
TikTok's algorithm exhibited pro-Republican bias during 2024 presidential race

136 points15
AnEro15 hours ago

Weird to say but could be a relevant anecdote, as a trans person, that avoids politics in my socials but watches trans creators. I've never gotten a platform that doesn't show me the trans negative politics in my feeds after engaging with trans creators. I find I only get the positive politics AFTER I ignore or dislike the negatives ones.

mezzie214 hours ago

I'd be inclined to think it's because trans people are more likely to engage with anti-trans posts.

I'm a cis lesbian and I only get pro-trans content, BUT I do get a lot of 'random bisexuals shitting on lesbians' content.

I've also noticed that when I scroll away from political posts from the left, it almost immediately tries to give me political posts from the right. The algorithm doesn't seem to pick up that my main concern with political content is whether or not it's FUNNY. The only political content I want to see on TikTok is shitposts, but the algo seems to operate under a pretty basic 'If scroll past left/right, then show right/left'.

AnEro13 hours ago

I think if the algo showed alot of ED triggering content to ED survivors as well then I'd be more likely to agree thats the primary driver and not just an influence.

I'm not sure but anti-trans content/socializing in general is primarily a driver for poor mental health with trans people. Not engaging and blocking a lot of the content is day 1 advice in the community. Also, a lot of anti-trans content is targeting non-passing trans people, which is often full of ways to trigger ones dysphoria and dysmorphia. Like there are keyboard warriors for sure but i don't know anyone that intentionally watches that stuff and most even avoid tiktok entirely because of it

And I'm skeptical it even identifies me as trans if i'm just watching a few trans people that aren't talking about trans issues or experiences really. Where i scroll past much more xyz issue that affects females in particular, when it's trying to diagnosis me (which i think is cause of my health/nutrition interest it trys to convince me xyz is cause i'm not balancing my hormones or its pocs or assumes my period is terrible lol)

normalaccess13 hours ago

Yeah, I doubt that there are enough tags or categories for the algorithm to use.

Big brush, broad strokes.

nemomarx15 hours ago

the community doesn't help by trying to dunk on the anti trans stuff a little too much but I do assume it's engagement bait

AnEro15 hours ago

I'd say with the reverse being very true as well would largely just make it so once you get anything close to touching the topic it tosses out which ever side they think you'll engage with the most.

For more anecdotal context, my other interests lean into a demographic/stereotype of an upper middle class pilates/health/cleangirl girliepop. Which from my experience they centrist/ambivalent maybe skew left but not inherently pro trans.

mezzie214 hours ago

> For more anecdotal context, my other interests lean into a demographic/stereotype of an upper middle class pilates/health/cleangirl girliepop. Which from my experience they centrist/ambivalent maybe skew left but not inherently pro trans.

I'm not sure this is accurate, speaking as someone whose social circle has a lot of people in that group and who also sometimes ends up on that side of the algo. For various reasons, it's only socially acceptable to be outspokenly on the left in that group (more so for women over the age of 25/30), but there's a sizable minority who either disagree with certain topics or are more aligned with the right, but they aren't going to jeopardize their social circles or (particularly in the case of content creators) their audience.

It's the girl version of the men who put 'apolitical' on dating apps to hide being a conservative because they don't want to limit their dating prospects.

AnEro13 hours ago
ThePowerOfFuet15 hours ago

> I've never gotten a platform that doesn't show me the trans negative politics in my feeds after engaging with trans creators.

How about Mastodon or Bluesky?

AnEro15 hours ago

Haven't tried, I got off twitter and insta 2 years ago. I've been meaning to try it but its often hard to build up a feed again on one of those platforms it often just feels empty or if you don't follow the right people cluttered.

Der_Einzige14 hours ago

Anti-trans bias is often just lookism, since many conservatives who purport to hate trans people are more than happy to engage with those who "pass".

Consider 4chans fascination and fetishization of "femboys" and even this whole hilarious "saga":

This is the same "conservative gen Z" group that somehow helps get trump elected with the Q shit...

Many of them just hate non-passing trans people. Sad but true, and a lot of trans people also dislike other non passing trans people.

AnEro14 hours ago

100% I started not passing then lost a ton of weight and found out I have alot of traditionally feminine interests. I went from being spat at in the street and almost attacked with no help, to people going out of their way to protect me from creepy men following me.

From my experience passing, how attractive you are, and your interests/hobbies are all attached to how well you a treated in the world right now.

Trans people call it passing privilege for a reason.

azinman214 hours ago

> From my experience passing, how attractive you are, and your interests/hobbies are all attached to how well you a treated in the world right now.

That's always been true for anyone in just about any context.

AnEro14 hours ago
xiii140814 hours ago

It's another sock puppet study:

Very similar methodology to an earlier study the government cited in their case against TikTok:

There are a number of issues with these studies, one being that the way the sock puppet bots interact with content is not exactly organic. Typically they search for content in a conditioning phase, followed by random scrolling during which the recommended videos are collected and classified by an LLM. Modern recommendation algorithms famously work by examining how long and how users engage with content, and there's none of that going on here. Still, the methodology itself and the use of LLMs to classify content is clever and probably about the best we can get.

Also, even if there _is_ a bias, it doesn't tell us why. Are the recommendations intentionally spiked, or is this simply the recommendation strategy that maximizes profit? (Or that the recommendation model thinks will maximize profit?) It's very difficult to tell, which is part of what makes these models dangerous and also part of what makes them difficult to regulate.

On a sidenote, TikTok (and presumably other content platforms) _really_ does not like these studies, as demonstrated by them nerfing search functionality after the second study above was released to prevent researchers using these techniques in the future. I haven't read the study in detail yet, but it will be interesting to see how the team at NYU Abu Dhabi adapted their methodology.

ziddoap14 hours ago

While I am skeptical of what reasonable conclusions can be drawn from a study like this, they explain the methodology in the article. You said:

>Typically [...] followed by random scrolling during which the recommended videos are collected and classified [...] Modern recommendation algorithms famously work by examining how long and how users engage with content, and there's none of that going on here.

But they claim that videos are watched, not just collected from the recommendation page.

"The accounts watched 10 videos, followed by a one-hour pause, and repeated this process for six days"

xiii140814 hours ago

Perhaps I should have been more clear. It's TikTok, so of course the only way to collect recommendations is to watch videos. Some studies watch the whole video, some just watch part of it, but it's TikTok, so fundamentally you're watching a video.

ziddoap14 hours ago

I might just not be reading it properly. I've never used TikTok, I assumed by your description that they scraped video titles/transcripts/etc. from the recommendation page without any engagement on the video. (I suppose I should read the study you linked!)

When you say "how users engage with content, and there's none of that going on here", by "none of that", do you just mean likes/comments, that sort of thing?

I would usually consider watching as engaging with content, but if you mean additional engagement (as I would call it, anyways), that would make a lot more sense to me.

xiii140814 hours ago

I think the key metric missing here is how long the user watches each video. Likes and replies are probably helpful too, but when I've used short-form video content apps like TikTok, Reels, and YouTube Shorts before, they've gotten a pretty good measure of me without me ever liking, replying, or following.

With the current methodology, the bot either watches the whole video, a fixed duration of it, or a random duration before swiping. The bot doesn't organically watch or swipe based on its interests like a human user would.

threeseed14 hours ago

> Also, even if there _is_ a bias, it doesn't tell us why

Because that is a political discussion that will inevitably derail the point.

If there is identified bias then the platform must address it. Or it should be labelled a national security threat.

xiii140813 hours ago

I think this is a valid point and a really interesting question. If that's the standard, we need to regulate all recommendation algorithms. (i.e. put limits on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube as well.)

How could we regulate this? I can think of two ways:

- Results-based enforcement. i.e., companies are free to use whatever recommendation model they like, but have to recommend content within ideological bounds. i.e., you can't bias toward one partisanship more than X%. There's some precedent for this with the equal-time rule ( and FCC fairness doctrine (

- Algorithm-based enforcement. i.e., there are limits on the algorithm itself. Perhaps you have to present your algorithm to a government agency and provide a proof that it obeys certain properties. But the enforcement here is analytical rather than empirical.

threeseed12 hours ago

> Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube

Can you provide research for each of these.

Otherwise it's just muddying the waters to act like the bias is inherent to all platforms.

xiii14088 hours ago

People do these same sock puppet studies on Twitter/YouTube/etc. and find biases there as well. There's a lot of literature out there.

Here's a recent study on YouTube from the same author as this TikTok study finding left-leaning bias in US recommendations:

Here's a somewhat older study from Twitter itself where they determined that their recommendations were biased toward right-leaning accounts:

IMO the interesting question is not whether an individual platform is biased and what its biases are, but rather how we might regulate recommendations given that there is always a risk of bias.

normalaccess14 hours ago

The problem is that the algorithms are programed to show people what they want to see OR what the platform want's you to see.

If it's orgasmic then this is no different than any other form of organic popularity. Seeing as Trump won the popular vote and the electoral collage, people were interested in republican content. On the same token it's very easy to AstroTurf and claim it was organic. From my personal conversations in meat-space I lean organic.

Is there funny business going on? Absolutely, all the time everywhere in every way. Can we say this was funny business? Not without the code.

TLDR: Popularity algorithms push popular content algorithmically.

threeseed12 hours ago

> TLDR: Popularity algorithms push popular content algorithmically

Not aware of any major platform that solely uses a popularity algorithm.

duke_sam15 hours ago

Not that I think TikTok is particularly spotless but this sounds like the result of an algorithm learning what groups will engage with, ie democratic leaning accounts were more likely to do _something_ with republican content than vice versa.

notahacker14 hours ago

Yeah. I remember Facebook used to appear to show me more of certain stuff that annoyed me (not political stuff so much as scammy stuff) because I hovered or even reported it. The most naive and high-level keyword based association is going to link both pro and anti trans stuff as the same general category too (another Facebook thing was the massive overlap between history and really dumb "alternative history")

guerrilla15 hours ago

This is interesting but I still think we have some responsibility here. What if most people hold some view in a low-grade kind of way but algorithms like this could accidentally (or intentionally) amplify it to the point of genocide. The story of Rwanda is well known and we can imagine it being much worse if we're not careful with this kind of technology.

mcosta14 hours ago

Does this means republicans did better propaganda than democrats?

plorg14 hours ago

The title here is deceptive and I'm not sure the study authors did a good job of characterizing their results. They found that Democrats were likely to see less Democrat-aligned content than Republicans were to see Republican-aligned content. But Republican-aligned as a category included both pro-Republican and anti-Democrat content and the big difference was that Democrats saw less anti-Republican and more anti-Democrat videos. Which may seem like a conspiracy until you imagine the amount of anti-Harris/"uncommitted" content that was on TikTok during the election cycle. Even if you think that have an edge to the a Republican ticket I don't think you could reasonably describe a video by a DSA guy decrying the bombing of Gaza as a pro-Republican video.

Perhaps more succinctly, there was more anti-Democrat material from both sides (and the binary clarification system is reductive in a way that obscures what's going on)

ahs115 hours ago

what about the other apps?

jsheard15 hours ago

Well X has a pretty clear slant as of late. I've tried making a fresh burner account a few times to see what the default algorithm is like and surprise, it's dominated by Elon Musk himself, his fanboys/orbiters, and political content which strongly aligns with his views.

Even when dissenting political content slips into the feed it's usually still about Elon Musk, the algorithm surfaces more mentions of him than the actual president.

erentz15 hours ago

Benn Jordan did a good video that covered the bots and bias on X recently. Don't know if it or the papers were submitted here before (anyone feel free to submit it not):

pizza15 hours ago

Same. Made a burner account, follow nothing and nobody, tweet nothing, like nothing, days later I check in on it and I have like a dozen notifications of tweets from the likes of Alex Jones and Donald Trump Jr.

api14 hours ago

What was formerly Twitter is now some guy's private web site, just a guy with a whole lot of money.

bigfishrunning14 hours ago

It was before too, but it was a different guy

NickC2514 hours ago

It was publicly owned....not one individual.

LordDragonfang14 hours ago
api14 hours ago
tzs14 hours ago

Twitter before Musk had a bias toward promoting conservatives [1].


redleggedfrog15 hours ago

Stupid things for stupid people, no mystery.

pizza15 hours ago

There's a public relations firm somewhere out there that really hit the ball out of the park for you to have this knee-jerk reaction, don't you think?

hassleblad2315 hours ago

Everyone gets a vote.

draw_down15 hours ago


HumblyTossed14 hours ago

I don't know how to ask this without striking ire, but how much of this was simply due to Trump's ... um... personality?

spinach15 hours ago

And many platforms had a pro-Democrat lean, especially in the 2020 election. Blaming tiktok seems like scapegoating instead of looking introspectively at the Dem's failings like having a weak leader and pushing various insane ideologies.

kenjackson15 hours ago

What insane ideologies do Dems push? That seems like a weird characterization of either party, although fits Trump specifically -- and I think a lot of Republicans are actually afraid of him.

eagleinparadise14 hours ago

As a center-lefty I cannot believe people are so silly to not be capable of self-reflecting the left's massive blunders.

Do you not remember "DEFUND THE POLICE!"? That is actually insane policy that the entire party got taken over and was forced to follow along with... even Kamala got slammed for it in the 2024 election! One of many things.

So yes, Trump and the far-right have some off-the-wall crazy stuff, but the left does too. Remember your bias. What seems crazy (i.e. abortion restrictions) does not seem crazy to an entire other segment of the country that you don't share the same exact values to.

And your values and things you don't consider crazy may be considered insane by others.

kenjackson14 hours ago

First, if you read my comment, I said "either party". I actually don't find almost anything pushed from Reps/Dems party as insane (specific politicians I do find genuinely insane though). I think they're almost all somewhat rational, even "defund the police". "Defund the police" has bad marketing, but to this day it still makes sense to not overfund police to do things they aren't well suited to do. This is something Musk would probably even agree with, if not for the marketing.

BryantD14 hours ago

I don't recall the entire Democratic Party getting taken over, no. I recall Biden saying things like "No, I don‘t support defunding the police." I remember Biden's 2022 crime prevention plan which called for $13 billion to hire 100,000 police officers around the country over a five year period.

adam129 hours ago


ikety15 hours ago

People can't make up their minds, did dems push insane ideology or did they fail to stray far enough from the status quo?

I'd argue they ran one of the least controversial campaigns in comparison to the current global political climate. I think those in disagreement were successfully convinced by the opposing party.

Trump's first few weeks makes it clear he was the big mover and shaker.

twiclo14 hours ago

I can make up my mind. They pushed insane ideologies. At the convention the other day not a single nominee said, "Maybe we shouldn't fund sex changes for illegal immigrant prisoners." In fact they supported it.

ikety14 hours ago
kenjackson14 hours ago
NickC2514 hours ago

Can you provide proof that such operations are, or were, ongoing at the time of the convention? And if they were happening, in what scale or magnitude?

And once that's done, please also show real-world examples of some of POTUS47's claims that "they're eating the pets, they're eating the cats, eating the dogs".

Because we all know, Donald Trump is known for pushing bullshit, and having lackeys that will ignore reality to believe him. This is not a new trend, it's one with 50+ years of examples.

likeabatterycar14 hours ago

If you are incapable of identifying some of the insane positions that clearly lost them the 2024 election, I'm afraid you may be in a bubble and no amount of someone explaining it is going to help.

ziddoap14 hours ago

Or, consider that "insane" is a word that's excessive for pretty much every position of every candidate of every party, primarily used to generate immediate emotional responses and shutting down conversation.

There are positions which I think are dumb, or potentially harmful, or counter to what I believe, etc. But there's rarely been a position I consider "insane" (from all parties!).

If you're immediately jumping to calling every position you disagree with "insane", you're just being hyperbolic.

likeabatterycar14 hours ago

That may be true, but what matters is perception. It doesn't take very much of the perception of insane to push the winner over the edge. Elections have been known to be decided over single issues. To take a position of "I can't possibly see anything wrong with any of our policies" after a resounding defeat is not very self-reflective.

black615 hours ago

That biological sex is a social construct, for one, and elementary school children need to learn about it.

ikety14 hours ago

When did you see Harris push that in her campaign? Her campaign was extremely basic and as uncontroversial as possible (to the detriment of the dems in my opinion)

kenjackson14 hours ago

I've always heard the opposite. That biological sex is biological. Gender is socially constructed. That's the standard progressive position, although I'm sure you can find someone that says otherwise, or in casual usage conflates sex and gender.

black614 hours ago

Yah. That's what I meant. It's so nutso I can't keep the claims straight.

llamaimperative14 hours ago

No one said biological sex is a social construct.

TaurenHunter14 hours ago


carlosdp15 hours ago

That's not algorithmic bias, that's a large delta in content quality.

Videos coming out of the Harris camps were milquetoast in comparison to the Trump camp. Of course those videos get more attention, from people that like him and hate him, and therefore get pushed more by the algorithm.

ziddoap14 hours ago

>Of course those videos get more attention [...] and therefore get pushed more by the algorithm.

From the article:

"These differences were consistent across all three states and could not be explained by differences in engagement metrics like likes, views, shares, comments, or followers."

gmd6314 hours ago

The main use case of technology and AI is to sway public opinion. Elon Musk is one of the richest men in the world and that's where he spends most of his focus. If you're building technology, know that this is the endgame, and proceed with caution.

The amount of deceit per dollar you can generate today is profoundly inexpensive when compared to the entirety of human history. Sadly, our cowardly tech giants are the antithesis of the morals espoused in comic books they grew up on, seeking to abdicate all responsibility as they achieve unprecedented power.

skywhopper15 hours ago

That was certainly my experience with it. Overwhelmingly so, even. Not just “Republican” per se, but all sorts of reality-denying nonsense, propaganda, and clearly foreign-influenced trolling. Depressing enough that I removed the app that I once loved to use.

sapientiae315 hours ago

This makes sense - as Paul Graham mentioned in his essay from January [1] “outrage means traffic”.

No-one gets more outraged than left leaning viewers watching Trump videos.


nayuki15 hours ago

> outrage means traffic

Which CGP Grey also described a decade ago: "This Video Will Make You Angry" [2015-03-10]

latentcall15 hours ago

Curious as when I was still using TikTok I was getting pro-Trump content in between my usual communist/worker’s rights or pro-Palestinian content.

inverted_flag14 hours ago

It's not that surprising, all of that content is aimed at destabilizing the US.

jncfhnb15 hours ago

> pro-Palestinian content

This is an issue heavily pushed by the Republican Party

thrance14 hours ago

Uhh no? Neither party held a pro-palestian position, Trump told Netanyahou to "finish the job" [1] before the election.


jncfhnb12 hours ago

It went both ways. They actively attempted to amplify the narrative that the war in Gaza was entirely on Israel and that it was the democrats fault despite relatively no interest from the republicans in actually helping those in Gaza. It was a successful campaign largely. This was a divisive issue for more lefty dems.

aithrowawaycomm15 hours ago

That suggests a clumsy PAC-driven campaign to shove a candidate into your feed, without actually doing anything meaningful to update the algorithm for general Republican/conservative propaganda.

Part of it might have also been the (remarkably cynical and dishonest) Arabs for Trump movement, directly linking Trump campaign stuff to pro-Palestinian viewers.

java-man15 hours ago

Karl Marx gave the proletariat eleven zeppelins, yo!

IncreasePosts15 hours ago

Why is it called bias, as if the results should be even? Would we say that there is a bias in TikTok to show interesting videos, instead of boring videos? I guess you could describe it as such, but the term carries an implication of impropriety with it, as if what displays bias should rightfully not display bias.

Liberals love consuming Trump content, maybe even more than conservatives. Sort of like the Howard Stern effect. Because after they do, they can go post on Twitter and reddit about how stupid Trump is.

Conservatives didn't have that with Harris. Maybe because all of her content was so scripted and her entire personality that we were allowed to see was designed by committee, and frankly there was just much less content. Trump would go on a 4 hour tirade about some random thing like Greenland. Meanwhile, Harris was tightly controlled by her handlers, only giving "safe" interviews, probably thinking that playing it safe and not fumbling somewhere would be the path to the white house.

BryantD15 hours ago

I don't think there's any shortage of Republicans posting on X about how dumb progressives are; I'm skeptical that liberals are any more prone to outrage than conservatives are. Check out, say, liboftiktok if you want a prime example.

928340923215 hours ago

> Conservatives didn't have that with Harris.

Conservatives spent days nitpicking every single thing they could about Harris and would just invent things about Walz. Tim Walz's son cried and conservative media and social networks ran that into the ground for weeks. Acting like MAGA didn't say anything about Harris/Walz is pure delusion.

IncreasePosts15 hours ago

I think that shows conservatives were so starved for rage content that they needed to latch onto the side-show of a side-show in order to scratch that itch. Sequestering your candidate away from any kind of challenge certainly is a strategy.

I never said MAGA didn't say anything about Harris/walz. Is that what you took away from my post?

928340923214 hours ago

> Liberals love consuming Trump content, maybe even more than conservatives. Sort of like the Howard Stern effect. Because after they do, they can go post on Twitter and reddit about how stupid Trump is.

> Conservatives didn't have that with Harris.

Yes that is what I took from this.

> Sequestering your candidate away from any kind of challenge certainly is a strategy.

Interviews with Fox News and a public debate does not read as running away from challenge. She is not the one who ran from the debates.

IncreasePosts14 hours ago
whalesalad15 hours ago

Of course it did. This is why so many want it out of the US. It's a propaganda vehicle for the CCP. Our citizens have an IV drip of bullshit feeding them 24x7.

This is why Trump wants to save it. Back in his first term he tried to destroy it[0]. Flash forward to now, he openly acknowledges that it helped him win[1]. He doesn't want to lose that influence if it gets dismantled, so of course he's now talking about introducing a sovereign wealth fund and use it to buy tik tok[2].

- [0]

- [1]

- [2]

eastbound15 hours ago

This comment is just adding storytelling around facts, but doesn’t contain facts. I could build the opposite storytelling with the same facts.

giancarlostoro15 hours ago

Considering Trump originally wanted to ban TikTok his previous term... Yeah...

daveguy15 hours ago

And obviously China preferred Trump in office (of course they wouldn't admit it, because whoever China backs helps the other party). The more batty the US is in international relations the more our soft power declines and China's soft power rises. Destruction of USAID was a huge win for China. If Trump effectively controls both Tik Tok and Twitter, huge numbers of people under 30 will only know what Trump wants them to know.

eastbound15 hours ago

Which is why Trump added tariffs on China. To… to blur his tracks. The best action is to do the opposite of what you want to do, so people don’t know what you’re doing.

This, or China supports the Dems, and everything else becomes logical. But let’s start the narrative that Trump supports China by banning their apps and products.

ryandrake15 hours ago

Foreign adversaries don't care about political party. They want chaos, internal division, and institutional destruction, and for the moment, that means Trump. If there was a viable candidate from BlueTeam who promised to sow chaos and dismantle the government, you can bet they'd support them just as happily.

moduspol13 hours ago
daveguy15 hours ago

Hahaha. "banning". Only Trump could save a company from being banned, try to buy it with US tax dollars, and have his stooges claim he's against the company.

inverted_flag15 hours ago

In the eyes of China, Trump's piddly little tariffs are a small price to pay for the damage he'll inflict on the US over the next 4 years.

draw_down15 hours ago


peepeepoopoo10615 hours ago
