
The New York Stock Exchange plans to launch NYSE Texas

277 points28
gre28 days ago

What does this mean for the planned Texas Stock Exchange?

HolyLampshade28 days ago

TXSE is a listings play more than anything. This means NYSE is going to beat them to the punch, at least in concept. Means TXSE is going to have to work much harder for listings business.

From a functional standpoint, absolutely no difference. There is an extremely high probability NYSE TX remains in Mahwah (where the current NYSE Chicago platform is; it’s really just a rebranding). TXSE has already said they’re going to put their systems in Secaucus with “everyone not NYSE or NASDAQ”.

I wish one of these venues would have the conviction to put their whole kit in Dallas, or somewhere else in TX, but the industry would throw a fit because of what it would mean for the cost to access the market.

Galanwe28 days ago

> There is an extremely high probability NYSE TX remains in Mahwah

> I wish one of these venues would have the conviction to put their whole kit in Dallas

To be fair, few people actually host in Mahwah or Carteret anymore. The HFT game is essentially closed, as the price of entry in terms of knowledge and capital is too high.

Most people just prefer a comfy Equinix DC with all modern amenities, where NYSE, Nasdaq and all other markets & brokers have a latency-stable point of presence, such as NY4.

parasense28 days ago

You did raise a good point about latency sensitive brokers, and I feel like that is becoming a self-selecting cartel based around the NY/NJ area. So when you have these folks talking about moving to places like Houston or Dallas, in an implied or entailed way they are talking about breaking that latency cartel. Honestly, just by stupid personal opinion, the SEC should grow the courage to ban low-latency based trading. This topic has been beat to death over the years, so I'm not adding anything to the discussion, just chiming in to say the obvious things... have a nice day.

atomicnumber328 days ago
dylan60428 days ago
kasey_junk28 days ago

These “folks” run their “Chicago” exchange out of NJ and this announcement has nothing to do with moving the matching engine.

Galanwe28 days ago
Xen927 days ago

Can you not use this information of it being closed for high frequency trading?

Also I have pondered, to put it very simply, why wouldn't it be profitable, since the markets fluctuate, to gamble small amounts constantly at where they most often (this is more complex but you could simply draw line as well) cross a line, such that you can always lose everything, and then sell every time it goes over that line & buy when it's below regardless of how much you would make?

witty_username27 days ago
GenerWork28 days ago

>I wish one of these venues would have the conviction to put their whole kit in Dallas, or somewhere else in TX, but the industry would throw a fit because of what it would mean for the cost to access the market.

I realize this is probably super complex, but can you explain this more? Specifically, what does cost mean in this context? Is this in terms of listing on an exchange, or cost benefit such as being physically further away from NYSE or Nasdaq?

bobthepanda28 days ago

If you are doing HFT every ms counts, to the point where firms spend billions on new submarine cables between New York and London to shave off time

azinman228 days ago
eej7128 days ago

It very well might be a listings play, but I have yet to see any new venue really crack the "listings code". IEX has tried. I guess CBOE BATS has had some success? LTSE wants too as well, but not sure they had success either.

HolyLampshade27 days ago

My understanding is they were shooting for ETF listings, which are arguably the easiest listings business to establish in if you have the right sales team (due to the lighter regulatory regime compared to listing common stock).

They were also making a play at trying to capture listings for companies looking to reincorporate in TX (think of it as a 'social issue' campaign; same as what the LTSE guys are shooting for).

That all said, I definitely do not disagree with you. While I think they at least have more justification to launch a venue than MEMX did, I am highly skeptical of their ability to pull listings business away from NY. The Big Board and Nasdaq have it on lock.

bhaney28 days ago

Can I get an ELI5 of "listings play" and "crack the listings code"?

decimalenough27 days ago
alberth28 days ago

HN thread on this topic (250+ comments)

aa_is_op28 days ago

It means it got outplayed

xyst28 days ago

Probably not much? Scammy companies that cannot meet the standards of NYSE or NASDAQ will list on TSE instead?

May as well be buying OTC

wslh28 days ago

I don't think it will only attract scammy companies. In fact, wouldn't it be great if smaller businesses could go public as long as their numbers fit? The NYSE and NASDAQ not only have a high bar, but that bar is even higher now than when companies like Apple and Microsoft went public. For example, the Enron scandal raised the standards for public listings, but you could also argue that it unfairly punished legitimate businesses for the sins of others.

It could also help dynamize investments by providing shorter exit pathways, making it easier for investors to recycle capital into new startups.

kasey_junk28 days ago

There are lots of alternate venues already for listings.

Most of the cost in going public comes from federal securities law, not exchange rules.

wslh28 days ago
ks6g1028 days ago


TSE would be the Tokyo Stock Exchange

TMWNN28 days ago

>Toronto Stock Exchange


HolyLampshade27 days ago
rzz328 days ago

So, are the exchanges connected? Would there be any difference for me buying and selling stocks on “normal NYSE” vs “NYSE Texas”? What benefits would companies see from listing on NYSE Texas vs the other NYSE?

Galanwe28 days ago

> So, are the exchanges connected?

More or less, in practice your US broker has to respect "best execution", meaning it cannot offer you a price worst than the "NBBO", which is the composite of all US stock markets.

In practice though, I expect most companies listed in NYSE Texas to be solely listed there.

> “normal NYSE” vs “NYSE Texas”

There's already _a lot_ of "NYSE" markets and segments. Some exist because of historical mergers (Amex, Arca), and some to offer alternate / cheaper listings (NYSE listing is very expensive vs say Nasdaq)

> What benefits would companies see from listing on NYSE Texas vs the other NYSE?

Unclear at the moment but I expect a lower bar for listing requirements and a cheaper price. Nyse is by far the most expensive listing there is, but it's also very exhaustive on listing requirements (audits, etc). I guess there is also a political/economical deal with Texas at play, to incentivise companies to move there, list there, and grab some of NY market share.

mFixman28 days ago

Would this mean that the trading hours for stock of companies listed in both NYSE branches would be extended by one hour due to time differences?

Galanwe28 days ago

Well technically there are different trading hours, calendars and sessions for each market / segment of NYSE. In practice though I don't think you will find many companies listed on multiple subsegments of NYSE in 2025.

Roughly speaking, you will find the prestigious / big market cap / rich companies listed on NYSE main market, ETFs on NYSE Arca, small caps on NYSE American (ex Amex), and very small caps on NYSE National.

The listing requirements and prices, as well as fee structure also differ for each market. National has a fee structure to incentive adding liquidity for instance.

If the asynchronicity bothers you, imagine that you can also trade e.g. HSBC secondary listing on NYSE NY market hours + the ADR of HSBC HK on NYSE NY hours + HSBC primary listing on LSE on London hours + HSBC HKSE on HK hours for a lot of fun.

andylynch28 days ago

As someone who has run similar platforms, I am joking but also not, when I say probably weaker listing rules and poorer liquidity.

6stringmerc28 days ago

This fascinates me because I worked at an investment bank specializing in Texas municipal finance post 2008 crash. There are a lot of sophisticated investors that run to Texas as a bulwark against the larger market in times of instability. Honestly I find your comment more likely than not - as the in-house joke was “equities are where the crooks are” in contrast to our focus on bond debt transactions.

victorbjorklund28 days ago

Different rules probably. In Sweden we got Nasdaq Stockholm and First North. Both owned by Nasdaq and operates out of the same building. First North has more lax rules and generally meant for smaller companies.

nebrie28 days ago

Nasdaq Stockholm also has substantially lower listing fees than Nasdaq USA.

HolyLampshade27 days ago

Not in any way to diminish the Swedish markets, but that's partially because Nasdaq and NYSE know they can sell 'status' in listing on their US markets.

codegladiator28 days ago

Similar in India, there is BSE and NSE

tolien28 days ago

BSE makes me think of Mad Cow Disease [1], quite the bull market.


doodlebugging28 days ago

Though I would think that India would be the least likely to have any of this type of BSE due to their reverence for the cow. It works out for them as a cultural inoculation against an insidious affliction.

crossroadsguy28 days ago

Is one has lax rules over the other? I doubt it. Besides there are SME Exchanges run by both of these for smaller companies (small and medium enterprises).

HolyLampshade27 days ago

> So, are the exchanges connected?

Yes, and no. Not in the sense that it's one uniform trading system, but there are various interlinkages (market data via the SIP for example; mostly dictated by RegNMS) and most of the exchanges operate a brokerage running an order routing business.

> Would there be any difference for me buying and selling stocks on “normal NYSE” vs “NYSE Texas”?

Assuming you have the ability to dictate to your broker where they perform the trade there would be absolutely no difference between trading on NYSE vs NYSE TX (minus maybe some currently undecided fee differences). Functionally they are identical (they even run on the same technology stack).

> What benefits would companies see from listing on NYSE Texas vs the other NYSE?

The cultural issue TXSE (and by extension this NYSE TX move) are trying to capture is the 'anti-DEI' / 'the exchange tells us what the composition of our board must be to meet listings standards' type things. There's a subset of the corporate world who see value in capitalizing on these issues. There's also the potential for different financial requirements or incorporation requirements, but those haven't been disclosed yet (and wouldn't be too divergent from the existing differences between listing on the various Nasdaq or NYSE exchanges).

JumpCrisscross28 days ago

Yes. The relevant regulation is Reg NMS [1].


zoky28 days ago

Yes, by a series of semaphore towers spanning the country dedicated to the exchange of stock prices. It’s the fastest and most secure way.

ForHackernews28 days ago


renegade-otter28 days ago


simmonmt28 days ago

Probably more this sort of meddling:, where New York leaned on banks and insurance companies to stop doing business with organizations they (the regulators) didn't like.

Perhaps the competition will discourage future misbehavior like this.

Spooky2328 days ago

Look, commie, every red blooded American has a right to commit financial frauds.

Meme coins, Ponzi schemes and fraudulent inflated companies are what built America. Adam Smith’s invisible hand and the second amendment are all we need, not some pasty deep state operative.

skippyboxedhero28 days ago
immibis28 days ago


daeken28 days ago

I couldn't agree more. This is why I'm investing heavily in companies producing body bags; sure, people are going to die, but the upside for me could be in the five figures by the time it comes for me!

renegade-otter28 days ago
Applejinx28 days ago
FrustratedMonky28 days ago


If only we could have a state with zero laws, where all corporate headquarters could go, with no taxes, and list their stock, and not be accountable to anyone.

The glory of the 'states' loophole. You just need one state to let everyone get a pass.

Doesn't work for the little guy "Officer, you can't give me a speeding ticket, I'm from out of state".

jonstewart28 days ago

When I’ve visited Texas, I’ve always been struck by how many products (cars especially) were “Texas Edition” models. I am surprised SaaS companies don’t offer Texas Edition plans, where the app has more lonestar flags sprinkled throughout the UI for an extra $10/month.

randcraw27 days ago

I lived in Houston a couple of years. Texas is mostly a state of mind -- the promotion of "Lone Starry-eyed-ness" as a world view that's uniquely suited to curing whatever ails the human condition, but coupled to a willfulness to disregard whether it actually does.

If you want to understand the Texan world view better, read Texas Monthly, a very well-written monthly magazine on Texas affairs that IMO tries hard not to pull punches while keeping them above the belt.

doodlebugging28 days ago

There's a lot of us down here in the one-star state that would never fall for that SaaS bullshit. We're not all idiots though there apparently are a lot who can't truthfully make that claim.

Cars and trucks aren't limited to Texas editions. Some automakers also offer other state-specific packages. Like the Texas editions they are mostly plastic badges, cheap-ass trim "upgrades", block heaters for northern states, or lift kits and offroad tires for more rural states. Basically the same package you can get anywhere in the country for less because it doesn't mention a specific state.

jonstewart28 days ago

Having grown up in Wisconsin… block heaters are a useful part to have! Especially in decades past, before fuel injection was solved.

I’ve never seen another state-specific car model package, though will take on faith there may be others.

doodlebugging27 days ago

I read on a thread from our favorite LLM training dataset that Alaska ha(s/d) a special edition with block heater, lift kit, tires, and badging. There was also an Arkansas edition supposedly. I think it probably had all the knobs and buttons in primary colors with flash cards for their illiterati's. (I have kin in Arkansas so maybe just joking, but probably not really). I'm pretty sure I have seen a Wyoming edition RAM or something taking advantage of their incorrect state nickname as the "Cowboy State". Having spent a good bit of time in Wyoming I can assure you there are probably more sheep than in any other state though, being from Texas, I did have to listen to the steers and queers quip way back then until I reminded the teller that he was a sheepherder and not a real cowboy.

dangus27 days ago

First paragraph: we’re not all idiots.

Second paragraph: we’re kind of idiots.

Texas education ranking: 43rd

doodlebugging27 days ago

I have no reasonable defense against the logical truth.

Just want to point out that the first paragraph does offer the likelihood that there are exceptions to the conclusion one could reach by reading the second paragraph.

The third point you make is very sad though it has not always been true. We are certainly in the dumb part of the cycle. With the right leadership and structural changes in state programs we will retake the high ground. I think this is a deep hole that they have dug but luckily there are only 7 more places to fall before our embarrassing situation takes us even lower than the lowest US territory scores.

Maybe we're already there. I'm just hoping for future generations of Texans that there will not be a dead cat bounce at the bottom.

dangus27 days ago
phlipski28 days ago

Think about the target audience for those two products and you'll quickly understand why a SaaS "Texas Edition" would be DOA...

riskable28 days ago

Join our cloud provider today! Now featuring Texas Billing!

seydor28 days ago

Is there also a New York, Texas?

Actually yes there is. Next up, NYSE launches in Paris, Texas.

xarope28 days ago

TIL there's an Eiffel Tower[0] in Paris, Texas!


xandrius28 days ago

It actually has a cowboy hat, incredible!

rob7428 days ago

...but the one in Paris, Tennessee (,_Tennessee...) looks much more true to the original - although apparently none of the two replicas fulfills the purpose of a tower (enabling you to climb to the top of it)...

jmcgough28 days ago

And can do gender reveals!

jdwithit28 days ago

Get on Maine's level. They have Mexico, Poland (home of Poland Springs!), China, Peru, Norway, Sweden, Denmark... that's not even delving into another dozen or two towns named for foreign cities rather than nations. The history of why the heck this happened is interesting [0]


pugets28 days ago
SOLAR_FIELDS28 days ago

Exactly the same situation in Central Texas. Many German, Swedish, Czech enclaves resulting in towns with names like New Sweden. Indiana has a bit of this as well.

112358132128 days ago

I watched the 2024 eclipse from a curiously named Brazil, Indiana. Besides the name, a couple oddities were that nobody was there to watch the eclipse (we had an entire campground well in the totality to ourselves for $50) and someone from Chicago moved there to sell excellent deep dish pizza.

arrowsmith28 days ago

There's also a Texas, New York:,_New_York

itishappy28 days ago

> It is officially part of the town of Mexico.

Mexico, New York, of course.

rob7428 days ago

Ah yes, Paris, Texas - made famous by a movie (,_Texas_(film)), which inspired the name for a (Scottish!) band (, which then of course eventually had to publish a concert DVD named "Texas Paris" (the concert wasn't in Paris, Texas however, but in Paris, France -

jp5728 days ago

Euronext Texas, based in Paris.

steveBK12328 days ago

Theres a good Oddlots episode on the business of running a small exchange. There's some money to be made in data & connectivity fees essentially. Largely around regulatory compliance due to RegNMS (the thing that created BBO).

There's plenty of these small exchanges like MEMX and MIAX, nothing new under the sun here.

HolyLampshade27 days ago

Bingo. The transactions business has largely been commoditized (esp because of the vast array of ATSes that are available to be traded on), so the only way to force business and guarantee month-over-month revenue is in market data and connectivity (it also explains why NYSE, Nasdaq, and Cboe have leaned very heavily on data/connectivity business lines for generating new revenue over the last ten years; or in Nasdaq's case especially focusing on 'peripheral' businesses). Listings as well generates some revenue, but is a much harder business to get into.

steveBK12327 days ago

The market data business is quite an oligopoly

HolyLampshade27 days ago

It is, sadly. Through the entire chain of custody.

Of the many things I despise in the industry, market data and connectivity costs are near the top. It’s a fully captured market, and customers don’t have a choice when the producer decides to raise prices.

steveBK12327 days ago
cdurth27 days ago

Have a link to the episode?

steveBK12327 days ago

I went back and wanted to include the link but couldn't quite find it. I suspect it was a subtopic within an episode and so I can't find it in the title unfortunately.

They also have been increasing the rate of episode releases so there was a lot to scroll thru! I find it I will add it!

sharth28 days ago

What's the actual difference between NYSE Texas and the traditional NYSE?

JumpCrisscross28 days ago

The same difference as between the NYSE and each of the Miami International Stock Exchange; NYSE Chicago, Inc.; and the Nasdaq BX, Inc. (f/k/a the Boston Stock Exchange) [1]: jack shit.


DontchaKnowit28 days ago

I dont think you know what you are talking about because there are differences between the exchange. For one, theyre run by different business entities, they have differences in the regulatory programs, and they also have differences in the fee schemes, e.g. how they make money on the order flow going through the exchange.

People tend to be very reductionist about finance when they really they just dont fully understand.

JumpCrisscross28 days ago

> dont [sic] think you know what you are talking about

As someone who has participated in the founding of a stock exchange, and who electronically traded equities and equity derivatives across every exchange in America, I really do.

> they have differences in the regulatory programs

What pertinent regulations do you think separates a BATS trade of a share of stock in a Texas corporation listed on the NYSE from an internal cross in a California bank of another Texas corporation listed on the NYSE Texas that has to do with the listing exchange?

> they also have differences in the fee schemes, e.g. how they make money on the order flow going through the exchange

This is market microstructure. Nothing in the announcement indicates a different microstructure from the other NYSEs.

DontchaKnowit28 days ago
WrongAssumption28 days ago

I'm very confused on why you think that link supports your assertion.

JohnTHaller28 days ago

This is the NYSE Chicago exchange moving to Texas.

swyx28 days ago

itself a pretty crazy confusing sentence

saghm28 days ago

It's giving "Thursday Night Football on Saturday" vibes.

janderson21528 days ago
selimthegrim28 days ago

Thursday morning football

rchaud28 days ago


programjames28 days ago

About 8μs, or a couple trades.

dmurray28 days ago

The data centres will almost certainly stay in New Jersey with the rest of the US equity trading infrastructure.

qeternity28 days ago

Well, the most important US equity market is in Aurora…

reaperman28 days ago
w-ll28 days ago


JumpCrisscross28 days ago

Wrong. Most NYSE-listed companies are not incorporated in New York.

blackeyeblitzar28 days ago

But the exchange itself is subject to a different regulatory framework. It isn’t just federal regulations that affect them.

JumpCrisscross28 days ago

> the exchange itself is subject to a different regulatory framework

Exchanges are subject to many regulations. Which are you referring to?

This is literally NYSE Chicago changing venues. I think James Beard just fucked off to the Windy City. Austin has better gala weather, granted.

anonu28 days ago

More PR than anything. The way these things work is a press release is made off the back of regulatory filings. Market interest and chatter is gauged. Then the slow cogs of the SEC start grinding. Remember the "ARCA 24 hour trading" press release from a few months back? Yeah, we still dont have that...

Also note that there are 16+ exchanges in the US with protected quotes. And 30+ dark pools (ATSs). There are many venues to trade.

timisthief28 days ago

The CEO of ICE (the holding company of NYSE) is married to Kelly Loeffler, who was the republican senator from Georgia from 2020-2021.

Etheryte28 days ago

That's an interesting tidbit, but how is this related to the discussion? Maybe I'm missing something?

Me00028 days ago

The political aspect of these is what made them successful, not hard work. So they are evil.

dyauspitr27 days ago

Trying to move business away from a blue state by setting it up in a red state purely for political reasons.

k-i-r-t-h-i28 days ago

Sigh... more exchanges. More fees. Worse execution for retail, better for trading firms.

verteu27 days ago

Why would a new exchange result in worse retail fills? They're obligated to get the NNBO price across all exchanges, and much of the retail flow doesn't even hit exchanges at all (internalized by Citadel/Virtu).

echelon27 days ago

A monopoly is better for retail consumers?

I get that quants can get their alpha and whatever higher order terms, but if a consumer is buying to hold or using some other non-day trading strategy, why is this bad?

daveguy27 days ago

> A monopoly is better for retail consumers?

I'm confused why The New York Stock Exchange opening another NYSE office location has anything to do with monopoly status. The New York Stock Exchange is obviously still going to own both. If it was a monopoly before opening a second location it still will be, same as if it wasn't a monopoly.

pimlottc28 days ago

What does this mean for Chicago? Certainly seems like a loss for them. Does this reflect any broader trends about Chicago’s position as a financial hub?

minimax28 days ago

It doesn't mean anything for Chicago. "NYSE Chicago" is an electronic exchange hosted in New Jersey. It has Chicago in the name because NYSE bought the old Chicago Stock Exchange in 2018 (which was partially hosted in Chicago and partially in NJ... it was weird). To my knowledge post-2018 NYSE Chicago never had any trading operations in Chicago. NYSE does have sales people in Chicago because of the large prop trading community in the city and it would be hard to see how this NYSE Texas situation changes that.

dangus27 days ago

In other words, NYSE wants technical operations in a state with piss poor labor protections.

cosmic_quanta28 days ago

Chicago remains the hub for commodities

outside123428 days ago

What is the real reason for this? Is it so you can list something fraudulent or avoid security regulations?

vagab0nd28 days ago

So how much more money will be spent on fiber optics and microwave towers?

andyjohnson028 days ago

> "Texas is a market leader in fostering a pro-business atmosphere,”

> and business-friendly regulatory agenda.

So whats the deal here? Something about taxes? Or looser regulation/oversight?

renegade-otter28 days ago

I would wager it's the latter. This will be the golden age of white collar crime, cons, and machinations. This is how this always ends.

Oh, your taxes will go up - someone will have to foot the bill.

throw0101c28 days ago

> I would wager it's the latter. This will be the golden age of white collar crime, cons, and machinations. This is how this always ends.

So another S&L?

> At the end of 1988, 2,969 thrifts remained active. This was over three hundred less than in 1985 and over a thousand less than in 1980. These failures were highly geographically concentrated: a third of the failures from 1985 forward occurred in just three states: California, Texas, and Florida;[74] Texas accounted for 40 percent of thrift failures in the worst year of the crisis, 1988.[53]


technofiend28 days ago

Legislation was tightened after the S & L crisis and at least according to Investopedia was the itself was due in part to lax oversight:

*What Could Regulators Have Done Better to Solve the Savings and Loan Crisis?*

"Regulators failed to stop savings and loans from using federally insured deposits to make risky loans. Reagan also cut the budget of the regulatory staff at the FHLBB, removing its ability to investigate high-risk loans. Certain states also passed laws that allowed savings and loans to invest in speculative real estate."

Remains to be see if the current administration's views on oversight and regulation allow a repeat.

mrguyorama28 days ago

That lax regulation allowed:

>An Office of the Comptroller of the Currency study in 1988 indicated fraud in 11 percent of failures between 1979–87; a Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation study in 25 percent of failures in 1989; a Resolution Trust Corporation study in 1992 found fraud in 33 percent of its cases; and a 1994 General Accounting Office study reported 26 percent of banks that failed in 1990–91 had issues with fraud.

10%-25% fraud in the industry. Yay, can't wait until I have to judge whether my bank is outright fraudulent again.

parasense28 days ago

I smell money!

ourmandave28 days ago

As long as they can keep the lights on.

bilbo0s28 days ago

I see what you did there.


andyjohnson028 days ago

The timing is certainly convincing. The SEC pivoting to focus on "innovation" (which I take to be crypto) and "capital formation", CFPB being shut-down, etc. It'll be interesting to see what happens when the wheels fall off, Enron style.

Capitalism interprets regulation as damage and routes around it, as someone might have said.

yndoendo28 days ago

USA has shown they will support corrupt companies with tax dollars. This will be another 2008 crash where the government welfare for companies will continue. Real capitalism would let those entities fail so others can pick them apart and attempt to do better.

How long will it manifest, 4, 8, 10, 20 years? The deregulated mortgage started in the 1980s and it took almost 25 years to break everything.

Most likely it will hit foreign the hardest and set off a global recession for those countries that bought in.

Will there be any that are smarter and either buy in early and sell early or go to another country for a stable investment? Those would be the ones to most easily weather the storm.

Guessing USA retirement investments will take a big hit. So more homeless.

Also foresee politics pushing companies to invest in the Texas stock market for tax subsidies and to gain government contracts and benefits. Could be bigger than 2008.

treyd28 days ago
grandempire28 days ago

Is NYSE the perfect level of regulation and anything less is disaster?

cdblades28 days ago

I don't think that's a fair reading of the comment you're replying to.

Seems like a purposefully-constructed straw-man to me, really.

grandempire28 days ago
milesrout28 days ago


gigatexal28 days ago

We have eyes and can see and brains that can read. Anyone with eyes and a brain can see the internal coup happening by the executive btw ch against the other branches with elon at the head of it all.

kergonath28 days ago

For the intellectually curious who cannot stand opinions that contradict their world view? How is that intellectually curious?

andyjohnson028 days ago

You must be new here. HN has always been about expressing diverse views. And right now your take is looking hard to sustain wrt reality.

roenxi28 days ago

It is an interesting question with an interesting, long and complicated answer that can't really be done justice in a HN post. It'd probably be worth looking up some psychology papers if you're really interested in the topic.

But for a basic theory sketch: Humans are social creatures designed to form herds around a leader/small number of leaders (see, for example, cults as an example of this dynamic). The typical human is expecting to do what they are told by a leader and constantly playing status games to figure out who that leader is right now and whether they, the human figuring, qualify as one.

This means that the average punter is totally unequipped to evaluate not just capitalism but any ideology! The only skills they have are maybe how to play status games and maybe a few economically valuable technical abilities. This results in bizarre situations where you have roving hordes of people who swear by ideologies but have no idea about them (find me a Marxist who has read Marx - they exist but there aren't as many of them as the name suggests). There aren't enough people who can break out of that dynamic to set up forums that exclude it though.

The natural social response to all this is you have people floating around who challenge every ideology and the masses generally expect them to be heard because that is one of the rules for status games. But at the end of the day it is normal for the challengers to then be ignored because capitalism offers huge rewards to the people at the top of the food chain so it is a pretty stable system. Not perfect, but what is.

altairprime28 days ago

Because it’s grounded in actual US history? Read up on The Gilded Age for context on what happened the last time the US hit peak robber baron. Our country specializes in creating grifters and this isn’t our first rodeo.

esskay28 days ago

Are you suggesting the only view people are allowed to have is to be full in on capitalism, no questions asked? Bizarre take.

ml-anon28 days ago

Is "intellectually curious"

Blindly parrots the administration view

vineyardmike28 days ago

It’s certainly looser regulations. NY State and NY city have realized they have power over Wall Street and most publicly listed companies because they are the laws that govern most American stock exchanges. They’ve started to use that power.

diggan28 days ago

> They’ve started to use that power.

Can you give some examples of how they used some power recently, that they didn't use before?

everfrustrated28 days ago

I believe the ~NYSE~ Nasdaq added requirements that any company listed on their exchange has to follow certain political (as in not economic) rules.

Edit: Nasdaq not NYSE

vineyardmike27 days ago

Well, before diving into new use of power, it should be noted that much of the national regulatory and investigatory infrastructure is managed by NY state as a matter of them being host. So even considering non-controversial actions like actually investigating claims of rote illegal behavior, NYS has a lot more investigators and courts that are prepared to process those cases. It's just like Florida has more laws regarding theme parks, and Colorado has more laws involving skiing, and California has more laws involving movie making.

Texas just has less legal tools and employees ready. It's been evident for years that companies want to avoid scrutiny and make investigations harder. Moving to Texas is essentially "security through obscurity" where they're just hiding from legal apparatus. Similarly, there is a direct correlation between the number of IRS employees and the unpaid taxes found in audits of big companies.

Much of the regulatory power they're wielding is "benign" to the average American - more strict details on reporting and disclosures, ethics, etc. They require more years and documentation of income, strict accounting standards, etc. The big thing is that it brings most companies into NY state jurisdiction for unrelated-to-exchanges things that impact finances. Over time, they've just grown and fine-tuned the "industry" of maintaining these laws. Just like actual wall street has grown.

The NY vs Texas jurisdictions are relevant because different state governments (Texas) compete on being "business friendly" and take a very lax approach to actually enforcing and investigating laws, as a matter of policy. A big and familiar - but political - example is trump's court cases on (allegedly) defrauding banks by lying about his properties worth - cases like that happen all the time (to less politically involved people too) in NY but not in Texas.

As some specific examples, The laws on exchanges in NY are more strict, so most crypto exchanges can't operate there. There are also state taxes on stock transactions.

Many people have written a lot about DEI and ESG requirements in financial disclosures, which is controversial, but they're not actually state laws of NY. They came from the SEC.

The only strong political example of "newly wielding power" would be the growth in attacks against oil and gas companies in NY by claiming that they lied in their financial disclosures related to risks of their product (ie. climate change).

rchaud28 days ago

Prosecuting and convicting the current head of state comes to mind.

rsynnott28 days ago
cheema3328 days ago
roenxi28 days ago
doodlebugging28 days ago

If it works the same way the oil and gas industry regulation works through the Railroad Commission then we will end up with financial industry people with substantial skin in the game designing the regulations. They will then enforce those regulations selectively with preference being to minimize the impact of enforcement operations on the bottom line of those who violate the regulations. This will happen so that the noncompliant operators can remain viable as businesses instead of levying severe penalties for noncompliance that would cause others operating in the space to take notice and voluntarily comply.

It will come down to a situation where connections matter when enforcement is considered.

dsr_28 days ago

NYSE Texas will be a leader in discovering the optimal amount of fraud. Expect overshoots.

officialchicken28 days ago

All the above, Enron as a Market.

chews27 days ago

Taxes are the only reason, this allows energy companies with investors who are also instate, to get the best price for execution.

jp5728 days ago

Getting away from the Manhattan district attorney's office, probably.

bee_rider28 days ago

Texas wants to invite in NYC’s most brutal-cunning capitalists for a bit, I guess to see what it feels like to learn 40 years of hard lessons all at once.

nuc1e0n28 days ago

Shouldn't it be called TXSE rather than NYSE Texas?

gre28 days ago

Maybe it should, but that already exists (and is launching in 2026). See the thread about it in this discussion [1].


kensai28 days ago

Why do they close NYSE Chicago though?

xyst28 days ago

I guess NYSE feels operating 2 exchanges in the same region (Midwest) is unnecessary expense.

There’s plenty of confusion on my part as to the exact purpose of a NYSE branch.

I thought it was to pre-empt the effort by some shady TX folks from setting up their own exchange (TSE). But, I don’t think that’s the case.

It doesn’t seem to matter if you “list” at NYSE Chicago or NYSE. It will still be available for sell/buy in NYSE. Thus these companies still under regulatory oversight and mandatory reporting of NYSE.

The NYSE Chicago branch, to me, is just a convenient place to buy/sell securities listed on NYSE. In the pre-digital age, this makes sense. No need to go to NYC or establish relationships in NY, but can deal locally at the NYSE branch and get the same rates. But in this modern age, the exact purpose eludes me.

I did find this on the Wiki page:

> In 2016, CHX rolled out its on-demand auction product, CHX SNAP[20] (Sub-second Non-displayed Auction Process), which received regulatory approval[21] from the Securities and Exchange Commission in October 2015 and a thorough review from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. CHX SNAP is designed to facilitate bulk trading of securities on a lit market and to minimize speed and information advantages enjoyed by only a few market participants.

Perhaps plan is to rollback some protections and give more advantage to the much more wealthier market participants?

kasey_junk28 days ago

There is no such thing as a “Chicago Branch” in this case. This is purely a corporate legal move.

I’d be surprised if they moved the matching engine out of mahwah.

kasey_junk28 days ago

Chx/nyse chicago has never really caught on as a venue as it didn’t have much to distinguish it from the pack of second tier exchanges. Especially given cboe local dominance.

It’s mostly a marketing move to take advantage of the pro-Texas stuff that has been swirling lately.

nemo44x28 days ago

Because Chicago is becoming more and more irrelevant as a place to do business. Great city but decades of bad management adds up unfortunately.

jeremiemyhren28 days ago

That is patently false and nothing but rhetoric. Chicago has been consistently number 1 or top 5 for corporate (inbound) relocations over the past decade. Doesn’t fit the narrative so you might doubt me, google it. NYSE bought the CHX in 2018 which was nearly defunct in terms of volume even then for access to its SEC license. They are posturing to ensure if Texas based exchanges take hold they are a part of the story vs letting the incumbent Texas Stock Exchange win that market uncontested. Time will tell if either exchange gets traction toward relevance or if this fizzles out entirely as the Chicago based exchange was doing.

Cornbilly28 days ago

That’s not why this exchange is getting moved but nice hot take.

The exchange struggled with the transition to electronic trading 20+ years ago and never recovered. My firm stopped tracking volume from CHX over a decade ago because it’s essentially irrelevant.

The current owners, ICE, have been sitting on it since they purchased it and this is an easy way to open an exchange to rival the Texas Stock Exchange without applying for a brand new license.

jonstewart28 days ago

Chicagoans are not dumb enough to list on a local exchange these days, over the NYSE. Texans, though?

travoc28 days ago

It’s cute that you think stock exchanges are only used by people who live in that city.

TeaBrain28 days ago

The problem with NYSE Chicago, formerly the Chicago Stock Exchange, was not that it was in Chicago, but that it was not liquid. CBOE operates four equity exchanges, formerly operated by BATS, which was based in Lenexa, Kansas of all places. From what I've read, the value of NYSE Chicago is simply in the exchange license. NYSE bought it when it was the Chicago Stock Exchange in 2018, when it was already an illiquid skeleton of an exchange.

yieldcrv28 days ago

at least it will no longer be regulated by the CEO’s wife

they horse traded her to the SBA this time

colonCapitalDee28 days ago

Well now I know what monday's Money Stuff is going to be about

maz1b28 days ago

Why leave Chicago?

Cornbilly28 days ago

NYSE Chicago (formerly the Chicago Stock Exchange) hasn’t been relevant for a long time and it’s easier to move the existing exchange license than file for a brand new one.

And I don’t think this exchange has been centrally staffed in nearly a decade, possibly longer.

randcraw27 days ago

Right. Everything I've read says the operation will be entirely automated/virtual. This decision is clearly intended to get away from Illinois's operating regulations and move toward Texas' looser reins.

maz1b27 days ago

Makes sense, thanks

FrustratedMonky28 days ago


Is this like TED making TEDx

Thorrez28 days ago

NYSE Chicago is moving to Texas and being renamed.

So it's like TEDx moving and being renamed (e.g. to TED2).

szundi28 days ago


nabla928 days ago

I can foresee a big hat Texas Crypto boom that will zero retirement plans from middle class MAGA and libertarian tech bro crowd in 8 years.

mehulashah28 days ago

I'm so confused!

TheAlchemist28 days ago

Funny that this gets a lot of uploads here.

This is pretty meaningless actually. It's 'just another' exchange in the US - there are already plenty, you can trade any stock you want on any exchange you want. There may be other (laxist) rules for primary listing on that exchange, but other than that, it doesn't add any value - there will probably be close to 0 volume traded on it. And the servers will probably run in the same data center that current NYSE.

If the servers are actually located in Texas, and there is some volume traded, then it could get interesting as in the US, there are rules about 'best execution' that restricts how and where brokers can trade.

mr_mitm28 days ago

I'm also confused by the confusion. My German broker shows me something like ten exchanges (all in Germany) in the app where I can trade securities. I always thought it was weird that the US, being by far the biggest player in the market, only had one exchange. (Even though I just learned in this thread that there are actually multiple already.)

Galanwe28 days ago

It's historical.

The US always had the same currency, so shares are almost by design fungible between markets. Also the rise of Nasdaq made for a quick transition to broker-dealer (market maker driven) markets, which combined with fungible shares and NBBO lead to a centralisation of exchanges early on.

On the contrary, Europe had historically one market of primary listing per country/currency, and it took a long time to see the emergence of MTFs centralizing books in a single place. Don't be fooled though, the vast majority of European liquidity is now on CBOE (the leading MTF) and LSE (the leading primary market).

TheAlchemist28 days ago

There are numerous exchanges in the US. The trading is mostly done on NYSE / NASDAQ although some others do trade a meaningful volume.

What happens when you click in your app on 'buy' or 'sell' button is a different story. Mostly, it will never trade on an exchange actually. Especially in the US. Look up 'payment for order flow' if you're interested in it. Short version is - retail trades don't have any 'alpha' - you can just collect the spread executing it. And companies are willing to pay for that.

immibis28 days ago

If this was NYSE Montana, nobody would care. Texas is important news because all the big companies are currently moving to Texas to avoid regulations.

addicted28 days ago

It’s not even another exchange.

It’s NYSE Chicago rebranding.

A_D_E_P_T28 days ago

I saw an interesting table the other day. Uploaded here:


> Bourgeoisie's Tier One Cities vs. Avant‐Garde's Anti–Tier One Cities

> New York City, NY — Global finance, elite publishing,high-end corporate.

> Austin, TX — Indie music, tech insurgency, rebellious entrepreneurialism

The NYSE is apparently trying to tap latent cultural energy.

personomas28 days ago

It seems they chose Dallas.

slim28 days ago

I interpreted it as revising national vision all the way back to before civil war

dublinben28 days ago

Where did you find this? I can't seem to find an original source anywhere.

A_D_E_P_T28 days ago

It was on Christopher Sandbatch's Twitter account about a week ago. No idea where he got it.