redesigned my site [1] and used nextjs app router (moved from page router).

The new paradigm of adding “use server”, “use cache”, and “use client” felt too magical by default.

Server actions are easy to forget adding validation and proper access control on. You need an external library to avoid the common pit falls.

I’ve been contemplating whether to move to something simple. The complexity creep is real.


tazjin21 days ago

I'm probably getting old, and I'm not a frontend dev, but your post makes no sense to me.

I looked at your site, and if that's anything more than a single static HTML file with some resources, served by a web server, something strange is going on. There is nothing complex on your site that requires more than a handful of lines of inline JS (to shuffle the letters).

The site also scrolls slowly, especially noticeable on phones. If this was just plain HTML it wouldn't.

It feels like the baseline for web developers has become that you MUST first add a ton of extremely complex dynamic stuff, and only then can you even think about putting a single line of text on the page. There's 200kB of code being loaded for this website, what is it doing?

zxor21 days ago

Adding validation/access control to server actions is pretty much the same as for API endpoints though?

I'm not sure next.js is the right fit for a blog/personal site either, but that's an odd point imo.

Your site looks very nice though!

cmdtab21 days ago


jasonjmcghee21 days ago

To contribute to the authors open questions at the bottom: for reusability, use web components [1] and for hot reload use a file watcher with a websocket, or just lean on your ide if possible (e.g. jetbrains).


bilekas21 days ago

> More code duplication. SvelteKit has a component system so I could make my navigation bar as a component and reuse it.

I'm no front-end developer by any means, but arent native web components a thing now ?

joshdavham21 days ago

> spending too much time on Hacker News gave me the misconception that writing a website using plain HTML and CSS would be a relatively well-paved path in 2025. I spent some time looking around for guides or a “canonical” way of doing this and found that there isn’t really one.

I had this exact same surprise last year! For whatever reason, there really isn't any sort of standard way of creating a vanilla site in 2025!

ykonstant21 days ago

That is exactly the setup I use for my website, but I need javascript for mathjax to compile latex. Some people told me I should do it "server-side", which I presume means precompile latex and serve the equations as inline images(?) but I haven't figured out how to do it. looks around

mediumsmart19 days ago

I write on index.html and when the month is done it turns into month.html linked below the content on the current index.html - anything more complex is a Jekyll project sans plugins and without sass or JavaScript. but I have the emacs

dep_b21 days ago

I'm using PHP includes and don't think I have any JS besides Matomo tracking. I just read that I can use <object> for those includes now, so I can drop another layer of complexity.

The only thing I have is a blog post navigator, that shows you all blog posts besides the current one.

noisy_boy21 days ago

What resource is good for gaining a deep and comprehensive knowledge of html for someone already familiar with html, like, having-written-Angular/JavaScript/jQuery-level familiar? Consider CSS to be out of scope of this question as it is a different beast on its own.

TheSisb221 days ago

Love this. Building a website this way really teaches you why we started having all the complexities in web frameworks today. For certain simple websites like this one, the tradeoffs are worth it. I rebuilt our company website this way too. (

Over2Chars21 days ago

pandoc for the win. I use to convert my md resume into doc/pdf whatever.

andrewflnr21 days ago

Writing your own static site generator is good for you. I'm using raw Jinja2 templates and a tiny python script to do my shared header/styles etc. Outside of that it's all shell scripts and raw HTML/CSS.

yakkomajuri21 days ago

You might find Teeny ( interesting for this.

Something I built to have my own site in static HTML and CSS.

tolerance21 days ago

The best thing about this post to me was the screenshot of the directory organization. It’s the little things like this that making thinking “how to start” a matter of “where could I start”.

t31222721 days ago


as always: imho.

ad "duplicated (html) code" in static webpages:

back in the 1990ties when a lot of people wrote html by hand, there was a thing called "server side includes" ...


or just use some "ubiquitous" script-language like php for this simple task of orchestrating/including snippets/components of code etc. :)

just my 0.02€

0x38B21 days ago

The CSS for this site (root.css) is beautifully simple! The colors, spacing, and fonts are very comfy - this is exactly the look I'd want for my blog.

vaibhavkul21 days ago

> the only Javascript on the site now is to highlight code

Couldn't the code highlighting be also handled statically during the build process?

chazeon21 days ago

There is a tool called entr, it kill and restart command when any file changes are detected, you could check it out.

fractorial21 days ago

FWIW I just import a canned CSS theme (Terminal CSS), MathJax, and the roll the rest in raw HTML;

it’s simple and maintainable.

gcv21 days ago

Hey, Query [1] creator here. The article raised some exciting challenges. With Query, we solve booth downsides mentioned in it. To keep things simple, we use EventSource for live reloading [2] and JSX Server-Side Rendering [3] for those who want component reuse in the server. It's just JSX with some helpful extras. I'm happy to elaborate on the technical decisions if anyone's curious.

A couple of days ago, I wrote an article about it:




begueradj21 days ago

How is code syntax highlighting achieved in this context ?

Bengalilol21 days ago

Browser -> show source -> inspect element

You then see that it uses highlight.js

begueradj21 days ago

Thank you.

beka-tom21 days ago

Pandoc really looks like a nice tool

pfych21 days ago

This is exactly how I generate my site[^1]. Except I use a simple Node script to handle hosting a tiny HTTP server.

Node calls pandoc, which converts my markdown into HTML, ESBuild to convert the few JS snippets I run on my site (which I write in TS), and SASS to convert my scss stylesheet into a bundled CSS sheet.

It's super lightweight and I like that I can bend it to do whatever weird shit I want my site to have without relying on a 3rd party static site generator.


wonger_21 days ago

Here's some of my tips for a handwritten HTML site, since the author wished more tips existed:

- consider using an HTML boilerplate template like this one if you don't know where to start:

- consider using a CSS template, or a CSS reset, if you don't know where to start with styling. Pico CSS is a good drop-in: Frontend devs always blog about their CSS resets, like this one: But if you're someone inclined to write their own HTML, then you'll probably also want to write your own CSS. This takes time to learn. Especially learning how to design the page without looking crappy

- I copy my last page as a template whenever writing a new page

- I don't worry about code duplication. If I need to refactor duplicated content, I use search and replace across files in vim (like Hopefully your editor/IDE has something similar, and hopefully you're comfortable with regexes

- markdown + pandoc + scripting is a common solution. Technically it's not handwriting HTML at this point -- it's hacking together your own static site generator instead of using an existing framework -- but no biggie

- frontend people have made a lot of live reload tools over time. Here's a couple: and Personally, I've cobbled together something with entr/caddy/websockets/userscripts. I've had problems with `python -m http.server` freezing up occasionally, but YMMV

- About RSS: you can generate your own feed if you already started your own generator script. Personally, I let this tool generate a feed for me in a GitHub Action:, but the feed quality is meh

- Expect to do a lot of fiddling. You'll reinvent things. You'll lack common features for a while. Embrace this as minimalism. You'll begin to appreciate the tasks that frameworks automate (image optimization, compression, meta tags, validation, etc)

- You'll face growing pains after you cross certain thresholds of page counts. Personally, I'd rather be grug-brained and edit more HTML than figure out some new framework. This is fine for a personal website with a straightforward structure

nyarlathotep_21 days ago

Great resources, cheers for this.

Totally forgot about CSS resets.

bpiroman21 days ago

we need more of this. Thanks for sharing!!

revskill21 days ago

text is not json.

TibbityFlanders21 days ago


lizoenn17 days ago
