Hacker News

Cuda.jl v3.3: union types, debug info, graph APIs
84 points10 comments5 hours agojuliagpu.org
The Elephant at WWDC
375 points173 comments13 hours agoeclecticlight.co
An Omega-3 that’s poison for cancer tumors
33 points3 comments5 hours agoscitechdaily.com
The future of data storage is still magnetic tape (2018)
45 points38 comments16 hours agospectrum.ieee.org
Supernumerary Robotic Limbs
23 points6 comments1 day agodarbelofflab.mit.edu
Skribilo: A Document Programming Framework
68 points12 comments20 hours agonongnu.org
MS Paint IDE
190 points88 comments2 days agoms-paint-i.de
Opinion: The secret gag orders must stop
6 points0 comments41 minutes agowashingtonpost.com
Disasters I've seen in a microservices world
143 points79 comments12 hours agoworld.hey.com
Procedural Butterfly
37 points2 comments1 day agoandersource.dev
My first Z80 assembly language program
105 points27 comments2 days agonanochess.org